Work with hair

4 benefits of tress hair extensions


Posted by: admin in Hair Care 01.06.2018 0 188 Views

Hair extensions on tresses (tress buildup) is one of the methods that was borrowed from African Americans. Tress extension is done like this: tress is sewn onto a woven pigtail of its own hair.

This extension method is considered the safest of all that currently exist.

For the procedure do not use glue, solutions, high temperature or chemistry. The technology of tress extension gives the basal volume.

  • Training. At this stage, cleaning and preparation for weaving.
  • Braid pigtails. Master creates the basis for mounting tress. The base is a narrow braid, located horizontally.
  • Attachment tress. Attached to the braid and joins it with sewing.
  • Completion. Hair length is adjusted and styled.
  • The safest method of building from all that today offer beauty salons.
  • Hair grown with the help of tress, perfectly tolerate visits to the sea, saunas, baths.
  • When tressovym hair extensions can be dyed and styled.
  • The hair extension process does not use chemicals, high temperatures, glue, mortar or forceps that can damage the hair.
  • The mount does not violate the structure of your hair and does not pull them.
  • Hair attachment points are hidden under your strands.
  • The hair grown on tress does not fall apart into strands.
  • All the work of the master lasts no more than 2-3 hours.
  • Attachment points are invisible when blown with a hairdryer or wind,
  • Correction is carried out without special hair treatment.
  • Tress is easily removed.
  • The length of the tress remains unchanged, even after several corrections.
  • The price of work on hair extensions on tresses is available. It is much lower than other technologies.
  • Hair grows up to 3 volumes. No technology gives such a result.
  • Only positive reviews.

Among the shortcomings are the following:

  • the first time after building braids pulling,
  • hair looks sloppy, if not in time to make a correction.

The hair grown on tresses is very comfortable to wear, but they require constant care. Unlike other methods, hair extension on tresses allows you to choose any hairstyle: tails, styling, pigtails and so on. During the wash you will not notice the difference between washing your own and accrued.

During shampooing masks and balms can be applied to the hair, which is not available with some other methods. Such hair can be dried with a hair dryer and even use a hair straightener at the roots. You can make curls using curlers or curling.

With this you can be sure that nothing will happen to your hair. Hair extensions on tresses are considered the safest method.

  • Before you go outside in windy weather, braid your hair to avoid tangling it. You can put them under a hat. At bedtime, also braid a braid or collect hair into a ponytail.
  • It is better to buy sparing masks and balms.
  • Comb your hair often. More often than you used to do.
  • Despite the fact that this method of extension allows you to use irons and hair dryers, try to use these devices less often.
  • Use a special comb.
  • taking potent antibiotics and hormones
  • Chemotherapy
  • baldness or severe hair loss
  • vegetative dystonia
  • skin sensitivity

How much does hair extension on tresses and customer reviews

The price of this procedure may vary in different salons. The cost of such capacity depends on the length and volume. On average, the price of one volume is 4000-6000.

“I recently made a build-up on tresses. Very happy! I don’t notice the difference with my own. She dreamed of hair extensions for a very long time, but she was afraid, since many methods have many unpleasant consequences. As soon as the tress buildup appeared, I immediately decided to use this opportunity. ”

“I thought for a long time whether to build up or not. Capsular and tape I did not like. And then I heard about the African build-up. I decided to take this step. Much attracted me in this method: safety, volume, the ability to visit the sauna and swimming pool (and I love it very much), the invisibility of tresses, you can remove your hair yourself. ”

“I will tell you about my experience. I have very thin and sparse hair. I heard about building and saw at the girlfriends. The consequences of capsular buildup scared me. Just a nightmare! I decided that I would never do that.

My mother works in a beauty salon. One day she told me that they had a new master who is building up on tresses. I immediately caught fire with this idea, in my thoughts I already drew myself beautiful, long-haired. Chose the length, color.

A couple of hours and I became exactly the same as imagined before. In the end, did not regret that she decided to build up. "

What are tressy and their types

What is tressy? This hair (natural or artificial), fastened with a fabric strip. If you hear the names of donning, eco-nesting, hair extension using the stress method, you should know: this is one procedure. Afronaraschivaniem this procedure is called because it is the desire of African girls to have long hair marked the beginning of modern hair extensions.

Strands are fixed on thin braids, similar to those that these girls wear.

This method of eco-naming is named for its safety and the absence of chemicals.

