Eyebrows and eyelashes

How to choose the shape of eyebrows by type of person


Why do women adjust eyebrows and how to choose the right shape of eyebrows?

Beautiful and properly plucked eyebrows make the face attractive and expressive. Agree that it is much more pleasant to look at a woman with a neat eyebrow shape than overgrown jungle. But, unfortunately, not all women have the skills to properly pluck eyebrows, as a result, the whole image suffers from this.

Before you start to shape the eyebrows, determine what shape your face. For the first time, you can turn to a makeup artist, who will select the perfect eyebrow shape for you. Then you can adjust them yourself. But for this you need to have the necessary knowledge.

So, let's decide what forms of eyebrows are?

Since professional make-up artists divide the face into five types, respectively, the same number of eyebrow shapes exist:

  • eyebrow shape for a square face - arcuate, but not very thin,
  • eyebrow shape for a triangular face - raised, with a smooth bend line,
  • eyebrow shape for an elongated face - straight,
  • eyebrow shape for round face - raised, with a break. The shape of such eyebrows resembles a house. The beginning should be wide, and the tip thin,
  • eyebrow shape for an oval face - horizontal, slightly rounded. Eyebrows must be thinner than natural, otherwise the expression of the face will be harsh.

As you can see, the shape of the eyebrows is chosen under the shape of the face, and not any one you like. If before all your attempts ended in failure, and you still do not know how to choose the right eyebrow shape, remember a few rules that will help you achieve the desired result:

  1. To start with a pencil you need to determine the starting point of the eyebrow. To do this, attach a pencil horizontally to the wing of the nose and eyebrows. Mark in pencil where the pencil crossed the eyebrow - this will be the beginning.
  2. Then, using the same pencil, we are looking for the highest center point. Attach the pencil to the wing of the nose and eyebrow so that it intersects with the outer edge of the pupil. This point will help you to give your eyebrows a neat and smooth bend.
  3. At the third stage, we look for the point of the end of the eyebrow. Put a pencil from the center point on the wing of the nose to the end of the eyebrow so that the pencil passes through the outer edge of the eye. Mark the end of the brow by placing a full stop.
  4. Now we check our measurements. The beginning and the end of the eyebrow should be at the same level. If so, then you did everything right.
  5. A very important rule: the distance between the eyebrows should be within two fingers, not more.
  6. Before you begin to pull out eyebrows, draw the desired shape with a pencil, adhering to the indicated points. To pull out hairs is only the bottom.
  7. After you give your eyebrows form, treat them with anti-inflammatory agent.

Many makeup artists, answering the question of how to choose the shape of eyebrows, pay special attention to the fact that if you overdo it and grab a couple more hairs, you can get a completely different, unnatural shape of eyebrows. There is an opinion that the character of a woman can be determined by eyebrows, so if you do not want to spoil a good opinion about yourself, it’s better to contact experienced makeup artists who will help you to make a beautiful eyebrow tattoo and explain how to shape your eyebrows.

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Painting eyebrows at home is a fairly simple procedure, which you will learn in this article. Here are tips from a professional makeup artist, who by his example demonstrates how to properly color eyebrows at home.

Eyebrows house - one of the most ideal forms. Regardless of the thickness and thinness of the hair, it emphasizes the depth of the eyes and makes the face more expressive. To make this form quite easy, the main thing is to follow a few basic rules. More about this we will tell in our article.

Flawless eyebrows - the best face decoration. It is not always possible to give them a beautiful shape on their own. A few tricks, which will tell our article, will be useful if you want to properly pluck your eyebrows at home.

How to choose the shape of eyebrows?

Without tweezers to get neat and spectacular eyebrows is impossible - every woman has extra hairs on the nose and the fixed part of the upper eyelid. But having overdone with plucking, you will get a comic (and in fact - tragic) result. How to choose the shape of the eyebrows correctly? What features of appearance need to pay attention?

The first is the initial line of eyebrow growth. All you can do is just correct it. If you have perfectly straight eyebrows, do not try to make them rounded. Triangular can become straight, only losing half of its length. Fortunately, in most cases the natural shape of the eyebrows is close to perfect. Nature is a talented artist.

It is interesting to know: Among the residents of ancient Greece and ancient Rome, the so-called mono-brow was in high esteem - that is, a thickly overgrown nose bridge. This was considered a sure sign of intelligence and passion. In the Middle Ages, women, on the contrary, shaved their eyebrows completely and drew new ones: Japanese women to raise their line higher, and Europeans to visually enlarge their foreheads.

The second is the proportions of your face. They determine the length and width of the arc. Large, coarse features are not combined with eyebrow-threads, and thin, small ones are lost against the background of thick and massive.

The third is the shape of your face. Eyebrows, due to their graphic design, have the ability to visually stretch or, conversely, reduce its oval.

Straight eyebrows

In this case, the beginning and end are on the same straight line. Such eyebrows will allow to extend the elongated or narrow face in the upper part.

In addition, a similar form allows you to smooth the sharp chin. To make this shape, you need to grow eyebrows and pull out only those hairs that grow too low.

In this case, you can remove excess hair and the top, but do not lower the eyebrow too much, otherwise facial expression will become too harsh. Usually look good straight eyebrows, the tip of which is located slightly above the base.

Falling eyebrows

In this case, the tip is lower than the beginning. This form makes sad and dreary facial expression. Usually it happens in those women who have too thick eyebrows.

In order to change this form will take time. You need pluck hairs top near the base of the brow. Thus, you underestimate the beginning. It is also necessary to remove all the hairs at the tip of the eyebrow. It is necessary to raise the edge as high as possible.

Rising shape

In this form, the tip of the eyebrow is much higher than the beginning. It helps visually lengthen the face.

But be careful, such eyebrows often look very theatrical and unnatural. They make a person surprised and hysterical.

To create this form you need pull out hairs from above the base and the maximum from the bottom of the brow.

Arched (oval) eyebrows

This form is considered perfect and natural. It fits almost all face types. The proportions of the face with such eyebrows do not undergo any changes. They are able to open the eyelid and rejuvenate a little.

To create such a form you need pull out hairs in a circular line. The landmark may be the shape of the century. The tip of this shape is always a little thinner than the base. The beginning of the eyebrow is also better to make a little rounded.

How to make almond peeling for the face, read our article.

What can be done wedding hairstyles for hair of medium length, learn from our material.

Fractured eyebrows

This form allows you to give your face a playful expression. Now it is considered the most relevant and fashionable. It fits best round or oval face. Such eyebrows give the face expressiveness, the look becomes a little tougher.

To make this form you need to do noticeable corner on top of brow. The kink must be at a certain point. To determine it, place the beginning of the pencil at the beginning of the nose and run it through the center of the eye. The point at which he points will be the break point.

Wide eyebrows

These brows have been a fashion trend for the past few years. Do not think that wide - it means abandoned and unkempt eyebrows.

For them is very important neat shape and styling. They can also be cut if the hairs are too long and are knocked out.

It should be remembered that this form is not all and gives the look of gravity and gloom.

How to choose the shape of eyebrows

In order to not look eyebrows alien, you need to follow some recommendations.

  1. If necessary slightly broaden your facethen it is necessary to choose a direct sparse form.
  2. Wide thick eyebrows are most suited to the face with large features.
  3. To narrow the face you need to give the eyebrows a smooth bend at the end.
  4. The best thing remove hairs on the bottomthis way you avoid eyebrows too low.
  5. If you have wide chinit is necessary to shorten the length of the eyebrows near the nose.
  6. With a wide frontal part It is necessary to shorten the eyebrows at the ends.

Among them: pencils, mascara, eye shadow, powder, colored waxes for drawing missing hairs. In addition, to lay hairs on the eyebrows, you can use gels or wax.

How to choose and make a beautiful shape of eyebrows at home, see the video:

The importance of a properly selected eyebrow shape

Any woman understands how important it is to give her eyebrows the right shape, so that the face will become expressive and attractive. Many try to do it themselves, but many do not know the rules of adjustment, the result is far from ideal. Several incorrectly plucked hairs - and the image is spoiled.

It is very easy to screw up, if you blindly follow the new fashion trends. As a result, the facial expression changes, often for the worse. And to fix the defects is difficult. Therefore, it is important to initially choose the right form.

What forms are

The correct shape of the arc is selected depending on the type of person. Eyebrows can be divided into three parts. From the nose there is a wide head, which goes to the body in the middle, and the tail at the temple narrows. The type is easy to learn, for this you should attach a ruler or pencil to the beginning and end of the eyebrow, connecting them with one line.

The result may be a straight line, which may be relative to the semi-parallel, drop or ascending. It depends on what type of eyebrow. More clearly you can see how the correct shape of the eyebrows in the photo.

