For men

Fashionable haircuts for boys 2 years


There is a mass of prejudice, but today most parents are inclined to think that it is still necessary to cut a child from time to time, even if he is only a few years old. In addition, many hairdressers claim that it helps to improve the condition of hair - they become thicker and stronger.

But more importantly, as a haircut affects the very little one.

  • Pointed hair looks neat and well-groomed.
  • They do not interfere with the baby to play, to explore the world.
  • Hot weather children with shorn hair is transferred much easier.

Nevertheless, it’s up to you to decide whether to cut a baby before the year, but after (up to two years) it is already a necessity. Too long hair that grows unevenly is unlikely to decorate your child, and they will simply interfere with it.

What are the features?

It is clear that at the age of two years it is still too early to talk about fashionable hairstyles made by professional stylists. But even a simple haircut baby has its own characteristics.

  • It is important that the hairstyle chosen for your boy does not interfere with him. Hair should not crawl into the eyes, they should not be an obstacle to the knowledge of the world.
  • In a child aged 1-2 years old, the locks are not yet fully formed, they are very thin and weak. Therefore, at this age it is not necessary for the boy to grow a long or medium hairstyle. She still will not look the desired way, but also will interfere with him.
  • Cutting it off is also not recommended. This haircut is usually done with a machine with a nozzle under the zero. The use of such a machine for children up to 3 years is highly undesirable. Their skin is too tender and thin, and the device can only cause irritation or, even worse, damage the hair follicles.

How to cut the boys?

That came to the third equally important issue. And the answer to it is rather laconic - up to the age of two years (or even older) you should forget about fashionable haircuts. First of all, your child's curls are definitely not ready for them. Secondly, boys and at older ages rarely know how to care for their hair, what can we say about such small children.

A boy's haircut in a year or two should be simple, short enough so as not to interfere. If you still want to add zest, you can use a simple border to emphasize the shape of the hairstyle. And that's all.

Hair styling technology

You can cut the child at the hairdresser, but you can do it yourself. Given the simplicity of hair, to perform it, having minimal hairdressing skills, is not difficult.

In salons, this hairstyle is carried out in one of two ways - by shading or on the fingers. At home, the latter method is suitable. From the tools you will need scissors, ordinary and thinning, comb.

  • Lightly wet your baby's hair before starting the procedure.
  • With the help of ordinary scissors make the edging on the back of the head and temples. Cut very carefully so as not to accidentally injure the baby.
  • Shorten the remaining strands, removing the hair on the fingers - hold the strand between two fingers and trim with ordinary scissors. Shorten shorter, so that the procedure does not have to be repeated after a couple of weeks.
  • Slightly shape the hair, while billing the bangs also on the fingers, for the rest of the hairstyle you use a comb. If there are no special scissors, then this stage in the first years of the boy’s life can be missed. Or still turn to professionals.

That's all, your baby's haircut is ready. Any questions? Need advice for older boys? Leave your wishes in the comments.

No matter how strange it may sound, a haircut for a 2-year-old boy needs professional care much more than long hair. The main thing - to decide what it will be. A lot of options. What to stop at?

Haircut for a 2 years old boy - at home or at a hairdresser?

So, in order. Modern parents usually do not have enough time. Haircut for a 2 year old boy is often done at the hairdresser. And this procedure should be carried out regularly.

As soon as you have decided on the choice of a hairdresser, try not to change it in the future. The specialist will already know everything about your wishes, about the nature of your child. And the baby will be much calmer with each visit to the salon. However, you can mow the child yourself.

Haircut machine

This is the easiest option. Haircut for a boy of 2 years with a typewriter at home is the right choice. In the familiar atmosphere, the baby will feel more comfortable than in an unfamiliar place. In addition to the main device, you will also need scissors with blunt ends. And the good mood of your child.

First, decide on the length of the haircut. Install the required attachment. It is advisable to put the child on his knees to the pope, grandmother or grandfather. That is, the person he trusts.

If you are sure that the boy will not be anxious and scary, you can put him on a chair. And for complete comfort - turn on his favorite cartoon. Be confident in your abilities. Only in this case, the baby will not feel your excitement. Accordingly, he will not experience it himself.