Tress are natural and artificial. The first are much more expensive than artificial strands. Distinguish overhead curls according to the method of manufacture:

Machine tressy good low cost, but their quality leaves much to be desired.

Technology build-up method and the average price

How is hair extensions performed on tresses?

  1. On the back of the head in the direction from the temple to the temple braided thin braid.
  2. To the pigtail hair is sewn on tresses with the help of special threads.
  3. The number of braids is woven depending on how much it is planned to fix the accumulated strands.

Attention! One pigtail - one tress!

The procedure is simple, but the master has to perform it, since amateur performance is punished with poor-quality hair and falling of strands at the most inconvenient moment.

Subsequent care and correction

Women worry how hair extensions by sewing tress appear on their continued care for their hair. And the answer is simple: no way. Tressed strands of hair are washed with ordinary shampoo and conditioner, as well as natural ones, dry, they can be curled, dyed, combed. The only drawback in this sense is that they need correction.

Important! Natural hair on tresses should be protected from prolonged exposure to the sun, but it will only benefit artificially.

Correction should be carried out at least once every two to three months, it depends on the speed of hair growth. Otherwise, the hairstyle will become untidy, and your hair, braided in a braid, will become drained and brittle. The correction is carried out as follows: first, the overhead strands are removed, after a new braid is woven (pay special attention to this: the hair that was already in the braid should be allowed to rest).

Then a new braid is woven (from other hairs), to which the tresses are attached.

Correction is not a complicated procedure, it does not take much time.

Advantages and disadvantages of tress build-up

As with any procedure, tress building has its strengths and weaknesses. Let's start with the strong:

  • Environmental friendliness and safety. In the process of building no chemicals are used, and even artificial strands do not harm health.
  • Ease of care. Do with hair extensions the same as with natural, and nothing will happen to them.
  • Artificial strands are almost the same as natural.

On the shortcomings, too, need to know:

  • Two or three months after the build-up, a correction is necessary.
  • In some cases, an intolerance reaction of artificial strands occurs. Symptoms: burning, itching, skin irritation. In this case, will have to abandon artificial hair.
  • The cost of the procedure and materials, especially with natural strands, is quite high.
  • It is best of all to get hair on hairpins and tresses in beauty salons and specialized stores.
  • This will save you from buying substandard products.

Tress hair extension method

With the help of hair clips, hair from the top of the head is fixed at the crown. The bottom layer of hair is woven into the spikelets at the very skin from the temple to the temple - this is the basis for fastening. One spikelet - one tress. Donor hair is attached to the pigtail with glue, thread, or just hair clips-clamps. After all strands are firmly fixed, the upper part of the hair, falling, closes the "seam". Correction of hair extensions should be done as the loss of the ideal look and the growth of native curls. But at least once or twice a month, preferably from a professional master.

Advantages of hair extensions

The main advantage of this method of extension is its efficiency, relative simplicity and speed, as well as the possibility of using the same tress several times. The variety of variations allows you to change the length, color or degree of curliness at least every day.

If you make the tresses bright and colorful, you can surprise the audience at some thematic party, without causing damage to their own curls. Tresses are also irreplaceable in solemn cases, when in a short time a truly royal hairstyle is constructed, from which it is easy to get rid of after the holiday.

Hair care with tress extensions

Attached locks can be easily washed with the same shampoos and conditioners as the rest of the hair. They can also be combed, wound with forceps and hair curlers or dyed to achieve maximum similarity with their own hair. If desired, wavy tressy can be straightened ironing. However, it is necessary to avoid too frequent temperature loads for tresses from natural hair, but artificial, on the contrary, from regular hot exposure only becomes more beautiful.

Disadvantages tressovogo hair extensions

There is such a thing as “individual intolerance,” so this method of hair extension can have both fans and opponents. Everyone has their own sensations from the procedure - someone may start flaking of the scalp or itch, even with a single use of tresses. And someone can wear them all the time, without removing or experiencing the slightest discomfort at the same time.

If you save on a stylist and prefer to perform this procedure on your own or with the help of self-taught friends, be prepared for unpleasant surprises at any moment. A badly fixed tress can fly off at the most inappropriate moment, shocking not only you, but also the people around you.

Late appeal to the master for the correction may lead to the fact that the spikelets to which the tresses are attached, fall down. It will be impossible to weave and comb them, therefore there will be only one way to solve the problem - to cut them. If you do not want to have bald spots of this kind, do not neglect the timing of wearing tresses.