  • Straight lines The head and tail are in line with the floor. This form perfectly smoothes the sharp chin, makes the narrow face in the upper part wider, and is well suited for an elongated face.
  • Ascending Allows you to visually make the oval face longer. But here it is important not to overdo it, because the strongly ascending lines look too provocative, theatrical, they add a hint of hysteria to the look,
  • Drop down It does not suit everyone and causes a feeling of melancholy, sadness among the owner. In most cases, a woman ages, so it is desirable to correct it,
  • Smooth arc. This is an ideal form that does not make any significant changes to the image and always looks beautiful. Such an eyebrow opens the eyelid, giving the appearance of a more youthful appearance,
  • Rounded. They perfectly soften rough facial features, are suitable for owners of a wide square chin, look great on the face in the shape of an oval. Most often seen in oriental women
  • With a break. The popularity of this form is due to the unique property of making the face younger, more expressive, and the look more playful. A light kink is a great solution for a round face. He is able to distract from the disproportion of the face and some of the shortcomings of appearance,
  • Triangular ("house"). It is rather a natural form, with an inflated center. But you can create it yourself. It requires accuracy and caution, it is better to give a surprised expression to consult specialists.

Eyebrows should be selected for different types of faces, but the ideal options are: a broad base, a slightly elevated body, a gently narrowed tail.

How to choose a shape by type of person

Before correction, one should determine the type of face and individual features of the exterior in order to choose the right line and the width of the arc. The types of faces are as follows:

  • Round,
  • Oval,
  • Diamond shaped
  • Square
  • V-triangular,
  • A-triangular.

Then the shape of the eyebrows is determined by the type of person with a photo for clarity.

Oval face

This type has the same width of the chin and forehead areas, the line of the cheekbones is soft, slightly rounded. For this type of eyebrows fit almost any shape, especially graceful look lines with a slight kink. If the face is elongated, then the form in the form of a bird's wing is relevant.

An important point to consider: straight eyebrows, located low, give the expression frown and gloom. Beautiful straight eyebrows should ideally be of medium width, begin with a slight rounding, and end with a sharp tail at the temple.

Round face

Eyebrows with a slight fracture, located at the highest point of the body, gently tapering from the nose to the temple are suitable for this type. The perfect eyebrow shape for a round face in the photo. Too thin and sharp lines will not work, and too sharp bend draws attention to the roundness of the face. Round eyebrows also emphasize a round shape.

Rectangular or square face

It is important to divert attention from the heavy wide chin, which looks a little rough. It is necessary to make a high lift from the bridge of the nose, which facilitates the lower part of the face. Suitable option with a break, shifted to the side of the temple, and send the end to the middle of the auricle. The width of the nose is well defined, and the narrowing begins after the break.

For this type of eyebrows, straight lines that emphasize the horizontal line of the jaw, while making the face shorter, will not work.

Triangular face

This type has a broad frontal part, pronounced cheekbones and a narrow chin. Such a disproportion should be removed using a curved line with a slight rise, of medium width, preferably the same along the entire length. You can slightly narrow the tail at the temple.

You should not make too wide or thin lines, raise them high, it looks unnatural, gives the expression an overly bewildered look. Straight eyebrows created along a horizontal line look similar, they emphasize the sharpness of features.

When deciding on the choice of options for how to properly shape, you must first draw it with a pencil. This will allow to visually assess the future result.

General tips for choosing a beautiful eyebrow shape

First of all, it must be remembered that blindly follow the trends of fashion is not worth it. Therefore, it is necessary to use the advice of professionals for choosing and adjusting eyebrows.

  • Thickness and width must be respected along the entire length,
  • For a visual increase in the width of the face, it is possible to prefer straight, thin edges,
  • Too small eyes can be visually increased if the distance between the eyebrows is widened,
  • A round face will look more elongated if you choose a rounded line with a slight subtle bend,
  • Large features will smooth out and will look more harmonious if you leave fairly thick eyebrows,
  • If the facial features are small and the lips are thin, it is better to stay on a thin line,
  • The hairs should be directed in one direction,
  • If the chin is wide, the eyebrow should be shortened from the nose bridge, and if the broad forehead - to make it shorter from the temples,
  • To create a beautiful arc, remove the hairs from below, from the eye, so that it does not look too low, otherwise it will visually reduce the eyes,
  • Adjust the distance between the eyes can be, if you correctly select the width between the eyebrows. At close landing, this distance should be increased,
  • The shape of the eyebrows in any case should be supported by cosmetics.

How to make the desired shape eyebrows

Many are interested in the question of how to make the shape of eyebrows at home. To create a beautiful line you need to know the rules of modeling. There is a simple but effective technique that is easy to master on your own; you can view a video on this topic for your reference.

  1. In front of a large mirror, the starting point of the eyebrow is determined. For this cosmetic pencil is applied in such a way that it crosses the tip of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. The place where the pencil crosses the eyebrow will be the beginning.
  2. Determined by the highest point at which you can create a bend. The pencil is applied to the wing of the nose, while it must cross the eye icon. In this place the arc will have the greatest height.
  3. The third point - a pencil connects the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye. If the eyebrow goes beyond the intersection with a pencil, the extra hairs should be removed.

Check the calculations just, the beginning and end of the arc should be on the same horizontal line, for this pencil is applied to the middle of the eyebrow.

Important! The distance between the eyebrows should not exceed two fingers.

Preparation for correction:

  1. Determine the type of person and the choice of line options.
  2. Determination of eyebrow thickness.
  3. Preparation of tools and tools: brush, sharp tweezers, mirror and excellent lighting, antiseptic (alcohol), pencil.

Before starting the correction line of the eyebrow is better to draw a pencil. Pull out hairs only in the direction of their growth, start from the bottom. Upper hairs are rarely removed, only if necessary.

It is best to keep the natural shape, do not make too thin strings, they will look unnatural. Sometimes it is enough just to fix the line so that it becomes more accurate and well-groomed.

The hair should be constantly brushed with a brush during the correction process. For easier removal on this place you can pre-apply a compress with warm water. In the process, plucked hairs are removed with a cotton swab.

After the procedure, it is recommended to lubricate the place of correction with alcohol lotion for disinfection. Gel or lipstick for eyebrows will help to shape and support it. Knowing the simple rules of eyebrow correction, a woman can always look attractive and stylish without additional costs!


Of course, it is easier to go to the salon for the eyebrow microblading procedure. The specialist will select the optimal shape, if necessary, change the shade of the hairs. On average, you will have to spend 2000-4000 rubles.

1 - the beginning, 2 - the highest point, 3 - the end of the arc, the intersection 4 and 5 - the place of the break

However, to make the ideal form is quite realistic with your own hands.

It will help in this detailed instruction:

  1. Prepare the tool. You will need tweezers, nail clippers with a straight blade or a trimmer, cotton thread (optional), a cosmetic pencil, an eyebrow brush, a cotton pad, face lotion or makeup remover, a mirror.
  2. Sit back. Good lighting is important, daylight is better. The shadow should not fall on the face.

A well-lit place and a mirror with a magnifying effect - helpers with self-correction eyebrows!

  1. Determine the beginning of the brow. To do this, attach a pencil vertically to the face so that one edge is near the wing of the nose, and he passed through the inner corner of the eye. At the intersection of the second tip and eyebrow will be its beginning.
  2. The highest point of the arc can be determined by applying a pencil diagonally to the face so that one of its edges is located near the wing of the nose, and he passed through the iris. At the intersection and there will be a bend point.
  3. The tip of the eyebrow is ideally located at the contact of the arc and pencil, if you attach it to the face so that it passes from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye.

Determine the optimal shape.

  1. After marking all three points, draw the upper and lower contour. Follow the natural curves, adjusting them only a little if necessary.
  2. Pluck out hairs that go beyond the contour. For the most part, remove those that are below. Correction of arcs from above should be minimal.
  3. Pull out the hairs on the nose and in the temporal part. They spoil the shape, making eyebrows unclean.

Note! When you determine the beginning, the end and the highest point of the brow, stand straight, look in the mirror straight. Otherwise, the shape will turn out to be crooked, irregular.

Adjust the arc, taking into account the shape of the face

With the help of a properly selected eyebrow shape, you can visually correct the shape of the face.

It is not enough to know how to properly shape eyebrows and make-up them. Agree, arcs that look perfect on one person can simply spoil the other.

To avoid this, use the following recommendations:

  • on the round face eyebrows with a shortened upward tip look harmoniously - they help to slightly pull out the oval,
  • square shapes You can smooth it out if the end of the arc seems to be striving towards the middle of the ear,
  • if the face is long, it is better to make eyebrows wide and straight,
  • oval shape considered universal - it is permissible that the tip points to the earlobe.

How to pluck eyebrows?

Choose tweezers from stainless steel, better surgical

Giving eyebrows with tweezers is considered a traditional solution. The tool itself is easy to find on sale, and its price is available to everyone.

You may need the following tips:

  • It is possible to reduce pain with the help of ice or, on the contrary, a warm compress that steam the skin,
  • keep the instrument clean and disinfect it before / after use - otherwise you risk getting inflammation by taking infection,
  • browsing condition daily watch, if necessary, pulling out grown hairs,

Pulling the skin around the brow, you will reduce the pain

  • There is no need to change the upper growth line much - here you can remove only those hairs that protrude beyond the indicated contour,
  • pluck eyebrows for 2-3 hours before leaving the house, because after the procedure a small swelling is not excluded.