Starts haircut with the back of the head. Strands are raised with a comb. The nozzle is pressed against the head tightly, but not at an angle. Make your way slowly to the temples. Then - to the crown.

In order to give your hair a complete look, make the edging. Only this time do not press the machine too hard. You risk injuring the skin of a child. Do not forget to clean the devices after the completion of the procedure.

The simpler the better

Haircut for a boy of 2 years does not require special delights. The main thing is that everything is neat, the hair does not interfere and do not climb into the eyes. Haircut should be the easiest. To keep the child in place is not easy. Yes, and combing children at this age do not like. Nevertheless, many mothers want to somehow distinguish their son from the general mass of children.

Short hair

In this case, the easiest way to do ordinary haircuts for boys (2 years). Photos printed in catalogs most often attract the attention of young mothers. Many parents use special scissors to create such hairstyles. The machine is used only when the child responds to it normally, without hysterics.

Baby can be cut short with a cap, while making smooth transitions. These hairstyles look very beautiful. And performed effortlessly at home.

If a boy has short hair, it does not mean that the number of options for haircuts is limited. Just pick the best option for your child. Keep in mind that care will not make care for a haircut. Daily fixing varnish and styling it does not require. Hair does not cause any trouble. The baby will feel completely free, while learning to care for their hair on their own. As a result, the most successful option will be all the same haircut under the machine. Or a short hedgehog.

Long hair

Children's haircuts for boys (2 years) can take on completely different forms. Remember: if a boy has long hair, he will have to get used to the idea that they need extra care. After all, they will always be noticeable that the head is not washed. Before you go with the baby to the hairdresser, discuss with him the shape of his future haircut. Give the opportunity to participate in her choice. That he will go with her in the future.

Medium hair

But what to do with medium-length hair? What are haircuts for boys (1-2 years)? Photos in special magazines are also striking in their diversity.

The bob hair style is very popular because of its versatility. The hair is cut so that their length gradually changes from chin to shoulder level. This haircut is good because it does not require additional care. Only a periodic correction is necessary to maintain a well-groomed appearance. Looks good on medium hair in boys and car. If the baby has already grown hair after a short haircut, you should pay attention to this option. Hairstyle is suitable for any type of hair. And for curly and straight. Additional care, as well as the "bean", does not need.

Fashionable and stylish

And finally. Haircuts for little boys (2 years), whose photos can be seen in any stylist's albums, should be fashionable and stylish. Various options are suitable absolutely for all occasions. Going to a gala event? Do not forget about mousse or gel for hair! With these tools you can easily create a gorgeous image. For example, a strong hold lacquer will help create a small mohawk on the head of a small mod.

In principle, today the fashion for boys provides absolute freedom. Both children and their parents. Modern adults, by the way, looking at fashionable haircuts for babies, can even breathe with a touch of a little envy. Indeed, in their school years, nothing of the kind has been encountered.

And to choose the most suitable haircut is very simple. Despite the fact that this category of clients is considered one of the most difficult. Experiment with haircuts! Show your fantasy! Well, do not forget to follow the advice of stylists! Good luck!

Nowadays, there is a huge selection of options for haircuts. If once it was customary for babies to do a classic hairstyle, now everything has become much more interesting. Of course, children under four have very thin and delicate hairs and are not recommended to be milled, but even without this you can pick haircuts for boys, whose photos can be seen in this article.

For any parent, his child is the best and most beautiful. Hardly anyone would argue with this statement. But, why not make it even better? After all, to educate and accustom the boy to a neat appearance is necessary since childhood, so haircuts for boys 2 years old need to be selected very carefully.

First, this haircut should be aesthetic and comfortable. It should not interfere with the baby during meals, games and other activities. At the age of 2-7 years old boys are especially active, so their children's hairstyles should be as comfortable as possible.

Secondly, fashionable haircut is not always the best. Choosing her does not need any extreme. Believe me, if he wants it, there will be plenty of time. In the meantime, give preference to his comfort.

