
Lice is not a problem


Is the child tirelessly scratching his head? Did you find nits and lice in his hair? In this case, you need to take prompt action! Get rid of these parasites will help an effective tool "Nyuda." Thanks to this spray, all lice will die in minutes. Today we will learn how to use the drug correctly, what are its contraindications, and also what is the cost. And find out what users and doctors think about this tool.

Spray "Nuda" consists of the following components:

  • The active ingredient is dimethicone biphasic (92%).
  • Additional components - medium chain triglycerides, fragrances, jojoba wax.

Release form

Means "Nuda" is a liquid, placed in bottles of dark glass. The volume of the bottle is 50 ml. The bottle is packed in a cardboard box, which still contains the instructions, sprayer, as well as a special comb for combing nits and lice.

Means "Nuda": instruction

Before applying the spray you need to screw the sprayer on the bottle. During the use of the drug should always keep the bottle upright.

  • Spray means to comb your dry hair. If they are thick or long, then it is best to treat them by strands.
  • It is necessary to apply spray on roots of hair before their full moistening.
  • Using the comb, which is included in the kit, distribute the product over the entire length of the curls and leave for 45 minutes.
  • After the expiration of the allotted time, you must carefully comb your hair, while removing the affected nits and lice.
  • The last stage - you need to wash your hair with regular shampoo.

Spray "Nuda" can be used repeatedly. The parasites that are in the human head, do not develop resistance to this tool. Therefore, if necessary, you can safely repeat the procedure.

The amount of money that is spent for 1 time, is half the bottle for 1 person. But if the hair is thick and long, then you may need the whole bottle.

Important Instructions

  1. Means "Nuda", the instructions for which is clear and understandable, it is necessary to use only externally.
  2. You need to make sure that the spray does not get into the eyes or mucous of the organ of smell. Also, you should always be careful and do not inhale this drug. To protect yourself or the child (depending on who will get rid of the lice), before performing the manipulation, you need to tie the head with a rolled-up scarf with a scarf (preferably cotton, so that it does not fall off).
  3. If the product accidentally gets into the eyes or nose, you should immediately rinse the place with warm water.
  4. It is forbidden to carry out the procedure for the elimination of lice and nits from the human head near the stove or heated objects, for example, hair dryer, electric battery, cigarette. The fact is that the components of the “Nuda” product can be flammable, so you need to be careful.


It is forbidden to use this spray in relation to such categories of persons:

  • Children up to 3 years.
  • People who have an increased sensitivity to the drug.
  • Persons with a history of skin diseases.
  • Pregnant women, and also nursing mothers.

Means "Nyuda": price

The cost of the drug may vary depending on the location of the pharmacy (in the central part of the city or in a residential area), from the cheat institution. So, the spray "Nyuda", the price of which may seem too high, can be purchased for 610-710 rubles. If the hair is short, then one bottle is enough, but when the curls are long and thick, then you will most likely have to buy 2 packs at once.

Storage rules

You need to save the spray in a dry place, away from various sources of heat, fire, as well as from medicinal and cosmetic devices. Do not store this tool near food.

The optimal storage temperature is no higher than 25 degrees.

Shelf life of the drug is 4 years.


Spray "Nyuda" from lice reviews is different, but most users like this tool. So, many parents who tried to get rid of lice and nits in their children, note that this drug, unlike others, smells quite nice (like the smell of fragrant geranium). The tool is non-toxic, perfectly affects the parasites settled on the head. In addition to the fact that the spray is effective, according to many parents, it also cares for hair. Namely: after applying the product, the hair becomes obedient, shiny, soft. Also, people like a convenient form of drug release: after all, spray it is enough to spray it and leave it for a while. Also, many parents are grateful to the manufacturer of this tool for having taken all the points into account and added a comb for combing lice and nits into the kit.

Negative feedback

Spray "Nyuda" from lice has not only good reviews, but also vice versa. Why did people remain dissatisfied with this tool? So, the main negative points that users pay attention to:

  1. No effect Some people claim that the Nuda spray didn’t help at all with nits and lice. But why then some users claim that the tool is effective, while others deny it? The thing is that if you properly apply the drug, then it will act as needed. And if the product is applied in the wrong amount, then do not use a comb, do not withstand the right time, then the result can be zero. Therefore, before you start applying spray "Nuda", it is important to thoroughly read the instructions. And if a person does everything right, then he will get a result of 100%.
  2. For a short time there is enough money for lice "Nuda". The drug goes a lot. And this is to some extent true. But if you use the tool in relation to the child, whose hair is shoulder-length, or if the boy is short-haired, then the spray will last for a long time. Girls with long curls will have a harder time: the whole bottle can go on their hair.
  3. High price. The price of the drug seems high to many. But after all good means will always cost decent money. There is nowhere to go.