By the way, you can remove extra hairs not only with tweezers, but also with a special thread - it will turn out even faster. True, you first have to practice:

With the help of the thread, you can remove excess hair much faster.

  • Take a special cosmetic or regular silk / cotton thread about 25 cm long,
  • tie the ends to make a circle
  • put it on the big and middle fingers of both hands,
  • twist in the middle about 8 times - it should make an eight,
  • now try moving your fingers so that the node in the middle moves up / down,
  • Your task is to attach the thread so that the hairs while moving the knot fall into the loop in the middle.

Note! Use this method of hair removal can not be in areas where there is a mole or warts.

Do I need to cut hair?

Brow cutting: before and after photos

Definitely yes, if they are clumsy and defy styling. To do this, use small scissors with straight blades or a trimmer. True, with an electrical device should be careful, because one inaccurate movement - and the form is spoiled.

Cut eyebrows, raising and lowering hairs. Extra is the length that goes beyond the indicated contour.

Helpful advice! Repeat the procedure no more than 1 time in 3 weeks. Otherwise, eyebrows, resembling a stiff brush, will look unnatural.

Pencil, painting or tattoo?

At home, you can make perfect arches with the help of decorative cosmetics. So, how to shape eyebrows with a pencil? First you need to pick up his shade - it should be 2 tones lighter (for brunettes) or darker (for blondes) hair color.

Draw the contours of the eyebrow, shade her body do not forget to do feathering

Never draw clear lines with a pencil - they should all be shaded. More natural arc will look, if together with a pencil to use eyebrow shadows. They are convenient to fill areas with sparse hairs.

Eyebrows can be painted in the cabin or at home. If you choose the second option, buy only special paints and stock up with special stencils - with their help, the correct form will turn out even from a non-professional. The result is stored up to 4 weeks.

If you want to have the perfect arc, without exerting effort, learn how to properly shape your eyebrows with a tattoo. In essence, permanent makeup is a temporary tattoo that is applied with special pigments. The result is saved for 2 years.

Now about the actual techniques. The first is a soft shading, which consists in a complete, uniform filling of the area with paint. In comparison with other types of tattoo, this technique is more affordable, but it looks less natural.

The hair type of permanent makeup looks more natural. Here the master draws every stroke. The result is an imitation of hairs and even the direction of their growth.

Eyebrow tattoo looks more natural when using hair technique


So now you know how to give your eyebrows a regular and beautiful shape. Choose it yourself - do it yourself or contact the professionals. The main thing is regular care. Only in this case the arcs will look neat and harmonious.

And even more information on this topic, you will learn by watching the video in this article. Feel free to ask questions - we will answer them in the comments below.

The shape of each person’s eyebrows is unique and inimitable. There are many options, the line can be straight, curved, with a slight kink. You can meet a person with the presence of large or small eyebrows, with a short line or, conversely, with an elongated line.

Eyebrow shaping is necessary to make the face more attractive.

Eyebrows are an individual facial feature, which imperceptibly emphasizes the beauty of human eyes. However, the shape of the eyebrows, which nature has awarded you, is not always the most successful. Quite often, it is necessary to adjust and sometimes quite radically. Beautiful eyebrow shape can easily change your appearance, correct the flaws in the shape of the face, give refinement and femininity.

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How to create the perfect face

Beautiful eyebrow shape should take into account all the features of the girl's appearance, such as hair color, face shape, eye shape.

Eyebrows may have a different shape.

Among the huge variety of forms there are several main types:

  • ascending
  • with a break
  • arc-shaped,
  • horizontal,
  • house.

While the modern Hollywood fashion eyebrow shape is a thickened straight line, often created with the help of tattoo, on another corner of the earth, for Asian women, the standard of face beauty is a shape with a break for the hanging eyelid on a small neat eye.

When asked what shape of eyebrows is ideal, each girl should answer herself and choose one of the suggested correction options:

  1. Tweezers.
  2. Applying tattoo.
  3. Pencil or shadow.

Regular tweezers will help to correct the shape of eyebrows.

Blondes and brunettes, Asian and European girls have a huge choice of eyebrow shapes and colors, regardless of the source data, thanks to the use of tattoo. Salons offer a specific color palette, for example, for blondes and red, the universal color is gray, and dark tones are suitable for brunettes, closer to the shade of hair.

There are three main types of tattoo:

  1. Shooting / Feathering.
  2. Hair method.
  3. Mixed technology.

For blondes, tattooing is one of the most acceptable methods for imparting color to the eyebrows, since by nature the hairs of blond girls are not strongly distinguished. However, with the help of a tattoo is not only color attached.

To keep your eyebrows in shape longer, you can do a tattoo of eyebrows.

This method allows you to easily adjust the location of the eyebrows, creating, if necessary, the line with a different kink, arcs or a smooth transition. If your own lines are too short, you can easily create elongated eyebrows with a tattoo.

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Available ways to change the appearance

One of the most affordable techniques to create the desired shape of the eyebrows without using a tattoo is tweezers. With its help, with a slight movement you can give a form of some angularity, create a line with a break, which visually eliminates the obesity of the impending century on the eye. Also, the problem of the impending century is solved if we intensively highlight the mobile eyelid in the area of ​​the outer corner of the eye with a dark palette of shadows.

And having made a thin rounded line, you will visually enlarge the incision of small eyes, such as in Asian girls, and give the shape of the face some femininity and softness.

Shadows help adjust the shape of the eyebrows

To give the perfect shape without tattoo also use pencils and shadows. Decorative cosmetics is presented in stores in a huge range of colors, there is a choice for both brunettes and brown-haired women, and for blondes, and even for owners of sunny-red shades.

As practice shows, for blondes with hazel eye color, you can choose any color from the palette of decorative cosmetics, not limiting yourself only with gray and dark gray shadows or pencil, which are more suitable for blue-eyed.

Face oval is the most important factor when choosing the shape of the eyebrows. There are several main types of face shapes:

For each face shape, choose the right eyebrow shape.

To the oval shape of the face fit arched eyebrows with a soft fracture. Having a rectangular shape, it would be nice to get also a small fracture of the eyebrow line, and a smooth arc with a small rise will be the best decoration for a rounded face.

Today, you can surrender into the hands of qualified professionals who are in each salon, both in European and Asian countries of the world. Wherever you are now, you can always contact a professional of this kind. But to perform high-quality tattoo you need to contact the salons of another type. These are special studios that specialize in performing permanent tattoo.

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Eye incision as a decisive factor

Of course, the type of face plays a significant role, and yet there is another equally important factor when choosing the shape of the eyebrows - this is the cut of the eyes.There are such options:

  1. Almond-shaped eyes.
  2. Close set.
  3. Lowered corners of the eyes.
  4. Big / Bulging Eyes.
  5. Deep set.
  6. With the line of the impending century.

Also, when choosing the shape of the eyebrows should take into account the eye

With close eyes set for harmony, the eyebrows are spaced apart with a wide interval from the bridge of the nose, which will help to withstand the symmetry of the face. Deep-set eyes are combined with eyebrows of medium width or a thinner and higher line. Almond eyes ideally emphasizes a curved line with an angular kink. Thick and broad eyebrows fit round eyes.

In the presence of the impending century, it is more difficult to create the perfect shape of a face However, experts argue that there is no such problem that cannot be handled, and the combination of the correct shape of eyebrows with a competent make-up can fix everything. With this form of the eye is perfectly combined angular kink, which can be seen in many Asian beauties.

Hollywood stars such as Jennifer Aniston, Eva Longoria, famous blondes Renee Zellweger, Blake Lovely, Claudia Schiffer, among the Asian representatives of Hollywood - Lucy Liu and many others can be named among the owners of the looming century who successfully solved the problem. It is very significant that the problem of the impending century ceases to be a problem if you look at the shining faces of Hollywood actresses.

In addition to eyebrows, correctly drawn arrows will help you with a hanging eyelid.

There is one more simple technique used to visually lift the line of the impending century - this is the drawing of arrows. The line should go up from the outer edge of the eye. With this makeup on the inner corner of the eyelid, it is best to apply shadows of light tones up to white, use a matte or mother-of-pearl texture.

With the help of make-up and the selection of the correct shape of the eyebrows, you can easily solve the problem of an impending century, small eyes, angular face shape. Most often, these shortcomings are characteristic of Asian girls, although they are found among the owners of European appearance. This simple line can transform a girl beyond recognition, so do not neglect the care of eyebrows.

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Eyebrows give the face expressiveness and originality, and a properly selected eyebrow shape completes the image. There are four conventional eyebrow shapes: broken, curved, curved and straight. Each person will suit their own shape of eyebrows and make the choice you need slowly and deliberately, supporting a well-chosen option.