Children aged 2–4 years old are not recommended to grow their hair, since at this age they are still very weak and can be tangled when combed, get pulled out and simply interfere with the child. However, shaving “under zero”, as it was popular in the former USSR, is also not recommended. The fact is that at such a young age the scalp of the boys is very delicate, so irritation may occur or, moreover, a violation of the hair follicles.

Therefore, haircuts for boys of 3 years should contain something in between. The best option is a "cap". In this case, the hair on the crown is left slightly longer, and at the temples and the back of the head is cut short. Depending on the density of the hair, a clear or smooth transition from the cap is chosen.

Haircut with lengthening on the back of the head

This option selects many moms. In this case, the hair does not climb into the eyes, since almost the entire length is equally short, and several strands remain on the back of the head. It is an interesting option, but it is very important to choose the correct length of this extension so that the curls do not interfere with the child, and the hairstyle is not only beautiful, but also comfortable.

This type is suitable for boys of 5 years is ideal if your child is already very active fidget. In this case, the short hair length will not only look neat, but will not give the child anywhere to catch on.

If your child is calmer, he probably will like bob haircut. But again, without fanaticism. This haircut for little boys, the photo will confirm this, allows you as a short bang, oblique or none at all. Therefore, depending on the convenience and facial features, you can choose an individual option.

Types of fashionable haircuts for boys 8-12 years

Boys of 8-12 years old are quite independent to take part in creating their own image. Before going to the hairdresser, it is useful to study different types of fashionable hairstyles with a child of 9, 10 and 13 years. Show your child a photo of hairstyles, describe the advantages of each of them - it will be easier to determine the appropriate form.

Hair "beaver" is similar to the standard "hedgehog", but has the shape of a platform in the area of ​​the crown, at the temples is rounding. So often athletes are mowed down: “beaver” will not present an unpleasant surprise in the form of a fringe banged on the eyes or tangled strands. If the kid is sporty, this type of haircut will be comfortable and will make it easy to keep the hair clean.

Under the pot

"Pot" - children's haircut, which received its name for the similarity with this pot. The history of laying the “pot” dates back several centuries: previously, in the barber shops, the client was actually put on the pot, after which the looking strands were cut off. Wizard haircut “under the pot” is recommended to owners of straight or slightly curly strands. Kinky young man can also cut his hair in this way, but his hair will not lie so beautiful.

With an image

Hairstyles with a pattern are popular among children of different ages, because this is a great way to express your individuality. Both the simple shaved strip and the creative pattern of the web, the drawing of a star are relevant. Images are used in the haircut "dragon", where the occipital locks are elongated. To maintain haircuts with a pattern for boys, you have to regularly visit the hairdresser.

The technique of performing haircuts "cap" and "pot" is similar. The strands of the parietal, upper occipital, frontal zones remain elongated, and the occipital zone is shortened as much as possible. When smoothing the transition from the crown to the back of the head, the styling takes on the features of a sports one. Hairstyle-cap will add volume to thin strands, the presence of bangs is shown to owners of a high forehead.

The bob is strands on the sides, a lush long nape, and also a fringe, the length of which is different. There are female, male, children's bob. The advantage of a bean is the ability to experiment with length. Laying the haircut is easy, the main condition is to wash your hair in a timely manner, since the elongated strands lose their attractive appearance at the slightest sign of contamination.

What haircuts are suitable for boys 1-2 years old?

Hairstyles for children 1-2 years should be short and as simple as possible. Leave long locks is not recommended, because the thin hairs are confused. One-year-old children still have hair that is not uniform in length and structure, there is no volume. Masters recommend haircuts for boys 1-2 years old "beaver", "hat", "pot", as well as the option "under the machine."

Baby haircuts for boys "pot" and "hat" are popular among kids from 1 year. Such styling makes the hair neat, allowing the baby to look stylish. Thanks to the elongated nape and crown, the “cap” adds volume to thin strands. If children's hairs tend to be confused, the occipital zone should be cut short.

"Bobrik", "under the typewriter" - the best summer haircuts for boys 1-2 years of age, especially when the baby is notable for excessive sweating. The absence of bangs, a beautiful short nape will make you feel comfortable in the heat. An additional advantage of trimming “beaver” and “under the typewriter” is simplicity and speed of execution, which is convenient, because every little child is restless.