The effectiveness of the drug. Opinions of experts

Means "Nyuda" from lice reviews of doctors has positive. According to experts, this spray is a fairly effective drug that can quickly rid the head of a person from lice and nits. But doctors focus patients on the fact that it is very important to do other related manipulations that will not allow re-infection with these parasites. So, doctors advise treating all family members with this tool. Also, experts say that it is necessary to wash all things at a temperature not lower than 60 degrees, bedding must be ironed. And if these are winter things that cannot be washed, then they need to be carried out on the balcony for airing. About combings and pins - so this is generally a separate conversation. All these items must be subject to washing or freezing. After all, if you do not take all of the above measures, then lice and nits will continue to be hunted in the heads of residents of the house. Therefore, doctors say that it is not necessary to blame the Nuda spray for futility, it is performing its task. But parents do not always cope with their responsibilities. Therefore, first of all, you need to analyze your mistakes, correct them and draw correct conclusions.

Now you know a lot of interesting and comprehensive information about the drug "Nudu lice": reviews about it, terms of use, composition, price, contraindications. Understood that this tool really brings effect, it is effective. And those people who are skeptical of him simply use it incorrectly or do not carry out all the necessary measures so that lice and nits never appear on the heads of the household.

The composition and principle of action means

The drug is a new generation, the active substance - dimethicone harmless to humans. Jojoba wax and perfume fragrances are also present.

Means represents oily liquid of a yellowish shade. Equally effective from head, body and pubic lice. It also copes with nits that the old-fashioned means were too tough.

Method of exposure to bloodsuckers - physical. The liquid envelops the body of the parasite, while reliably blocking its respiratory organs, and it dies from the banal suffocation.

Instructions for use Nudes

The procedure is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the bottle for use by screwing a spray bottle on it.
  2. Spray the spray, holding the bottle vertically, on dry combed hair, carefully distributing the composition over the entire scalp until the roots are fully moisturized.
  3. Comb, included in the kit, comb through the hair, distributing the tool over the entire length of the hair. On long curls to work a row.
  4. Hold the composition for 45 minutes.
  5. Comb out the dead parasites and their larvae with a company comb.
  6. Wash your hair with shampoo. Since the spray has an oily composition, you need to repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
  7. Dry your hair and check your head for lice and nits. If necessary, the procedure must be repeated.

As for the consumption rate pediculicidal spray herethen it depends on the degree of infection and on the length / thickness of the hair. On average, half a bottle per treatment is considered the norm. On a long head of hair, the entire amount of spray is consumed at a time.

Possible dangers and contraindications to the use of funds

During the use of the drug must be observed precautionary measures:

  • Avoid contact with eyes and respiratory system.
  • Before use, be sure to check if there is an allergic reaction to the product. For this test is performed on the crook of the elbow.


  1. Do not use anti-pediculosis spray Nudam ladies in position and lactating women.
  2. It is forbidden to use the composition of children under three years.
  3. Can not be used in the presence of skin diseases.

What is different from spray shampoo

By the principle of action they are the same. The shampoo should also be applied to the hair and wait for 45-50 minutes, then comb the hair with a comb and rinse first with just water and then with ordinary shampoo. For the price of funds are about the same.

They removed the lice from the daughter's hair to the waist. On the advice of the pharmacist took the spray here. It would be better in the shampoo took. The fact is that when spraying, no matter how carefully she tried, the composition still falls on the floor. And the vehicle was greasy, the floor was slippery, then I had to wash it thoroughly. It is applied on hair well, not bad distributed. On the whole head took 2-3 bottles. We waited for the indicated time, combed it, combed the corpses of lice and went to wash our hair. The procedure was delayed, but then the hair as after the salon, very soft and shiny. This is a nice bonus to the fact that we got rid of lice the first time.

I came from a business trip with a surprise in my head, to whom to say - disgrace. Internet advised me to spray here. I did not immediately look at the price, somehow a little expensive for such a small bottle. Apply comfortably, well my hair is short. Handled in 5 minutes, a lot of money left. It smells not very, but tolerant. Wrap the head is not necessary. After 45 minutes, I combed over the bath, on a white background you can clearly see the combing process. I washed my hair with shampoo and forgot about my grief-adventure. No wonder they take the money, I liked the tool.

At the medical examination of his son revealed lice in the head. Unpleasant surprise. Well, at least some of them were there. The nurse offered us to buy one of several well-proven means, according to the method of use I liked Nyuda spray. We processed, combed, washed and beauty, we got rid of lice, getting off with a slight fright. Appeared the next day to the nurse - clean. The only thing I didn’t like was the shape of the scallop that comes with the kit. In my childhood, with the union, I remember, the scallop was more convenient, double-sided and the teeth longer. The boy doesn't care, but I can't imagine how to comb his long hair with it.

How to choose a spray for lice?

To choose a lice spray, you need to know the properties of each drug and the situations in which it will be most appropriate. Usually, a spray for lice is chosen according to the following criteria: price, effectiveness, ease of use, the presence of specific contraindications and side effects, the type of lice that you have to fight (head, pubic or clothes).