Contraindications for hair extension tress

It is not recommended to resort to the procedure of tress hair extensions for girls with too thin and weak hair. Sickly spikelets can not withstand the physical stress of tress and break off right at the root. Thus, instead of gaining charm, you can lose what you have. Be prudent, be patient and strengthen your own hair. Perhaps after a certain time you can boast of the result, and wearing tresses will no longer be contraindicated to you.

What not to do when building up tressovom

Some girls to achieve the most effective fastening strongly combed the strands holding tress, filling them with an incredible amount of varnish. And also subject to constant tension clamps, hairpins and other mechanical devices. Such a merciless operation can not withstand even very strong own hair.

Therefore, it is worth treating them more carefully - it is always easier to prevent a problem than to deal with it later.

The main stages of hair extensions on tresses

  • Training. At this stage, cleaning and preparation for weaving.
  • Braid pigtails. Master creates the basis for mounting tress. The base is a narrow braid, located horizontally.
  • Attachment tress. Attached to the braid and joins it with sewing.
  • Completion. Hair length is adjusted and styled.

Some care recommendations

  • Before you go outside in windy weather, braid your hair to avoid tangling it. You can put them under a hat. At bedtime, also braid a braid or collect hair into a ponytail.
  • It is better to buy sparing masks and balms.
  • Comb your hair often. More often than you used to do.
  • Despite the fact that this method of extension allows you to use irons and hair dryers, try to use these devices less often.
  • Use a special comb.

Tress hair extensions - what is it?

This technique consists in sewing special tresses to their native curls. These are overhead strands, which can be of different lengths (from a few centimeters to 1 meter). Thus, you can increase the hair even to the waist. This method of building has one feature - tresses can be easily removed at any time. Therefore, this technology is especially recommended for girls who have never done a buildup and want to experiment with their appearance. Even if you don’t like the result, you can easily and quickly remove overhead strands at home without resorting to the wizard’s services.

Tress builds on a certain technology that requires knowledge and skills. Therefore, such work should be entrusted to an experienced master. Otherwise, to achieve the desired result will be almost impossible. Sewing on tressov is relatively inexpensive. You can purchase a set of such strands by yourself. But it is better to first consult with a wizard who will help you choose the most suitable option for your curls.

Tress are reusable. This provides financial savings, since with each subsequent correction you will not have to purchase a new set.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Hair extensions on tresses have pros and cons, which are worth finding out before making a decision in favor of this procedure. Of the benefits worth highlighting:

  • No need to use forceps, capsules and other devices that can damage the curls.
  • No harm to hair.
  • Additional volume appears.
  • The occurrence of an allergic reaction is excluded.
  • Mounts hold for a long time.
  • Ability to remove strands independently.
  • Tresses are invisible, even when a strong wind blows.
  • Attachment points are weather resistant. With such curls you can walk even in the rain, without fear of messing up your hair.
  • You can perform all the same cosmetic cosmetic procedures that are applicable to your natural hair.
  • The procedure does not take much time. Sew one overlay can be in 10 minutes.
  • Low cost in comparison with other techniques.
  • Some tressy can be worn for years.
  • No need for frequent correction.

As you can see, the advantages of this technology are many. But do not make hasty decisions. First, find out what disadvantages and contraindications this extension has.

If you do not make a timely correction, hair will look sloppy. The places where tresses are sewn are lowered as the roots grow. Strands may go awry. Since this technique involves the weaving of tight braids, after the procedure there may be unusual and not very pleasant sensations. But after two or three days they pass, as they very quickly get used to the tress.

Another problem is that it is not always possible to easily find the right shade. As a result, you have to either paint the entire head of hair with overhead strands, or resort to the services of a professional who can pick up the tresses to match the hair. But even real professionals in their field can not always find the right shade.

If you have weakened damaged curls, there is a slight chance of increased loss and even greater thinning. Therefore, before making this build-up on loose strands, experts recommend taking a course of recovery.

With regard to contraindications, this procedure is not recommended to do with alopecia, as well as owners of thin sparse hair. Otherwise, the tress will look ugly and unnatural. In addition, it is worth refusing from such an increase for women suffering from hypertension or vegetovascular dystonia of the hypertonic type. Otherwise, the extension procedure may adversely affect your health due to an increase in curl weight.