Model haircuts for teen boys

Adolescence - time to develop your own style, the period of experiments. At this age, it is necessary to observe the measure: the chosen styling must be neat, fit the school style. Hairdressers offer haircuts for adolescent boys, allowing you to quickly create a stylish image: “boxing”, “poluboks”, “tennis”, bob.

  • Styling "half box" and "tennis" suggest a short back of the head and temples, elongated hair on the crown. Maintaining the shape of such hairstyles is simple: it is important to regularly visit the hairdresser, to monitor the cleanliness of the hair. Smooth styling is suitable for school image, model mohawk - for parties. When creating a bold shape, it is important not to overdo it with fixing means, otherwise the styling will look strange and will not bring the desired effect.
  • Fashionable bob with bangs - a great choice for young men who like to experiment with appearance. Bangs, elongated neck and temples correct the shape of the skull, make facial features more attractive. Neatly laid bob makes the image stylish, which will certainly appreciate the girl.

Haircuts teenagers are sometimes difficult, you can compare them with the model haircuts, which are famous for the Yorkshire terrier. Without going to extremes, it is worth noting: York is capricious and restless, but a teenager who dreams of making an impression can sit in a hairdressing chair for a long time and take an active part in creating his new style.

Read and see more about haircuts Boxing.

How to cut a boy with a machine by yourself - video tutorial

If there is a clipper at home, then a monthly visit to the barber shop is canceled. Home conditions will replace the salon, if you prepare all the tools and carefully examine the technique of cutting. From the above video tutorial, you will learn how to cut a boy with a typewriter yourself:

Hair styling is a way to show your individuality. This is true for boys of any age, both very young and teenagers. Remember that the main principle of choosing hairstyles for a baby is convenience, older children should be given the right to choose, having told about the features of different forms.

Tips and tricks

For any parent, his child is the best and most beautiful. Hardly anyone would argue with this statement. But, why not make it even better? After all, to educate and accustom the boy to a neat appearance is necessary since childhood, so haircuts for boys 2 years old need to be selected very carefully.

First, this haircut should be aesthetic and comfortable. It should not interfere with the baby during meals, games and other activities. At the age of 2-7 years old boys are especially active, so their children's hairstyles should be as comfortable as possible.

Secondly, fashionable haircut is not always the best. Choosing her does not need any extreme. Believe me, if he wants it, there will be plenty of time. In the meantime, give preference to his comfort.

Children aged 2–4 years old are not recommended to grow their hair, since at this age they are still very weak and can be tangled when combed, get pulled out and simply interfere with the child. However, shaving “under zero”, as it was popular in the former USSR, is also not recommended. The fact is that at such a young age the scalp of the boys is very delicate, so irritation may occur or, moreover, a violation of the hair follicles.

Therefore, haircuts for boys of 3 years should contain something in between. The best option is a "cap". In this case, the hair on the crown is left slightly longer, and at the temples and the back of the head is cut short. Depending on the density of the hair, a clear or smooth transition from the cap is chosen.


To trim the child at home is quite realistic, and many mothers were convinced of this by their own experience. For work you will need:

  1. Machine and nozzle.
  2. Scissors to fix the error.
  3. Stool on high legs.
  4. Sheet or piece of cloth to wrap the child. This will protect against bristly hairs that fall on clothing.
  5. Comb with fine teeth.
  6. Distracting video or cartoon.
  • To trim the boy with a typewriter, set him on a chair and cover him with a sheet or cloth so that it covers the body as much as possible from hairs,
  • Install on the machine that nozzle that is suitable for a specific length of hair,

Install the fitting that fits on the machine.

In each device for a hairstyle there is an instruction with which you can familiarize, and understand what's what,

  • Turn on the cartoon and explain to the boy that for some time he needs to sit exactly and not turn around,
  • Comb your hair down, and from the top of your head to the bang,
  • Turn on the machine and can cut your hair. It should start with the neck, and when you proceed to the front, then from the bangs to the crown,
  • After completion, cut the bangs and correct the irregularities near the ears with scissors,
  • Wash your head and show your child what you did.