Usually, depending on the situation, the sprays are selected as follows:

  • For children, LiceGuard is used (for any age), Couple Plus (from 2.5 years old), Nuda (from three years old) and Paranit spray (from 5 years old).
  • In bronchial asthma, pregnant and lactating women, people with very sensitive skin, LiceGuard spray is prescribed in most cases.
  • With a very strong infection is used Pedikulen Ultra.
  • In the case of pediculosis, A-Par is applied (i.e., against laundry lice).
  • Depending on financial possibilities, aerosols are often selected for the price - Nyd (approximately 350 rubles), Pair Plus (350 rubles), Pediculen Ultra (450 rubles), A-Pair (500 rubles), Paranit (600 rubles), LiceGuard (850 rubles). At a minimum, for a complete removal of lice from one person, the packaging of any of the above means is guaranteed enough.
  • According to the naturalness of the ingredients, the first places are occupied by sprays from lice Paranit and LiceGuard, and it is also worth noting Nuda spray, the active ingredient of which is an absolutely non-toxic compound for humans.
  • And, finally, in terms of effectiveness, Pediculen Ultra and Para Plus are considered the most powerful. Each of them - a spray of nits and lice in one bottle, when properly used, allows you to remove all the parasites in one treatment of the head.

It should be remembered that in each individual case the situation may require the choice of means for other, special criteria. Here you should carefully study the instructions to the drugs, pay attention to contraindications and get acquainted with the reviews.

“While taking the child to school in the district center, lice had to be poisoned three times a year. Only in the city did this problem disappear, did the director in the area not care if the children were lousy at school from the working-class suburbs. We, probably, tried all means, and national too. Most of all trust somehow caused sprays. It was easy to apply them. Usually poisoned with Paraplus, it helps very well, especially from nits, but the last two times they bought Nyuda, it is even better, because the skin does not irritate her. But from Nits Nyuda does not work, you have to poison twice "

Aerosol Vapor Plus

Advantages: three powerful insecticide in the composition, the destruction of lice, a small number of side effects, the ability to use for children from 2.5 years.

Disadvantages: no comb in the kit, contraindications.

Instructions: the tool is applied to the head for 10 minutes, the hair is fully processed along the entire length. After washed off with shampoo. Nits should be combed out.

Spray Paranit

Advantages: all-natural composition, non-toxicity, the absence of toxic substances in the composition.

Disadvantages: no impact on the nits, difficult washing with hair.

Instructions: Apply on the head for 15 minutes and washed off several times with shampoo. After 7-10 days, the treatment should be repeated.

Lime guard

Advantages: absolute harmlessness and non-toxicity, possibility of use for infants.

Disadvantages: relatively low efficiency, inability to use as an independent means, high price.

Instructions: applied to the head and not washed off for several hours. Can be treated with clothing. After processing the head, the hair must be carefully combed with a special comb.

Advantages: no toxic substances in the composition, high efficiency, reasonable price.

Disadvantages: inefficiency against nits, the need to use two times.

Instruction: It is applied to dry hair along its entire length and rubbed until it is completely wetted. After 45 minutes with a special comb, the hair should be combed out and then rinsed off with water and shampoo. Avoid contact with eyes.

Pedikulen Ultra

Advantages: high efficiency, destruction of nits, low price.

Disadvantages: toxicity and the presence of contraindications.

Instructions: The product is applied to the hair before it gets wet and is rubbed by the fingers into the scalp. After half an hour the product is washed off, and the hair is combed with the comb included in the kit.

Spray A-Par

Advantages: A-Par is practically the only aerosol that allows you to fight with laundry lice at home, the ability to handle a large number of things.

Disadvantages: strong odor, toxicity, side effects.

Instructions: the tool is applied to things contaminated with body lice in a well-ventilated room at a temperature not lower than 10 ° C. After processing, things can be worn after 3-4 hours. It is not necessary to wash the drug off things and wash them.

Alternative to sprays: what else can lice get?

In addition to sprays against lice, the following remedies have also recommended themselves well:

  • shampoos for lice and nits, allowing not only to remove parasites, but also take care of your hair
  • creams that are more difficult to use (cream needs to be applied and rubbed into the scalp, and then applied to the hair along the entire length), but more economical
  • a variety of emulsions and concentrates that can be considered a kind of transitional drugs between the already considered means
  • pediculicidal combs, the use of which without the use of poisonous agents is laborious and requires careful and long combing of parasites, but which are absolutely safe to use.

With the help of combs you can always enhance the effect of any remedy for lice, and sometimes it eliminates the need to re-treat the hair with a chemical. Therefore, if a comb is not supplied with the product, it is highly desirable for successful removal of lice to buy it separately.