Straight and arched eyebrows are more natural and easier to correct than curved and broken. So, with the form decided. Adjust the shape of the eyebrows can not only in the cabin, but at home. Be patient, tweezers, hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, a cotton swab or cotton wool. Disinfects our hands, tweezers and skin at the point of correction. After removing excess hair, we again disinfect the skin. To remove redness impose on the skin, for a couple of minutes tampons moistened in cold water. You should not remove hair in the upper part of the eyebrows, and in the lower part it is not recommended to shave and cut hair - this reduces the eyebrow line and distorts the proportions of the face. There should be no hairs between the eyebrows - they give the face a sullen and inhospitable look. To make perfect eyebrows of one plucking is not enough and you need to use a contour pencil of a suitable shade and a brush for eyebrows. First, draw the desired shape of the eyebrows, and then, with light strokes of a pencil, we will give them a perfect look. It is necessary to finish single, missing hairs that should be necessarily shaded to give a more natural look. The color of the eyebrows should be carefully chosen: fair-haired girls will suit shades of light and medium brown, as well as grayish tones.Owners of dark hair, suitable dark tones of gray and brown. Red-haired girls - shades of light chestnut and golden chestnut. The mandatory rule is not to brightly color the eyebrows, as it looks vulgar. What would the eyebrows, after completing the makeup, retain the desired shape, you can put on them a small amount of hair gel.

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How to independently using makeup and tweezers to bring the shape of the eyebrows to the ideal, adjusting the features of the face, and do not look old-fashioned at the same time, you will learn further.

The shape of the eyebrows helps to give the face the desired expression. When a person draws a face, the person experiences anger, joy, sadness is transmitted through the shape of eyebrows and the position of the corners of the lips.

Beautifully pluck the eyebrows, give charm to your image, perhaps at home in several different ways.

Correct modeling and coloring of eyebrows at home with the help of powder and wax, creating the perfect shape of eyebrows

Hair tattoo technique - the pros and cons, the technique of execution, a variety of methods.

Skillfully used watercolor technique allows you to give your face greater expressiveness and harmony, to avoid the tedious daily makeup and at the same time look as natural as possible.

Tattoo is one of the safest ways of shaping the eyebrows. The procedure rarely has complications, and the recovery process is quite fast. It is only necessary to follow the recommendations for care after the session.

How to lighten eyebrow tattoo? Brightening tattoo eyebrows at home. Reviews of laser and other ways to remove permanent makeup.

In the performance of shadow brow tattooing, it is possible not only to make the correct form, with the maximum effect of naturalness, but also to mask the scars, as well as correct the mistakes previously made unsuccessfully by the tattoo. The main thing is to choose a good salon and carry out the proper skin care after the procedure.

Black eyebrows from nature look quite beautiful and spectacular. But what if you change your hair color, and at the same time want to dye your eyebrows to get a natural harmonious result?

What tools do you need

One hand is not enough to bring your appearance in order. In your cosmetic bag must be:

  • Tweezers, which, without leaving a gap, close both ends,
  • Little brush
  • Antiseptic for disinfection after the procedure,
  • Improving and leveling gel fixer,
  • The pencil you need shade.

General recommendations

Before you shape your eyebrows at home, tune in that you will get the perfect result not from the number of plucked hairs, but from the ability to give them the right shape.

When carrying out the procedure it is very important to adhere to the sequence, that is, first you need to form one eyebrow, then - the other. It is necessary to create symmetry and harmony between them.

There is another secret: pulling out hair is desirable only on the bottom edge, pulling the skin up easily with your finger.

  • The best time for correction is an evening when you will no longer leave the house. Your skin will be irritated and redden, your appearance may be a little spoiled,
  • Before the procedure, you need to wash and clean the skin,
  • Do the main emphasis on symmetry,
  • Use only tweezers. No razor or scissors
  • Do not ever adjust the top line, otherwise you will not notice how you spoil everything,
  • Remove the hairs in the direction of their growth. This technique will help prevent their wrong growth.

Forms: perfect eyebrow selection

The following types of eyebrows are distinguished:

  • Horizontal, when the beginning and end of the arc are located on one straight line.
  • Ascending shape, to lengthen the face.
  • The falling shape, give a sad expression.
  • Smooth eyebrow shape is considered ideal.
  • Round eyebrows, inherent to women with oriental face type.
  • Broken, rejuvenating face.
  • The little house, give a surprised expression.

To determine what the ideal shape of the eyebrows, you need to use a pencil to draw a few visual lines.

The first passes through the point at the wing of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. At the intersection of this line with the eyebrow passes mark start eyebrows. All hairs behind this mark should be removed from the nose.

To make a beautiful eyebrow shape, the next line will determine the elevation of the eyebrow or the height of the arch and pass through the outer edge of the iris. Up to this point, the eyebrow rises with the same width, and then begins to fall and narrow.

Finally, the third imaginary line passes through the outer corner of the eye to the eyebrow. At this point is the end of the brow line.

Eyebrow scheme will look like this:

To check whether the beginning and end of the eyebrow are correctly defined, a pencil is put in the middle arc: the beginning and end of the eyebrow must be at the same distance from the pencil.

For the symmetry of the face is important the distance between the eyebrows, which should be no longer than two fingers.

Face shape detection

In order to make beautiful eyebrows, you need to accurately determine the shape of the face. They are divided into:

  • Square. As it should be, the width is equal to the length, only in the cheek area the face is slightly wider.
  • Rectangular. Width is less than length. The forehead, cheekbones and chin are the same in length.
  • Round. The forehead, chin and cheekbones are the same. The lower jaw is square.
  • Triangular. The forehead is wide, and the face is already at the chin.
  • Oval. The face has protruding cheekbones, and the chin is already the forehead.
  • Pear-shaped. The chin and jaw are much wider than the forehead. The bulk of the cheeks.
  • Diamond shaped. High and wide cheekbones, pointed chin.

Sketchy face shapes look like this.

The right choice of eyebrows in the shape of the face

The task of choosing the appropriate form of eyebrows for different types of face is not to emphasize the shortcomings, but to hide them with the help of correction. So, rounded eyebrows are not suitable for girls with a round face, as they only emphasize its spherical shape.

The most suitable will be raised, broken eyebrows with a short end. Such an arrangement will visually switch attention to the vertical, pulling out the face contour.

For an oval face, the best shape of the eyebrows will be horizontal. They will smooth the elongation and round the face. Arcuate eyebrows will also be acceptable. This form somewhat softens the sharp features. However, it requires careful study. It is necessary that the eyebrows were not too wide, but not thin. You should also calculate the optimal height of the bend.

The shape of the eyebrows for a square face should be rounded. At the same time, the head of the eyebrow is made wide, then the arc goes into an almost straight line, and above the middle of the eye a small fracture is made. Corners make out a little pointed. Here it is important to remember: thin or short eyebrows are not suitable for a square face. Strongly rounded eyebrows are unacceptable, they give the appearance an expression of silly complacency.

If we talk about what shape of eyebrows for a triangular face would be the most suitable, then a uniformly arched eyebrow would be best. At the same time, it should be slightly raised, and the length should be medium. You should not dwell on the direct form, it will only emphasize the narrowness of the face to the bottom.

To pick up eyebrows in the shape of the face with a heart is not difficult. This face greatly expands around the cheekbones and chin. It is best to draw the correct eyebrow, raising it with a smooth bend. This form of eyebrows is sometimes called "junk."

Beautiful eyebrow shape for tattoo

The procedure of tattooing consists in the introduction of a dye with a special device, thin needles to a depth of about 1 mm. After a while the paint is removed. Tattoo is used to correct the eyebrows, creating the desired pattern.

However, you first need to draw eyebrow cosmetic pencil. This is done in several stages.

  1. To get the correct shape of the eyebrows, mark the beginning, end and point of the bend of the eyebrow.
  2. First formed the top of the arc, from the beginning to the tail.
  3. Drawn the lower line of the eyebrow.
  4. Shading is performed between the two lines of the arc, starting from the tail.
  5. With the help of a brush with stiff hairs perform feathering, to give the eyebrow a natural look.
  6. Powder is applied around the eyebrow using the same brush.
  7. To successfully pick up the eyebrows to the face, they can draw shadows, but they must be dull and not crumbling. The technique is the same as a pencil.

Eyebrow eye shape

Different forms of eyebrows are in direct proportion to the shape of the eyes. Owners of small eyes should not make thick eyebrows. The average thickness of the arc will look harmonious. For such eyes, a crescent eyebrow is suitable, with the exception of girls with a round face.

But thick eyebrows will suit owners of large eyes: they will look even more beautiful.

Sometimes it happens that the eyes on the face are set wide, then the eyebrows are modeled closer to the nose. If the eyes are located close to the nose, the distance between the eyebrows should be increased.

When the outer corners of the eyes are lowered, it is worthwhile to choose the shape of the eyebrows with a high arch and a sharp angle: this arc will visually lift the corners of the eyes.

With a round eye shape, the point of fracture of the eyebrow is shifted to the temples. If the eyes are strongly extended, then the fracture is formed closer to the beginning of the eyebrow.

How to avoid mistakes when eyebrow correction?

The selected eyebrow shape according to the type of face and the shape of the eyes should bring the look closer to the ideal. In this process, the following errors are distinguished:

  1. Do not make the arc too thick or thin, especially if the face is square or oval. Better stick to the average width.
  2. Determine the shape of the eyebrows can not only by type of person, but also on the lips. So thin lips approach to thin lips.
  3. Thin eyebrows are good for small facial features. For large features better to pick thick eyebrows.
  4. Girls with round face and full lips should not make arched eyebrows.
  5. In order to match eyebrows to a type of face that is wide in the cheekbone area, a horizontal arc should be avoided, which will further extend the face.
  6. When painting the eyebrows, observe the following rule: for blond hair, the arc is darkened by one tone. Owners of dark hair eyebrows are lighter on the tone.
  7. Broken arc - triangular eyebrows - make the look more rigid.