Tressa hair extension technology

Hair extension sewing tress is performed by a certain method. First, all the strands are carefully combed and divided into sections. Then the master braids tight braids at each site. Attached to them donor curls. It can be bunches of artificial or natural hair. For sewing use thin threads. As a result, the attached curls are hidden under the upper strands. Due to this, the attachment points remain invisible.

Sewn beams create additional volume, but at the same time provide a natural look of hair. At the end, the master corrects the shape of her hair by cutting off the tips. The whole procedure takes no more than two hours. The exact time depends on the selected length and thickness of your curls.

It is worth considering that a correction will be required as the roots grow. Perform this procedure is necessary in the cabin. In order to maintain a neat appearance of the hairstyle, experts advise making an adjustment as soon as the curls have grown 1 cm. Correction consists in interweaving tresses.

Types of tressovogo (Hollywood) building

There are two types of procedures:

  1. Removable capacity. The method is fast and can be performed independently. In professional stores you will find both natural and artificial hair on removable tresses. They look like false hair on hairpins. You just need to attach such a strand as close as possible to the parting.
  2. Fixed build. This method requires more skill, therefore, performed by a professional. The braids from their own hair are woven into tresses. Strengthen strands using conventional yarn or with glue for tape building.

First, a very thin braid is made of hair no more than 1 cm wide. Their number is determined by the amount of hair - the thicker they are, the more braids you will need. The final stage is the sewing of false hair. It is performed using a thick needle with a blunt end that does not traumatize the skin. Sew strands along the entire length of the braid.

Care for hair after building

If used for sewing high-quality natural hair, especially complex care is not required. Overhead strands on tresses can not be rubbed strongly with a towel. They should be carefully combed using a special comb. Do not twist wet overhead locks with a towel. Try not to use devices that suggest exposure to too high temperatures. Avoid the use of thermal rollers, powerful hair dryer and curling.

Periodically make restoring and strengthening masks, apply nourishing balms on strands. Removable lining comb each time after removal. Otherwise, the strands will go awry, and the hairstyle will lose its attractive neat appearance. In order to prevent the formation of tangles in the upper part of the lining, as well as along the whole length of the strands, regularly comb your hair with a special comb.

Reviews after hair extensions on tresses

Find out what other women think about this procedure. How safe and effective it is, how long the overhead strands last after the tress hair extensions have been done — the girls' calls will help you decide in favor of this extension technique.

Angelina, 38 years old

The essence of the method is that thin braids are twined around the roots. They sew tressy (actually, hair). As a result, it will not be possible to get a chic volume, but you can add thick hair and increase the length. There are no flaws in this technique, except for one thing - at first the head itches a lot.

Alice, 19 years old

This is a great solution for changing the image. I have never had long hair because I didn’t have the patience to grow them. I decided to try to build on the tresses. The result was better than I expected. Hair really looks natural and well-groomed. I sewed natural hair, which lasted about 2 months. Then I had to adjust.

Natalia, 26 years old

Building on tresses is beautiful, fashionable and convenient. I was convinced from my own experience that such a technique is one of the most benign, since it does not require heat treatment. I have long wanted long curls. And this procedure was the perfect solution for the realization of my desire.

Advantages and disadvantages of hair extensions in tresses

The advantages of the procedure are:

  • Security. Such extensions do not damage hair like other types. Does not involve the use of chemicals.
  • The possibility of self-withdrawal. In the case of removable tress it is worth simply to unfasten the hairpins. With the non-removable method, the threads can be dissolved at home, you just need to ask for help from someone close to you.
  • Affordable price. Due to its simplicity, the procedure is less costly and time consuming than other methods, and therefore is relatively inexpensive.
  • Beautiful view. The extension gives you the opportunity to look attractive and luxurious.

The disadvantage of this extension is the frequency of correction, since every 3-4 weeks it is necessary to twist pigtails due to hair growth. The load on the hair follicles is detrimental and can lead to hair loss.

Care for hair extensions

Natural hair almost does not require special care. These are standard recommendations: washing, drying, combing in order to avoid koltunov.

If we are talking about artificial strands, then you need to pay more attention to care. They can not be subjected to hot drying, hair dryer, straightening iron. Keep such hair must be carefully, straightening to avoid creases. It is necessary to gently wash the hair, and then gently comb, avoiding loss.


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