Means description

The popularity of the drug is due primarily to the fact that there are no aggressive chemicals in the composition of the Nidud spray, which entails a lot of side effects and a health hazard. The number of ingredients means include:

  • wax,
  • perfumes,
  • triglycerides,
  • two-phase dimethicone (not less than 92%),

Dimethicone is not a toxic substance for humans or lice. In fact, it is silicone, which is often included in the composition of cosmetics for shaving and hair, sunscreens, and also for the treatment of certain intestinal diseases.

As part of the Nyuda spray, Dimethicone does not kill the parasites by chemical means (that is, not poisoning), but physically: this oily substance envelops the body of the louse, literally blocking the spiracles through which air penetrates inside. Thus, the access of oxygen to the insect’s airway is blocked and it dies, suffocating. The impact of the substance on the nits is to block the outlet, resulting in the larva can not hatch.

The two-phase dimethicone is conventionally divided into liquid and viscous. In this regard, its effect on parasites occurs in 2 phases:

  1. the flowing liquid dimethicone "paves the way" viscous, first flowing into the spiracle, and then into the tracheoles and trachea of ​​the parasite, displacing the air from the respiratory tract,
  2. along the “laid path”, a viscous dimethicone is delivered to the respiratory system of the insect, completing the process by sealing all the respiratory tracts.

Dimethicone is completely harmless to hair, its action is recognized not only gentle, but also somewhat healing: the scalp softens, the itching from the bites disappears, and the hair after it becomes easily combed, soft, shiny. When using the product Here for long hair (including curly hair) there is no need to cut it off thanks to the same Dimethicone, which prevents tangling.

Includes comb for combing lice and nits. The shelf life of the drug - 4 years at a temperature not higher than 25 C.

Pros and cons of spray here

Among the advantages of the drug, all those using it note high efficiency, the ability to get rid of lice, sometimes even for 1 time. But here it is necessary to clarify one thing: the remedy works perfectly for adult insects and larvae, killing them completely. However, some nits can miraculously survive and subsequently give the next generation of parasites.

In this case, the same dimethicone comes into force, which facilitates combing, which makes it easy to remove bloodsuckers and nits from the hair with a special comb that is included in the kit. It will depend on the quality of combing, whether a second treatment will be needed (i.e., whether all nits will be removed). With quality performance, there are great chances of destroying the parasites completely from one time.

Cons of the drug also have a place to be, but it is quite possible to challenge them:

  • the oily remedy is poorly washed from the hair, only on the second or third time (but thanks to just such a composition it is easy to apply and spread evenly through the hair),
  • not the best quality of scallops (but nothing prevents to use another, more convenient),
  • tart anise flavor (not everyone likes it, but it is quite tolerable, and in any case, than after using dust, kerosene and other strong smelling lice products),
  • itching and burning during the procedure (perhaps, but not all).

In the end, not a single completely perfect means has been invented, any one has its advantages and disadvantages. And if the cons are not serious enough to refuse to use the drug, is it worth talking about them?

Instructions for use

Before applying the spray, the head should be washed with shampoo and dried naturally, without a hair dryer. Next - step by step:

  1. hair to comb
  2. evenly distribute the spray throughout the length,
  3. rub the drug into the scalp,
  4. endure 45 minutes (without covering your head with a towel or a hat!),
  5. comb out dead insects and nits (thanks to Dimethicone, this is easy),
  6. rinse off hair 2-3 times.

After a week - 10 days, repeat the event (if the nits survived, and a new generation of lice was bred).

Precautionary measures

In order not to harm yourself, you need to observe security measures in everything. The same applies to the drug Nyuda. Despite the fact that the spray is recognized to be safe, it is still important to observe certain conditions when applying it:

  • before use, test for allergies (apply a little money on a delicate area of ​​the skin and follow the reaction for half an hour),
  • apply only externally (in case of accidental contact with eyes or mucous membranes, flush with copious amounts of water),
  • in order to avoid getting the drug in the eyes, nose and mouth - apply a bandage (tourniquet) along the border of the scalp,
  • do not eat or drink during processing, do not smoke,
  • do not handle near open flames and hot objects (the product is highly flammable),
  • do not store spray near food and among medications,
  • in case of accidental spillage of the drug on the floor, wash everything well (oil is oily, you can slip).

The choice of anti-pediculosis drugs is now quite wide, but one should not mindlessly choose a drug based on the “by price” principle. Only competent advice of the doctor can protect as much as possible against possible side effects and causing even more harm instead of the expected benefits.

Among others, a lice medicine may be prescribed:

  • Spray or lotion from the Paranite series. It is also an oily remedy (based on natural Isopar oil), and also gentle to hair and skin. Application age - from 3 years. A significant difference in keeping the funds on the hair: only 15 minutes instead of 45.

  • Pair Plus is an oil spray that often helps out if previous products did not help (helper water or others) due to the insecticides in the composition (malathion, permethrin, piperonyl butoxide). Hold time is 10 minutes. Suitable from 2, 5 years. Instructions for use are the same as those of Nude, but the aging time is 10 minutes.