To cut the boy at home with scissors, add a spray bottle with water to the list of necessary items, with which you lightly wet your hair before cutting and level them for a perfect hairstyle. The principle of operation is the same.

Detailed scheme of the boy's haircut in the photo

Scissors - a sharp object, so carefully watch that the child does not reach out to them, and not hurt.

Leaving the room do not leave them in sight, but rather take it with you, so you will avoid traumatic situations.


Children aged 2-3 years rarely sit on a mete for a long time, so the haircut should last from 3 to 5 minutes, during which time the original haircut is unlikely to turn out. To cut a child in 2 years, choose the easiest, but beautiful option:

  • Highlight one side of the hair with the help of a comb and comb it in either direction, cut off the place that was not combed to the desired length, do the same on half from the side where you combed the hair.

The top can be left long or slightly cut and make a thinning

Advice: if a child has a whirlwind from some side, comb the hair in that direction and hide it. For stamina, you can fix the hair with the lightest gel.

  • You can also trim the boy with a beautiful machine in three lengths. To do this, cut the hair from the bottom with one nozzle, and in two steps, remove only 2 and 4 cm depending on the length and the desired result.

This hairstyle can be worn in different ways.

Tip: if you were able to cut the boy yourself, wash your hair and brush your hair with a comb and a light gel.

To cut a year old boy it is enough to remove all the hairs “under no” using the smallest machine head.

So begin to grow new hair, which with each haircut will become thicker and stronger.


In order to cut a little boy, always use the current classic version that fits any hair structure, head shape and hairstyle.

For this you need:

  1. Slightly wet your hair with a spray bottle and comb it,
  2. Cut the bottom shortly and leave a length equal to the width of your finger with the help of scissors from above.
  3. Make turning at the vises and on the back of the head,
  4. If the child is diligent, you can make a drawing, depending on the skills they come in various difficulties.

If the child is assiduous you can make a drawing

Haircuts for boys machine

It will require a special nozzle.

Such a pattern will not be too complicated and will take from 10 to 15 minutes of time.


Some parents like to have the child’s haircut at home not only quickly and efficiently, but also stylishly and modernly.

If a child’s hair is long, it is necessary to take care of it twice as long, and accordingly the haircut should be such that it is easy to cope with. Make a short edging, and cut the hair closer to the back of the head with a machine head that is not too short, leave the top, but profile and lay on one side or lift up.

Stylish hairstyle for a boy

To properly cut a boy, appreciate his style, perhaps wishes or character, because all people are individual.

So as not to remove the entire length, simply profile the entire length and cut 1-2 cm.

Filirovka for hair

Modern hairstyles for children with long hair do so to wear them in different ways. The process requires the above listed list of accessories. Before the start of the haircut, you can watch a video instruction or a photo from the Internet to determine the hairstyle.

Comb your hair and put most of it on its side, remove a small part from the smaller side and profile the tips.

We hope the article has become useful for you and you can easily cut your son with scissors or a typewriter. Let the process of work brings you and your baby only pleasure!

Hairstyles selection rules

Often, the search for an extraordinary style of yesterday, still obedient and exemplary boys, ends with dramatic changes in the image that shock even advanced parents. Most young people pay increased attention to popular movie stars, sports or other famous personalities. In order for the result of imitation to meet the expectations, you can not do without the help of parents or professional stylists who will help you choose a stylish hairstyle that hides minor imperfections of appearance.

The main direction of the 2017 season is accuracy, which does not accept unwashed and untidy locks. In order to avoid the effect of carelessness and neglect, regular visits to the hairdresser are recommended, as well as basic hygienic and grooming procedures.

Using the asymmetry elements, one can achieve the perfect look, add the missing volume to thin strands, visually change the shape of the face, or hide the ears.

Fashionable haircuts for teens must meet the following requirements:

  • meet current fashion trends,
  • to be comfortable and easy to follow daily styling,
  • organically combined with features of appearance, hair type, head shape,
  • to fit into the lifestyle of a young man, to conform to the nature of activity and the nature of character in general.