How to make eyebrows at home, including for a round face?

The best makeup will look sloppy, if you do not choose for themselves the shape of the eyebrows. With its help, change facial expression and even age.

So, thickened brows make the eye look heavy and add a few years. Yes, and tattooing is rarely used today: after it, the eyebrows look as if they have just been thickly smeared with mascara. Recently, in the make-up fashionable naturalness, which does not allow shaggy or thin, plucked eyebrows.

In order to make yourself eyebrows need: tweezers, cream, lotion on alcohol and cotton pads. Before the procedure, the skin is rubbed with lotion so that the tweezers do not slide.

Correctly make eyebrows is not difficult at all, you need only the knowledge of some nuances:

  • It is necessary to comply with the measure and not pull out at once a lot of hairs. Too thin eyebrows will create an unnatural appearance.
  • The correction should be uniform. Pulling one eyebrow, proceed to the second, seeking symmetry between them.
  • Handle only the lower edge of the eyebrows.
  • To facilitate the plucking, with a finger tighten the skin up.
  • The hairs are removed by sharp movements, in the direction of growth.
  • After finishing the procedure, the skin is again rubbed with lotion and a nourishing cream is applied.

Make the shape of the eyebrows on their own and using a special stencil. Usually it is a piece of plastic, in the center of which an eyebrow is cut. The stencil is placed on the face, and the cutout is painted over with a pencil. All hairs that are outside the contour are plucked. As with manual correction, the eyebrows are completely identical.

Before you make the shape of the eyebrows at home, it is worth figuring out some rules:

  1. Correction is done at bedtime, as severe irritation may appear on the skin.
  2. The lighting should be sufficient to perform the procedure, it is better if it is shadowless.
  3. Can not use a razor.
  4. Before making eyebrows remove makeup and lubricate the skin with a greasy cream.

It doesn’t matter whether the makeup artist has made a correction or decided to make eyebrows at home.

And which eyebrow shape is perfect for you?Looking forward to your comments!

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7 types of eyebrows or how to give a unique look

The natural shape of the eyebrows does not always fit the face, sometimes giving it a surprised, angry or overly serious expression. With the help of the correction, you can correctly create the shape of the eyebrows in order to change the facial expression, if necessary, and make the look open.

The following types of eyebrows are distinguished:

To determine what the ideal shape of the eyebrows, you need to use a pencil to draw a few visual lines.

The first passes through the point at the wing of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. At the intersection of this line with the eyebrow passes mark start eyebrows. All hairs behind this mark should be removed from the nose.

To make a beautiful eyebrow shape, the next line will determine the elevation of the eyebrow or the height of the arch and pass through the outer edge of the iris. Up to this point, the eyebrow rises with the same width, and then begins to fall and narrow.

Finally, the third imaginary line passes through the outer corner of the eye to the eyebrow. At this point is the end of the brow line.

To check whether the beginning and end of the eyebrow are correctly defined, a pencil is put in the middle arc: the beginning and end of the eyebrow must be at the same distance from the pencil.

For the symmetry of the face is important the distance between the eyebrows, which should be no longer than two fingers.

In order to make beautiful eyebrows, you need to accurately determine the shape of the face. They are divided into:

  • Square. As it should be, the width is equal to the length, only in the cheek area the face is slightly wider.
  • Rectangular. Width is less than length. The forehead, cheekbones and chin are the same in length.
  • Round. The forehead, chin and cheekbones are the same. The lower jaw is square.
  • Triangular. The forehead is wide, and the face is already at the chin.
  • Oval. The face has protruding cheekbones, and the chin is already the forehead.
  • Pear-shaped. The chin and jaw are much wider than the forehead. The bulk of the cheeks.
  • Diamond shaped. High and wide cheekbones, pointed chin.

Sketchy face shapes look like this.

The task of choosing the appropriate form of eyebrows for different types of face is not to emphasize the shortcomings, but to hide them with the help of correction. So, rounded eyebrows are not suitable for girls with a round face, as they only emphasize its spherical shape.

The most suitable will be raised, broken eyebrows with a short end. Such an arrangement will visually switch attention to the vertical, pulling out the face contour.

For an oval face, the best shape of the eyebrows will be horizontal. They will smooth the elongation and round the face. Arcuate eyebrows will also be acceptable. This form somewhat softens the sharp features. However, it requires careful study. It is necessary that the eyebrows were not too wide, but not thin.You should also calculate the optimal height of the bend.

The shape of the eyebrows for a square face should be rounded. At the same time, the head of the eyebrow is made wide, then the arc goes into an almost straight line, and above the middle of the eye a small fracture is made. Corners make out a little pointed. Here it is important to remember: thin or short eyebrows are not suitable for a square face. Strongly rounded eyebrows are unacceptable, they give the appearance an expression of silly complacency.

If we talk about what shape of eyebrows for a triangular face would be the most suitable, then a uniformly arched eyebrow would be best. At the same time, it should be slightly raised, and the length should be medium. You should not dwell on the direct form, it will only emphasize the narrowness of the face to the bottom.

To pick up eyebrows in the shape of the face with a heart is not difficult. This face greatly expands around the cheekbones and chin. It is best to draw the correct eyebrow, raising it with a smooth bend. This form of eyebrows is sometimes called "junk."

The procedure of tattooing consists in the introduction of a dye with a special device, thin needles to a depth of about 1 mm. After a while the paint is removed. Tattoo is used to correct the eyebrows, creating the desired pattern.

However, you first need to draw eyebrow cosmetic pencil. This is done in several stages.

  1. To get the correct shape of the eyebrows, mark the beginning, end and point of the bend of the eyebrow.
  2. First formed the top of the arc, from the beginning to the tail.
  3. Drawn the lower line of the eyebrow.
  4. Shading is performed between the two lines of the arc, starting from the tail.
  5. With the help of a brush with stiff hairs perform feathering, to give the eyebrow a natural look.
  6. Powder is applied around the eyebrow using the same brush.
  7. To successfully pick up the eyebrows to the face, they can draw shadows, but they must be dull and not crumbling. The technique is the same as a pencil.

Different forms of eyebrows are in direct proportion to the shape of the eyes. Owners of small eyes should not make thick eyebrows. The average thickness of the arc will look harmonious. For such eyes, a crescent eyebrow is suitable, with the exception of girls with a round face.

But thick eyebrows will suit owners of large eyes: they will look even more beautiful.

Sometimes it happens that the eyes on the face are set wide, then the eyebrows are modeled closer to the nose. If the eyes are located close to the nose, the distance between the eyebrows should be increased.

When the outer corners of the eyes are lowered, it is worthwhile to choose the shape of the eyebrows with a high arch and a sharp angle: this arc will visually lift the corners of the eyes.

With a round eye shape, the point of fracture of the eyebrow is shifted to the temples. If the eyes are strongly extended, then the fracture is formed closer to the beginning of the eyebrow.

The selected eyebrow shape according to the type of face and the shape of the eyes should bring the look closer to the ideal. In this process, the following errors are distinguished:

  1. Do not make the arc too thick or thin, especially if the face is square or oval. Better stick to the average width.
  2. Determine the shape of the eyebrows can not only by type of person, but also on the lips. So thin lips approach to thin lips.
  3. Thin eyebrows are good for small facial features. For large features better to pick thick eyebrows.
  4. Girls with round face and full lips should not make arched eyebrows.
  5. In order to match eyebrows to a type of face that is wide in the cheekbone area, a horizontal arc should be avoided, which will further extend the face.
  6. When painting the eyebrows, observe the following rule: for blond hair, the arc is darkened by one tone. Owners of dark hair eyebrows are lighter on the tone.
  7. Broken arc - triangular eyebrows - make the look more rigid.

How to choose the shape of eyebrows by type of person?

Eyebrows - one of the determining factors that allow you to create a full-fledged fashionable image. Properly selected eyebrow shape by type of face will hide small nuances and correct flaws.

To guess with eyebrows, you need to accurately determine the type of person. It's very easy to do this:

  • Square - the length and width are almost the same, only in the area of ​​the cheek face slightly wider,
  • A rectangle is longer than width, which is why the face becomes elongated. The cheekbones, forehead and chin are in line.
  • Circle - different smooth, pomp and softness,
  • Triangle - wide forehead combined with a narrow chin,
  • Oval - protruding cheekbones, chin smaller forehead,
  • Pear - the main volume is in the cheeks, chin and jaw are much wider cheekbones and forehead,
  • Rhombus - pointed chin + high and wide cheekbones,
  • The heart has a wide low forehead and narrowed jaw, while the cheekbones are slightly wider.

The main types of eyebrows

The fashion for eyebrows changes as often as the fashion for clothes. In this case, it is extremely important not only to follow the trends, but also to select the type that suits you. What are the forms of eyebrows?