  • Spray Pedikulen with 6% anise oil in the composition. The smell is also quite sharp, but it is thanks to anise that the remedy is safe even for the baby’s scalp. The principle of action in Pedikulen with Nyuda similar.

  • Nittifor - a drug in the form of a cream or lotion with permethrin in the composition. Side effects are very rare, but can not be used during pregnancy and children in infancy. Allergic reactions are possible.

  • Foksilon-lotion of 20% with benzyl benzoate, effective from pubic and head lice. Apply the same as Nuda, aged 10 minutes. Wash off preferably with acetic acid solution. Apply from 5 years. Contraindications - pregnancy. There are no side effects, but an allergic reaction is possible (in the presence of an allergy to medications).

Real consumption of funds during processing

Consumption of this spray depends on the length of hair and their thickness.

  1. Approximately 1/3 of the bottle goes on short hair.
  2. Medium length hair is half a bottle, or, if the hair is thick, the whole bottle can go.
  3. For long and thick hair may need two bubbles.

Duration of treatment

The course of treatment with “Nuda” is carried out in two stages. The first treatment means - stage 1.

The second stage should be carried out a week after the first course of treatment, no later than 10 days. This point is very important to observe, as the lice larvae begin to hatch from nits after 6 or 10 days. Then they become adults, which after 8 days can lay eggs.

Therefore, the treatment carried out earlier than 7 days will not be successful, since the nits will not have matured by this time. If the hair is processed in more than 10 days, the hatched and matured larvae will lay new eggs that can survive the second stage of the course of treatment. In these two cases, the infection remains, even after the second course.

During the second course you need to do everything as well as for the first time.

Two weeks after the second phase of elimination, it will be possible to finally be convinced of the result. During this period, the surviving nits will have time to hatch and multiply, leaving a large number of eggs on the hair. Well inspect all the hair and scalp. If you see nits attached to hairs above 6 millimeters from the scalp, the treatment can be considered successful. These are dry egg shells. Comb out the comb with fine teeth.

The composition of the tool

Release the drug in the form of a clear liquid, which is used as a spray. There is also a remedy in the form of shampoo. The main active ingredient of the drug is Dimethicone. This component copes with various types of parasitic insects. But most often it is used to remove head lice. Additional ingredients are perfumes, triglycerides, and wax.

It should be noted that the dimethicone in the "Nudes" of lice is not an insecticide and poison. This is, above all, liquid silicone, which can be found in any cosmetic products to make hair silky, as well as well-groomed appearance and smoothness. It is especially popular in the manufacture of balms rinses. As for lice, for them this component is deadly.

The price of "Nudes" depends on the packaging and your region of residence.

After getting on the hair, Dimethicone as if envelops insects into a kind of shell that does not allow them to breathe. In addition, the substance enters them in the respiratory tract and mouth. In clear language, under the action of Dimethicone, insects suffocate, as they lack oxygen. The action can be accelerated if you put a plastic cap or a bag on your head. Studies conducted have shown that Dimethicone can kill adult lice in sixty seconds, which is much faster compared to the effects of toxic drugs.

Reviews of "Nude" for lice abound.

Terms of Use

As part of the use of the drug, no preparatory procedures are required. Hair is also not necessary to moisturize. But the hands are best secure gloves. Thus, a number of the following actions should be taken:

  • Brush hair.
  • Spray spray from root to tip. It should be carefully processed strand by strand. It is worth emphasizing that the tool is spent quite economically. The volume of spraying directly depends on the length and density of the hair. On average, one third of the vial is consumed. When using "Nudes" against lice precautions must be observed.
  • Leave the treated hair for forty five minutes. Increase the specified time is not necessary.
  • You can rinse off with ordinary water, after which you should use any shampoo. As a rule, it is enough to lather the head twice to completely rinse off the product.
  • Then you can start combing dead lice and nits. For these purposes, a special comb is included in the kit. He immediately comes in the package, and separately to buy it will not succeed. The special comb is equipped with frequent teeth, allowing you to remove even the tiniest nits from the hair. This confirms the "Nude" instructions for use.

There is no special need to use a plastic kerchief or cap. But if they are used nevertheless, then there will definitely be no harm from them. Relatively effective spray "Nyuda" in the destruction of adult lice. It should be noted that this tool does not kill nits. Considering the fact that eggs are reliably protected by a shell, it is impossible for any preparation to destroy them. Eliminate them is possible exclusively by mechanical means. But the drug contributes to the destruction of sticky masses, with which the eggs are attached to the hair, which can greatly simplify the process of combing.

The instructions for use of "Nude" are proposed immediately before use to pass a sensitivity test to avoid undesirable consequences. For this purpose, the spray is sprayed in a small amount on the skin behind the ears. Next, you need to withstand forty-five minutes, then wash off the tool. If during this time you do not feel burning or redness, as well as tingling or any other unhealthy reaction, then you can safely use the tool for treating the hair. It is advisable to perform a sensitivity test especially when it is necessary to remove lice from a child. The skin of children is especially sensitive, and the body is very vulnerable.