An experienced stylist in the process of selecting hairstyles should take into account the initial thickness of the hair and the state of hair, the presence of dandruff, the rate of contamination of the strands. Holders of wavy hair are not suitable for all types of haircuts, in the presence of straight curls the opportunity to experiment is much wider. For soft hair, variations of "bob" or "square" are ideal.

Useful recommendations

Choosing the permissible length of hair, it is best to take into account the wishes of the young man. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the scope of employment of a teenager, as well as his hobbies. For example, long strands that frame the face, or oblique bangs can cause inconvenience during training or active sports. In this case, an alternative can be shortened bangs, hair, pulled back or to the side, as well as a modern and trendy Mohawk. It is important, before making a final decision, to find out all possible ways of styling the hairstyle you like, as well as the time required for hair care.

Teen hairstyles for short hair

Such haircuts are relevant for guys who are fond of sports and active pastime. Hair, no longer than 5 cm, perfectly keep their shape throughout the day. In addition, care for such strands just does not take much time and does not require a large arsenal of styling products - a drop of gel or wax applied to clean hair will be quite enough to create a creative image.

Adjust the shape of the face or hide flaws can be, leaving the bangs of medium length, which can be combed in different ways. Note that for owners of dark-haired hair, a short haircut will add expressiveness to fair-haired and blond hair - it is better to give preference to hairstyles with preservation of average length. isawamei

1. Variations with boxing and halfbox haircuts

Modern stylists have come up with a variety of different hairstyles based on the classic "boxing". Short strands do not require special care, the main rule is timely washing of the head. Laying can be carried out at will. "Poluboks" suggests the presence of bangs, which can be fixed in any position with the help of styling tools. Short hair in the area of ​​the temples and occiput emphasize masculinity and add to the image of impudence.


Has acquired a special relevance in the season of hairstyles in 2017. Suitable for young people with different shades of hair, and also able to skillfully hide the imperfect shape of the skull. "Cap" involves the creation of a large volume at the top, which gradually turns into short hair in the area at the temples and at the back of the head. Creative masters will add originality to the image, making a sharp transition from long hair at the crown to short in the temporal region. Graduated and asymmetry, as never in the trend. It is the “cap” that can harmoniously combine these, at first glance, incompatible directions in order to hide such a flaw as sparse hair. Hairstyle is easy to care, first of all, you need a regular haircut from an experienced specialist, as well as a little time for styling.

3. "Hedgehog" of different lengths

Trend haircut, which does not give up its leading position for a long time. Disheveled and fixed with styling tools strands, emphasize the originality and individual style of the young man. This hairstyle is very practical, it does not require additional care, and is also ideal for adolescents leading an active lifestyle.
Irregularities of the skull, the presence of scars, unsightly birthmarks or other defects - a reason to pay attention to hairstyles for medium length.

This styling is suitable for most young men and goes well with different types of appearance. The layering of the haircut can soften an unnecessarily sharp image, while maintaining a moderate proportion of masculinity. Hair looks different, depending on the chosen method of styling. For everyday wear, quite washed and slightly ruffled strands, a festive or solemn version suggests a smooth styling using mousse or wax. "Bob" looks great on straight or slightly curly hair, and graduation will help to visually add volume to not too thick strands.

A bold and spectacular image will suit young men from 13 years. This multi-layered hairstyle looks good on hair from 7 to 15 cm long. It should be noted that the “grunge” requires regular styling with the use of gel or other means depending on the desired effect. Haircut involves a large number of styling options that can emphasize the individuality of any adolescent.

6. Shortened "square"

Fashionable haircuts for young men in 2017 were replenished with another topical novelty, namely, the cascade “square”, which is suitable for both straight and curly curls. A professional stylist will be able to create smooth transitions or a clear line of cuts, taking into account the features of the face and hair type. This hairstyle does not require a long time for styling - washed hair must be dried and with the fingers to give the desired shape.

7. Long hair

Extraordinary and creative natures often decide to grow hair.In this case, the primary task of parents is to inculcate a culture of long hair care for a teenager, selecting shampoos and conditioners suitable for hair style. In addition, you must regularly visit an experienced hairdresser, who will give the hair shape, which, in turn, will add completeness to the image. Look great graduated haircuts that can add the missing volume and dynamic styling. Cryolin n johnson