  • Straight lines - horizontal lines without any bends,
  • With a house - they are distinguished by a sharp break in the middle, which gives the eye openness,
  • S-shaped (curved) - the most complex type of eyebrows, which can only be performed by an experienced master. It looks very elegant and gives sexuality,
  • With a break - a classic form, which is an ascending smooth line, the outer tip of which is much thinner than the head,
  • The arches are soft, with a smooth arch in the middle,
  • Ascending - do not have a bend, their tail tends upwards.

How to choose the shape of eyebrows for chubby? Your main task is to bring the circle closer to the oval and visually narrow it. The following models are suitable for this purpose:

  • With kink, clear and pronounced. To create it, you need to pull out the hairs at the tip and in the middle of the eyebrow. Thanks to this, you can increase your natural bend and make it noticeable. But have a sense of proportion, otherwise this kink will turn into a sharp corner - it is very ugly,
  • Rising eyebrows with a wide head, a thin tail and a clear arch. In this case, it is necessary to tweak the tip a little, if it is lowered down. It is important not to overdo it in order to keep the length and not get a short and wide curl. If necessary, use a cosmetic pencil or make tattoo with henna.

Important! Chubby girls are not recommended as thin arcs, and straight wide eyebrows - they will make the face even wider and fuller.

It’s not for nothing that the oval form is considered ideal - almost all types of eyebrows are perfect for them. Perhaps the only exception is straight broad eyebrows - they make the features coarse, and also visually shorten the oval.

We advise you to look at the following options:

  • With a break - give the appearance of romance and femininity. The main thing is to make the corner soft and smooth. An overly sharp kink can make your look harsh and even somewhat angry,
  • Horizontal - visually smooth out a certain oblongness of the oval and make it rounded. Remember, the form must be symmetrical. But to soften the gaze and not make it gloomy, slightly nibble the eyebrow inside - this will raise the arch and open your eyes. Remember to remove the excess and at the point of the intended bend,
  • Arcuate - make sharp features softer and softer. To the round shape of the eyebrows came out just perfect, be sure to think about the ratio of its main indicators - the length, width and height of the arch.

Eyebrows for a square face with its sharp outlines should be soft, arcuate and slightly rounded. Experts recommend making the bend angle sharp and highly elevated. Ideally, it should be located above the outer tip of the eye or above its middle. The tip can be made a little longer than usual - you should avoid short lines. As for the width, stop at medium or slightly more. Thin "strings" are not allowed - with them square faces will look ridiculous.However, this also applies to wide horizontal eyebrows, which expand the square and make it coarse.

The owners of the "triangle" need to visually narrow the wide cheekbones and forehead. To do this, give up too long lines. For you, the most beautiful form is eyebrows with the letter S. However, to create them, you need the corresponding natural data - good density and natural bend. It is best to trust the masters in this matter, but if you want to do everything yourself, follow this instruction:

  • Work through the arch - remove the vegetation inside the bend, making a beautiful angle,
  • For the appearance of the trough, pull out the hairs above the middle of the brow,
  • Wrap the tip inward and make the eyebrow shorter.

Tip! To make eyebrows the same, be sure to mark the start / end points, as well as the place of the bend.

Choosing the shape of the eyebrows for the type of face with a heart, stop at those that balance a wide forehead with a small lower jaw. Ascending lines do a great job with this task.

If the eyebrows are naturally endowed with a soft curve, turn them into soft ascending arcs. It is impossible to lower them down - so you will draw attention to the extended upper part. But the horizontal lines will need a slight correction. First, pull out the hairs over the head, lowering its inside. Then lift the tip, directing it to the temples - pull out the bottom row approximately from the middle, moving to the outer edge. Owners of the heart-shaped face can not make wide and thick eyebrows - it makes the forehead heavier and highlights all the flaws of your appearance.

Tip! To make the forehead higher, slightly raise the brow line.

Tips to help you learn how to choose the right shape of eyebrows for the type of your face:

The perfect shape of the eyebrows for a rectangular face - wide and straight. They should not be located close to each other, because so your face will become even longer. To correct this nuance, pull out the hairs near the nose bridge, and make the tail moderately thin. Not less beautiful option for the "rectangle" will be ascending lines with a light arch, which soften the look. But high arcs and sharp bends do not fit at all.

Female faces in the shape of a pear are distinguished by full cheeks and a disproportionately wide chin. Your main task - to maximize the upper and lower parts. Women with a similar appearance should be well painted over each hair, giving the eyebrows a clearer shape and making them quite thick. Make the upper part wider be able to massive eyebrows, so give preference to the wide and fairly long lines. Their bend depends on the features of the face: for expressive - barely noticeable, for small ones - more sharp.

Considering eyebrows of the different form, find a variant for a face in the form of a rhombus. Here it is necessary to smooth too sharp corners and soften clear cheekbones. You are perfect arched eyebrows or a model with a bend.

To perform the correction procedure at home, stock up on such materials:

  • Cream
  • Table lamp
  • Tweezers
  • Cotton pads,
  • A pencil
  • Magnifying mirror
  • Alcohol lotion.

Proceed as follows:

1. Clean the face of dirt and makeup.

2. Wipe the skin with lotion - tweezers will not slip.

3. Install a mirror and provide high-quality lighting.

4. Select eyebrows according to face shape and mark three main points:

  • Initial - put a pencil near the wing of the nose and draw a line to the inner corner of the eye. This is the head of the eyebrow,
  • Bend point - move it to the middle to cover the pupil,
  • The final - connect the wing with the outer part of the edge of the eye.

5. Select the desired tone. The darkest is in the middle, the lightest is at the head and on the tip. Girls with blond hair need to darken no more than a tone. And brunettes and brown-haired - only a little lighten.

6Pulling out the first brow, go to the second. Carefully ensure that they are at the same level and are the same.

7. Disinfect the skin and spread it with cream.

Tip! To remove unpleasant sensations while plucking out excess hair, thoroughly steam the skin or rub it with ice.

You can correct the shape using a special stencil. This is a piece of transparent plastic with a brow cut out in the center of one shape or another. It is applied to the face and carefully paint over the neckline with dark shadows or a pencil. All the hairs that are traced behind the contour, you need to remove the tweezers.

When creating eyebrow shapes for different face types, take note of a few important tips.

Tip 1. Show a sense of proportion - thin threads are not in vogue.

Tip 2. You can pull out only the bottom edge.

Tip 3. To facilitate the process, pull the skin with your finger.

Tip 4. Pull out the hairs with sharp movements, moving in the direction of their growth.

Tip 5. Perform the procedure in the evening - the skin after the correction may turn red.

Tip 6. Provide good lighting - it should be shadowless.

Tip 7. For eyebrow correction do not use the machine.

Tip 8. When choosing, do not forget to take into account the facial features. For small fit thin brows, for large - wide.

Tip 9. The correct shape of the eyebrows can adjust the face:

  • Horizontal eyebrows of medium width will help to make it wider.
  • Visually it can narrow the rounded tip
  • If the eyes are close, position the heads away from each other,
  • If the eyes are set too far away, place them closer.

Tip 10. Regularly remove regrown hairs.

Are you one of those millions of women who want their eyelashes and eyebrows to become longer and thicker?

And after eyelash extensions, the condition of the family has deteriorated madly?

And have you already thought about radical measures?

It is understandable, because eyelashes and eyebrows - this is your beauty and a reason for pride. In addition, it is at least now in fashion. And the fact that a woman with attractive eyelashes and eyebrows looks younger is an axiom that does not require proof.

Therefore, we recommend reading the stories and reviews of girls who really quickly managed to grow eyelashes and eyebrows at home, effectively and without expensive procedures ..

See also: How to choose the right eyebrow shape for your type of face (video)

Your opinion is important to us. Please leave your feedback in the comments below.

The correct form of eyebrows for different types of the person

Today, again, as in past centuries, naturalness is at the peak of popularity. The effect of "washed" face can best emphasize eyebrows.

The correct form of eyebrows for different types of persons will be different - and this is one of the most important secrets of beauty. You can call it a whole science, but it is easy to master it at home. The main thing is to understand that the shape and size of the eyebrows need to be chosen for a certain form of a person in order to emphasize its merits and make the drawbacks less noticeable.

The shape of the eyebrows is also taken into account in physiognomy - a science in which the character of a person is determined by facial features. It is so noted that if a person prefers an arched shape - his nature is open, one can say - kind nature. Adventurers often have a wedge-shaped eyebrow, and strong-willed people have straight wide eyebrows.

So, how is the correction? First you need to pay attention to the type of person. Then pick up the brow thickness. On the face with small features, broad eyebrows will look too massive, wide eyebrows fit large lines.

- a device for removing excess hairs (tweezers of good quality).

- a contour pencil for eyebrows of suitable color,

- antiseptic (to treat likely wounds),

gel for eyebrow shape.

Do not rush, and pull out everything. Carefully and accurately get down to business, and do not be discouraged if an extra hair is removed and an empty space is formed.The hairs will grow back very quickly, but for now they can be covered with a pencil.