Reviews of "Nude" from lice are mostly positive.

Benefits means

The main advantage is that this tool is completely non-toxic. It is useful to remember that most often preference is given to efficiency first, and only then think about safety. Therefore, the use of insecticide, which is quite dangerous, is not particularly desirable. Most often it happens that at first the manufacturers report that this or that remedy is completely safe for the person, and below they themselves cite a whole list of contraindications along with all sorts of side effects. It is pleasant to note that in the framework of the use of the drug "Nuda" there is no such thing. So, the presented agent has the following advantages over other similar drugs:

  • Keeps hair healthy and does not spoil them. In addition, due to the use of the spray “Nyuda”, the hair is easier to comb, the preparation makes them silky and smooth. Therefore, in addition to buy a balm for hair restoration is not required.
  • No need to trim hair. However, it should be emphasized that for short hair lice can be removed much faster.
  • The absence of an unpleasant odor, which is an important factor, especially when you have to get rid of pediculosis in small children.
  • Rapid effects on adult parasitic insects. This tool kills them in just one minute.
  • The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy or ordered at a more attractive price online.
  • Acceptable cost. In addition to the funds included in the kit comb, so do not waste time searching for a suitable comb.
  • Easy to use. All that is required is to spray the spray on your hair and wait until forty-five minutes have passed.
  • "Nuda" is suitable for use in children from 2.5 years. It is worth noting that infection most often occurs in kindergarten when a child enters the community.
  • Does not harm the scalp. Allergic reactions appear in rare cases, mainly among people with hypersensitivity or as part of the improper use of the drug for lice.
  • Long shelf life subject to all rules. They indicate that the agent must be kept in a place protected from sunlight. Thus, the total shelf life is four years.

It is interesting to note that today the drug for lice “Nyuda” is the most purchased product in the line of drugs aimed at combating head lice. Most mothers prefer this particular product.

The disadvantages of the means of pediculosis

Despite the large list of various advantages, the following disadvantages are noted:

  • Quite a long exposure time in comparison with other drugs that do their job in just ten minutes. True, this disadvantage is compensated by the safety of the product.
  • No effect on nits. However, many modern lice products have this disadvantage.
  • It is not recommended to use the drug in children up to two and a half years.
  • Not suitable for use by pregnant women. But this contraindication is relative, since in practice in most situations the procedure is completely safe.
  • Relatively high cost, which not everyone can afford.

Noteworthy is the fact that this tool is successfully used for breeding fleas in small puppies, since their age does not allow the use of special toxic drugs against dangerous parasites.

Reviews about the spray of lice "Nyuda" consider below.

special instructions

With regard to the use of funds, the following instructions are given:

  • During the procedure it is forbidden to eat, stay near a fire or smoke. This is especially true for adults.
  • Children should also be kept under constant parental supervision. In that case, if there will be a deterioration in health or the child begins to complain of any discomfort, you must immediately stop the procedure.
  • It is undesirable to prolong the duration of exposure. It is required to flush the substance strictly at the specified time.
  • Reapplication is possible only after one week. Brush nits daily.
  • In the event that lice were found in one of the family members, it is necessary to process the heads of everyone else.
  • It is necessary to change the bedding, which must be washed thoroughly in hot water, and then ironed with an iron with steam.

Now find out what people think about this tool, and find out how effective it really is. True, everything is individually. One this drug is suitable, and the other will cause a large number of adverse reactions.

Reviews of "Nude" from lice

Based on the reviews that people leave about the drug, we can safely say that this tool is actually effective, and therefore popular. Patients suffering from pediculosis, speak about the spray "Nyuda" literally with enthusiasm. People write that as part of the use of this drug, they noticed a high performance after the first treatment of the hair. The second treatment has to be resorted either due to severe infection, or in order to remain completely confident in the death of the parasites.

Parents of young children note in their comments such an advantage of the “Nyuda” lice medicine, as the absence of an unpleasant smell. They write that the specific flavor is still present, but rather quickly disappears, and immediately after washing and using the shampoo - disappears altogether. In addition, customers like that the drug does not spoil and does not tangle the hair, leaving the scalp in good condition.

Already many Russians had time to be convinced of the effectiveness and complete safety for the human body of the “Nyud” products from lice and nits. Based on the reviews, we can conclude that this drug has pleased consumers. And even despite its high cost, it remains in demand. Moreover, the use is not limited to people, the drug is also used for small puppies, as it is safe and non-toxic.

Thus, if you use this drug correctly, you can get rid of lice. Therefore, due to the existence of the drug, the disease is no longer such a terrible problem.

It is possible to destroy adult insects in just one hour, and nits are combed out in just one week. Thanks to this, people around them will not even have time to notice the presence of any problem, which is especially important for a child's vulnerable psyche. Prevention was and remains a matter of no less urgency, since no one is absolutely insured against reinfection. But it should be said that the drug is not suitable for prophylactic purposes, since its effect disappears immediately after rinsing.

We reviewed the pros and cons of "Nudes" from lice.

Cheap eponymous analogues

Spray Nyuda - an expensive remedy against lice. It costs in the range from 350 to 600 rubles, depending on the region. For a significantly lower price, it is also possible to get the drug, but in this case no one will give quality guarantees and, most importantly, authenticity. Accordingly, it is not necessary to expect the result promised in the instruction or advertising either, because the acquired pseudo –There can turn out to be an ordinary fake, of which now divorced into everything.

Thus, for the reliability and guaranteed results promised by the manufacturer (German company G. Paul-Boscamp), the drug should be purchased at pharmacies or on specialized websites (or online stores) that are engaged in disinsection professionally. To buy the same product from third-party distributors of all kinds of goods or in village shops - obviously putting yourself at risk for complications and side effects instead of the expected result.

General information

When getting rid of pediculosis, speed is important. Because parasites multiply rapidly, causing constant itching of the head. After scratching, wounds may appear. Nits are firmly stuck on the hair, clearly visible. They are evidence of lice breeding.

We recommend to read: the lice can be dangerous.

An ambulance in this situation is new generation tool - Nuda spray, which will help quickly get rid of lice. Spray effectively against nits.

Important! The drug Nydu does not adversely affect the human body and there is no sharp smell.

Spray Nuda is manufactured by the German company G. Paul-Boscamp GmbH & Co. KG Among pediculosis remedies, Spray is considered safe, effective. The tool does not contain toxic components, because side effects as a result of its use almost never happens. Permitted to use, to remove lice in children from 3 years of age. You can learn more about pediculosis treatment in children on our website.

The components of the drug are:

  • triglyceride substances
  • wax,
  • flavors,
  • the main component of dimethicone is 92%.

Dimethicone is a liquid, oily silicone. This substance is not poisonous to humans and insects. It is used in the manufacture of various preparations for hair care, to impart a natural shine, silkiness. Dimetikon effectively acts on head, pubic and linen louses, and also nits.

He acts as follows. Oily silicone covers the entire length of the hair coat with a thin membrane that covers the parasites. The envelope clogs the respiratory channels, preventing the access of oxygen, in the absence of oxygen, parasites die.

The remedy does not kill nits, but contributes to the destruction of the sticky layer that they are attached to the hair. Then the nits are removed by mechanical combing with the Nyud comb, which is included in the kit. To effectively remove nits, you need to carefully comb each strand.

Additional components, in addition to enhancing the effect of spray application, are:

  • like moisturizers
  • hair becomes soft, pliable when combing and styling.

One treatment is enough to get rid of the annoying problem. It does not need to trim the hair or get rid of the unpleasant smell.

By the way the drug can be used to kill fleas and lumps in puppies.

How to use

Medication Nyuda, packed in a glass vial with a capacity of 50 ml. One bottle is usually enough for two treatments. The amount of the product used depends on the length and thickness of the hair.

According to the instructions before putting the suspension on the hair coat is required to wear gloves. Install a spray bottle on the bottle. Shake the bottle to the composition became homogeneous. During spraying the bottle should be always upright.

Next steps:

  1. Carefully comb strands.
  2. Spray the product on dry strands starting from the roots and then process the entire length. Thick hair is desirable to pre-comb divided into strands. And then each carefully processed. After spraying hair should be wet. Rubbing is not required!
  3. To sustain the drug on the hair is enough 45 minutes. A longer holding time does not improve the effect.
  4. The effect of the drug will increase if you use a swimming cap.
  5. After time, the strands are carefully combed out. This process allows you to remove the destroyed parasites. For this purpose, use a special comb, which is included in the drug. Comb has frequent teeth, which comb even the smallest nits.
  6. It is advisable to comb the combing over a white cloth; with a napkin you can then see the result of the Nydud spray.
  7. Completes the process of washing the hair with warm water using a familiar shampoo.
  8. After drying the hair, you need to check for the absence of parasites. Re-check carried out on the second day.

Sometimes it does not work at one time to get rid of lice and nits. This option is possible:

  • in the presence of very thick strands that are difficult to process,
  • economical or insufficient spray on the hair.

In this case, the processing is repeated. Repeated processing is allowed after a seven-day break. But during this period, it is desirable to comb the nits every day.

How much is "Nyuda" and where can I buy?

There are no problems with the purchase, the drug for lice “Nyuda” is sold in any pharmacy.

How much is the cost of Nuda vs lice? The cost of the drug from the manufacturer is not less than 600 rubles. If the tool is half the price, it is a fake.

It has no analogues on the basis of the active substance.