The most important thing that needs to be understood in order to choose a form is to take into account all possible proportions of the face. There is a peculiar method of calculation - in fact, quite simple scheme. To determine the inner boundary, attach a cosmetic pencil to the wing of the nose, so that it looks to the inner corner of the eye. Mark the intersection with the superciliary arch. The place of the highest ascent is determined as follows: attach a pencil to the wing of the nose, so that it passes through the pupil point upwards. At the intersection at the top, put the second point. Next, we determine the outer corner - apply a pencil from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye. We put the third point. To obtain a circuit, simply connect all three points continuously.

Eyebrow shapes by face type

There are only a few basic face types, and if we recall the geometry, we can note oval, round, triangular and square shapes. You can add here and sweet girlish face "heart." For example, a broken eyebrow will look great on a round face, but do not make them like real peaks. But girls with wide cheekbones, such models will look inorganic.

Specialists - makeup artists believe that there is one, "correct" form. Suitable for all face types - this is the classic version when a straight line is slightly bent towards the end.

- eyes set too close - widen the distance between the eyebrows,

- eyes are set too far - to act on the contrary, to bring as close as possible, but in no case connecting at the bridge of the nose,

- visually do already - round out the shape, but without excessive bending, so as not to give the face a haughty or surprised expression.

A smooth eyebrow line gives a long face a pleasant roundness. An elongated face may have features. If the chin is rather large, and the jaws and cheekbones are proportional, it is better to lengthen the edge of the eyebrow with a pencil. Better to leave a wide line to make the face appear rounder.

The stores sell entire sets of eyebrow stencils, by which you can select options for the most unusual people. Even celebrity eyebrow stencils are sold in the West - you can try it on. For example, eyebrows Sharon Stone or Madonna. In general, in a square face, it is important that the eyebrow is elegant, to soften hard lines as much as possible and to shift the focus on the eyes.

Eyebrows for the face in the shape of a heart

Such faces, usually wide at the top and tapering towards the chin, have rounded shapes and cannot be called triangular. A narrow chin can be balanced by rounding the top point. Use a pencil and give your eyebrows natural - they should not be thin or thick.

Only a small part of women get to beauty salons for this, the rest cope on their own. At first, the procedure may be painful, to reduce these sensations, steam the face. The steam bath expands the pores, and the hairs are pulled out much easier. Anesthetize the place best with ice cubes. Dermatologists urge to be very careful with a sharp change in temperature.

At first glance it may seem that the shape of the eyebrows may not have fashionable trends, but it is not. You can verify this if you look at the photos of the stars, for example, twenty years ago. Eyebrows then wore shaggy, now it looks somewhat funny. And 30 years ago it was possible to see thin strings instead of a line of eyebrows - what can you do, every woman aspires to look fashionable and stylishly. Women who want to draw attention to themselves can give the face a bit of predatory expression with a slight kink. Recently, the stars are trying to give the eyebrows a fashionable shape with a break, elegant, slightly curved, but without sharp corners.

Chief Editor: Ekaterina Danilova

Email: [email protected]

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Face geometry: how to choose the shape of eyebrows

Eyebrows have several types of shape:

  • Straight
  • Curved
  • Soft corner
  • Sharp angle
  • Rounded

Each of these forms may look different, depending on the height of the arch of the eyebrow (the distance between the lower and upper points of the arc) and its width.
The shape of the face is presented in a slightly larger number of variants, and each has its own ideal eyebrow shape.

Long face

The oblong shape is well compensated by straight eyebrows - they create a balancing horizontal. Sharp angles and pronounced roundness of the arcs will make such a face more elongated. It is also important to have a sufficiently wide distance between the eyebrows in order not to focus the eyes of others on the bridge of the nose and thus not to narrow the oval even more.
Example: Sarah Jessica Parker.

Square face

This form is characterized by a somewhat heavy jaw line. Eyebrows with an expressive break will help to compensate it. The angle can be both sharp and soft, and the width of the eyebrows - medium or thin. Example: Paris Hilton, Penelope Cruz, Marilyn Monroe.

Triangular, or heart-shaped face

In order to balance the face with a sharp chin, it is better to give the eyebrows a soft rounded shape. The wider the face, the higher the arch of the brow arch can be. Example: Scarlett Johansson, Victoria Beckham.

Diamond, or "Diamond"

A distinctive feature of this form - pronounced cheekbones. To make the face look harmonious, give your eyebrows a dramatic curved shape of medium width. Example: Rihanna, Sophia Loren.

Beautiful eyebrow shape: determine the length and angle

You may have heard about such a novelty - eyebrow stencil. It would seem, distinguishing the idea: attach, circle, remove what does not fit into the frame - and that's it! But do not rush to make this mistake - your face is different from all others and proportions, and size. Beautiful eyebrow shape does not require templates and stencils.

The points of beginning, end, and fracture of the brows of each woman are determined individually. Eyebrows, even the most well-groomed and "fashionable", will not look good if you do not take into account the width of your nose, the size and location of the eyes. To build the perfect line, you need a plain, thin pencil or a straight stick.

  1. Attach the pencil to the wing of the nose so that it passes smoothly through the inner corner of the eye. The point where this line crosses the eyebrow is the right beginning for it. The average distance between the eyebrows is approximately equal to the width of two fingers (if the eyes are close set, it decreases, if set wide apart, it increases).
  2. Connect the wing of the nose with the outer edge of the iris of the eye (of course, you need to look strictly straight ahead. Where the pencil crosses the eyebrow, and the top of its bend should be located.
  3. Logically, connect the point at the nose with the outer corner of the eye to determine the end of the eyebrow line.

Make these measurements for each eye separately. For convenience, mark the points obtained with a pencil. Brush your eyebrows with a brush in the direction from the beginning to the top of the corner and from the top to the end. Remove excess hairs with tweezers, while trying not to touch the upper border of the eyebrow. Then send all the hairs up - those that are too long, trim them carefully.

The right brow may be different from the left. If the hairs at the beginning of one of them lie in the wrong direction, do not try to correct the situation by plucking: trim them to the desired borders with scissors and, if necessary, fill in the gaps with thin pencil strokes.

How to shape your eyebrows? Use the advice of makeup artists:

  • For drawing eyebrows, use a well-sharpened soft pencil slightly darker than their natural tone or matte shadows.
  • You can tint eyebrows with a special wax or gel - these funds, moreover, will fix the hairs in the desired direction.
  • The higher and thinner the eyebrows, the smaller the eyes appear.
  • The closer they are to the nose, the larger the nose looks - however, this does not mean that the five-centimeter distance between the eyebrows will make it smaller.
  • To visually elevate the arch of the eyebrows and make the look easier and more expressive, apply a highlighter or bright shadows with a soft satin sheen on the stationary upper eyelid.

Fashion on the shape and width of the eyebrows is changing quite often, and radically. If you want to always remain in the trend, stick to the golden mean: not too straight, but not too round eyebrows of medium thickness always look feminine and relevant.

Where to begin

Before you choose the shape of the eyebrows, determine their correct location, which will tell you where the extra hairs grow. This can be done with a simple test.

You will need: a personal photo, where you are depicted in profile, a pen, a ruler 15 cm.

  1. Where the eyebrow is the lowest place is its beginning,
  2. Where the highest peak is the middle
  3. Where the average height point, closer to the ears - this is the end.

In your photo, through the 2 corners of the eye and the pupil, draw the dotted lines to your eyebrows. Their shape will be determined by the points of intersection.

The same calculations can be done in another way. If you have wide eyebrows, and you do not know how to properly shape them, do the following:

  • Take a pencil and mark on your face the beginning and end of the arc, as well as the highest point. To do this, put a pencil to your face so that it passes through the bulge of the nose along the line of the corner of the eye that is inside. This is where these lines intersect, and there will be the beginning of the arc.
  • Then start moving the pencil until its second end reaches the pupil - this is a bend.
  • When the end of the pencil stops at the outer corner of the eye - you determine the end of the arc.

Focus on face type

You probably know perfectly well that the shapes of eyebrows for different types of faces have some differences. Cosmetologists distinguish 5 types of faces, and each of them has its own ideal correction option, which will brighten up the flaws and highlight the merits.

Consider each type of face in more detail:

  1. Round-faced women should avoid rounded variations and sharp corners. The ideal eyebrow shape for a round face is curved. This option visually removes excess roundness, will make the face more attractive.
  2. For square-faced girls, thin eyebrows can spoil the look. In this case, you need to choose their elongation with a high bend. But, the length should not be too big, there is a risk to make the expression of the surprised.
  3. An oval face is the most common option, but many tend to stretch it slightly. If you have the same desire, know, a smooth kink - will save the situation. The shape of the eyebrows for the oval face that is best suited is straight eyebrows. With the help of their thickness, you can adjust the roundness of your face.
  4. The triangular type - perfectly emphasizes the rising shape of the eyebrows. It is not necessary to choose only when bending too large a bend.
  5. Face with a heart needs to be visually equalized at the expense of the chin and forehead. To round the chin you can round out a little bit the highest point of your eyebrow.