Here lice - customer reviews

Reviews about the drug Nyuda almost all positive, the negative comes only from those who misused the drug, ignoring the instructions.

Larisa, Moscow

German quality is visible even in this preparation. If you follow the instructions for use, lice can be quickly and easily removed. I work as a teacher, so it’s not the first time that I come across pediculosis, children are the main carriers of lice, however rude it may sound. I try to closely monitor each baby, check my head, since parents do not. Quarantine we do not need. If the baby has lice, I advise the parents of this drug, because she herself was treated twice, it helps perfectly, there is nothing difficult to apply, just read the instructions.

Alexander, St. Petersburg

After a business trip, my head began to itch, my wife looked and was stunned ... lice. We went to the pharmacy, we were advised to Nyuda, they say insects do not develop resistance to it, because the main action is physical, blocking the respiratory tract of parasites with silicone. And indeed, the tool helped. A week later, no trace of the parasites.

Side effects

Special manifestations after using the medication is not noticed. Users notice oily shine on hair after rinsing. The oily base of the suspension is difficult to remove with shampoo at one time. Therefore, this problem is removed by shampooing the head twice.

After the application of Nyd, perhaps a sensation of a specific smell. The smell can be persistent, but getting rid of his presence is easy. To remove the specific smell, you can add a few drops of natural essential oil to the shampoo. Good effect is obtained from the use of tea tree oil.

No other side effects have been noted by users if precautions are taken.

The average cost in Russia is from 300 to 600 rubles, depending on the region. There are analogues that are cheaper.

Composition and action

Remedy for lice and nits Nidu is available in a bottle with a clear liquid in the form of a spray. The main active ingredient is a two-phase dimethicone, which does not belong to poisons or harmful chemicals. This is the usual silicone in liquid form, which is added to cosmetics for hair in order to increase their smoothness and silkiness. Most often it is used in balms, conditioners, as well as in some drugs for the treatment of gastric disorders.

Its high efficiency is based on the physical impact on insects: an oily base coats the louse's shell and clogs its respiratory system, not letting the air in. Insect dies from suffocation and lack of oxygen. Dimethicone acts on nits in a similar way: the hole in their shell is blocked with oil, and the larva will not be able to go outside.

The action of Dimethicone takes place in 2 stages due to its separation into liquid and viscous forms:

  • the liquid substance flows into the louse's spiracles first, then passes into the trachea and squeezes air out from there,
  • Behind him, a viscous dimethicone penetrates the respiratory organs, which finally clogs all the ways.

Auxiliary components: jojoba wax, perfumes and triglycerides, constituting only 8% of the total.

It is due to the natural composition and low toxicity of this tool, reviews of Nude louse are mostly positive and even enthusiastic when the spray helps to get rid of parasites after a single use.

According to the experts, dimethicone kills adult lice within 1 minute, which is much faster than various insecticidal pediculicides.

Advantages and disadvantages of Nudes

The drug to combat pediculosis

Means Nuda from lice and dimethicone contained in it are absolutely harmless and do not contain any chemical components.

Advantages of Nuda spray:

  • kills all types of lice with high efficiency, sometimes from the 1st time,
  • has a healing effect on the scalp, softens and moisturizes it,
  • removes the sensation of itching from lice bites,
  • hair becomes soft and shiny, easy to comb,
  • due to the oil base, the product prevents hair tangling, therefore it is convenient to use it to remove lice from long and curly hair,
  • Lice and nits are easier to remove using a special plastic comb, which is included in the kit.

The need to re-process Nyuda depends on how well the combing of nits will be carried out after applying this tool. Because adult lice and many nits die very quickly, but there is a chance of survival of some very persistent specimens that can hatch from eggs in a few days.

  • the oily substance is not very well washed off the treated hair, sometimes only after 2-3 times,
  • The plastic comb is not very well made, so it is recommended to use a special lice comb made of metal for ease of combing,
  • It produces a smell of anise against lice when used, which may not please everyone, but the “flavors” of folk remedies — dust or kerosene — are nevertheless more unpleasant,
  • in some people, dimethicone can cause a burning sensation or itching during the procedure,
  • The price of Nudes from lice in pharmacies ranges from 600-700 rubles, which is expensive compared to other pediculicide sprays.

Price and consumption of funds during processing

Consumers are most often interested in answers to questions about how much it costs Nuda and whether a more expensive and safe remedy justifies itself in comparison with cheaper drugs that contain harmful chemical components. It can be answered that each person makes a choice independently, based on the state of his health and the presence of allergic reactions.

If, when searching for a suitable remedy for pediculosis, Nuda comes across for a lower price (about 300 rubles), then there is a chance of running into a counterfeit product, since the official cost from manufacturers is never less than 600 rubles.

Spray consumption depends on the length and density of the treated hair, so for the treatment of chic curls you will need at least 2 packs of Nude.


Watch the video: 8 Tips to Prevent and Treat Head Lice (July 2024).