Change your look

And now, a few basic rules on how to carry out the correction itself:

  1. Having made measurements and having carried out all tests, choose for yourself the best option.
  2. Draw the desired border with a pencil.
  3. Pluck out the extra hair, but without fanaticism!

And remember, changing eyebrows, whatever their shape, at home, never change yourself drastically. So you can avoid unfavorable moments in adjusting your appearance. It is better to gradually get rid of excess hair, watching the result of the work done, smoothing them with a special brush.

After making your own home correction, take care of your appearance daily, removing excess hair, not letting your eyebrows grow over.

The shape of the eyebrows - a scheme for constructing a perfect bend and length, correction at home

Tips on how to properly choose the shape of eyebrows for a certain type of face will help each woman to emphasize the beauty of the eyes and make the look more expressive. Exquisitely curved, “house”, thick and not very much or upturned - with any shape you will become unique, add zest to your image. Find out how with the help of well-chosen lines to emphasize the merits of a person and make its flaws unnoticeable.

Eyebrow types

Many women think that the arc must be as thin as a thread, but this type is far from being for everyone. Often the face turns out to be puppet, and the expression is unnaturally surprised only because the girl overdone, pulling out hairs, or made too curved lines. There are a lot of classifications of eyebrows and everyone will be able to choose suitable faces for their type.

Eyebrows in the form of a straight line are capable of narrowing eyes that are too wide open, so women with a narrow incision will not fit. The science of physiognomy considers that straight eyebrows characterize its owner as a physically healthy and practical lady. This type of line is capable of:

  • visually narrow your eyes
  • visually expand the face, visually reducing its length, thereby creating a perfect oval,
  • draw close attention to the eyes,
  • give the face an expression of naturalness and innocence,
  • to make a look formidable, to visually make old its owner, in case it is overgrown, thick straight eyebrows.

Direct form requires increased attention of its owner, because it always attracts the eyes of others. Unfortunately, not many women understand this. Do not fit straight lines to girls and women who have:

  • small narrow eyes
  • coarse large or large features,
  • inexpressive whitish (swamp-colored, light blue) eyes,
  • wide short face.


This option is also known as “fractured eyebrows” - one of the types that are loved by stylists and makeup artists. Break the arc can be exactly in the middle, making it a "house", or closer to the end, pulling up a tail in the direction of the temple. There are several options, but the result is unchanged - a flirty expression that drives every man crazy. Arcs with a break are expressive and feminine, and they are combined with different types of faces. In addition, they perform the following functions:

  • give a broad face harmony, grace,
  • visually reduce round, diamond-shaped, oval face,
  • give symmetry,
  • give the face a flirty, playful expression,
  • visually lift the eyes, increase
  • rejuvenate their owner,
  • soften the sharp features.

The harmony of the shape and size of the arcs affect the whole face, so to create the perfect image it is important to know how to choose the shape of the eyebrows correctly. The desired result can be achieved, given the most important features: the position of the eyes, the size of the forehead, nose, chin, mouth. A few tips will help you make the right choice:

  1. If you have fine features, choose thin lines. Those who have larger features, on the contrary, should have thick eyebrows.
  2. Owners of small eyes should avoid wide lines - a rational solution would be the average thickness. Thick arcs can make larger eyes more beautiful.
  3. If the eyes are too close together, the distance between the eyebrows should be increased. To do this, pull out the hairs over the bridge of the nose, and finish the ends with a pencil. In the case of wide-set eyes, it is necessary to emphasize the initial point of hair growth.
  4. Women with narrow forehead should choose a flat or arched shape, while the arch should begin in the second third of the line length.Holders of a wide forehead more suitable curved slightly elevated in the middle of the line. Bend and arch add width and remove the height of the forehead.
  5. To distract attention from the long nose will help long curved lines that are not too close to each other. Flat lines in this case is best avoided.
  6. Beautiful cheekbones emphasize the arched shape of the eyebrows at two thirds of the length.

Eyebrow shapes for different face types

Make-up artist will help you to choose the right eyebrows, however, if you know the basic rules, you will be able to cope with this yourself. Before you begin to induce beauty, pay special attention to the type of your face, and then pick up the arc of the appropriate form. Density, kink, length or width can visually correct the appearance, for example, soften the oval, make the oblong face more rounded.

For round

A broken arc with a high rise and a short tip for chubby girls fits perfectly, and too sharp corners only emphasize roundness. When modeling, make the tip pointed and thin, unlike the inner edge, which originates from the nose. Trying to visually lengthen a round face, choose the right place where there will be a break: in relation to the total length, this point will be at a distance of two thirds, if you retreat from the inner edge of the arc. It is not recommended to make semicircular eyebrows for a round face, repeating its contour.

For oval

Owners of the oval type to find the perfect shape is simple: they fit any shape and bend. The only thing is not recommended straight wide lines - they visually shorten the face and make the features hard and coarse. These options harmoniously look:

  1. Lines with an elegant bend - make a feminine look romantic and fascinating. It is important not to overdo it when creating a fracture - the arcs should turn out to be slightly raised. Too sharp a corner will make a hard, and even angry look, ruin the natural proportions.
  2. Arched eyebrows for an oval face are also ideal, because they are able to soften the sharp features. If possible, balance the ratio of the height of the bend, the length and thickness of the line. It is clear that initially you will not raise a low arch much higher.
  3. The horizontal shape smoothes the elongation of the oval, makes it visually rounder. You should not have too low inside of the arc: because of her gaze will seem gloomy. Horizontal arcs should be located only symmetrically: they can be made by removing a few hairs at the break points.

For triangular

Selecting eyebrows in the shape of the face, girls with a triangular type should consider that the long lines will not suit them, because they will make the upper part even wider. In this case, a uniform beautiful bend and a small length look perfect. However, to create such a form, it will be necessary to preserve the natural width of the arc and bend in the middle. Owners of a wide forehead and narrow chin will still have a not too long eyebrow with a soft curvature, having an average width of about 1 cm. After a break in the direction of the temples, the line should narrow.

For square

Women who want to look attractive, you need to know how to choose the shape of eyebrows under your type. A rigid square shape is diluted with arched lines with sharp bends and high elevations. It is better if the fracture will be two-thirds from the outer corner of the eye or in the center. It should be noted that the lines should not be short: the tail can be somewhat longer than the stylists recommend for other types of faces.

The owners of a square face are contraindicated in thin lines, they are recommended to make an average width or more. Against the background of wide cheekbones, straight horizontal thick lines look ugly - they can visually expand the face, make it coarse and rectangular, so they should also be discarded.Correcting the form, avoid too high kink, the option of "house" is also not suitable.

Perfect eyebrow shape

Women seeking to always be in trend follow fashion not only in the wardrobe, but also correct the shape of brow arcs, because this is also an important criterion in creating the ideal image. Watching fashion trends began a long time ago, for example, about 30 years ago women of fashion made themselves thin strings, after that shaggy eyebrows became popular. Now in a fashion wide rounded lines with thinned density. Color can vary from light brown to black, the main thing is that you look as natural as possible.

Among the fair sex, loving to attract the attention of others, fashionable lines remain with smooth curves or a small fracture. Even world-famous stars try to make their eyebrows elegant, slightly curved, without sharp corners. If you can not find the right shape for your type, stop the choice on arched smooth lines - they are considered ideal and the most correct for women of any age.

How to make a shape eyebrows

Before adjusting your image at home, you will have to take care of the tools. For these purposes, you can buy a ready-made set or take what is available at home: tweezers, a brush, an alcohol-containing agent, cotton pads, a cream, a cosmetic pencil. It is better to use two tweezers: with sharp and beveled flat tips, however this requirement is not necessary for execution: you can pull out hairs and make contour correction with one tool.

As for the ideal form, you can search for it for a long time. If you do not want to experiment with appearance or resort to using special stencils, draw a suitable line for yourself using a special technique. According to stylists, this method is the only option that allows a woman to paint ideal eyebrows on her own, and what type of eyebrows they will turn out - see for yourself later. So that you do not look unnatural and funny, follow the instructions for the correct design of eyebrows:

  1. Disinfect the instrument, the skin, apply a softening cream around the area to be treated, or if you are too sensitive to pain, apply ice for a couple of minutes.
  2. Mark the starting point of the arc: visually (or with the help of a cosmetic pencil) draw a line that originates from the lower edge of the nose, goes through the inner corner of the eye - the intersection point of the pencil with the brow arc and will be an ideal beginning. Remove hairs that are behind the line, growing towards the nose.
  3. Determine the highest point - the bend (angle). Draw a line from the wing of the nose, passing through the pupil of the eye, bring straight to the eyebrow. The arc should be lifted before bending without changing the width. After the corner, it will fall towards the temple, while there should not be a sharp break - you should narrow it gently and gradually. Hair, which did not fall into the marked area, remove the lower contour.
  4. Note the "tail": draw a line from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye. The arc should not go beyond the end point of the line. Pick out the hairs behind the point toward the temple. The tail falling to the temple should be narrowed.
  5. At the end of the correction procedure, fix the hairs with a gel, and give them the desired shade, tint with shadows.


Watch the video: How To Shape Your Eyebrows To Suit Your Face (July 2024).