
5 ways to dry hair without a hairdryer


This is the safest and most effective way. A short head of hair dries for 10 minutes, and for long thick strands it will take a little more time and energy.

  1. At the end of the wash you need to apply a balm or conditioner. They form a protective thin film on the strands, which will not allow to absorb excess water.
  2. Squeeze the water out of your hair and comb it with your hands - so the water will drain faster. But do not twist into a bundle, namely squeeze!
  3. If you intend to continue taking a shower, pin the strands with a barrette and do not wet them anymore.
  4. Bend down a bit and shake your hair for 3 minutes. You can help with your hands. This simple procedure will add the desired amount and blow each hair.
  5. Wrap your head with a towel that absorbs moisture well (for example, microfiber or cotton). If the strands curl heavily, you can take a regular paper towel. Leave it for a few minutes (15-20).
  6. Carefully blot each strand of hair. Repeat until hair dries. The towel should be dry. Do not wipe too hard - it may damage the hair.
  7. When drying, focus on the root zone, because the tips dry much faster. Tilt your head down and blot the roots of the strands with a dry and clean towel. Shake them several times to get as much air as possible into the wet hair.
  8. Comb your comb with wide teeth or a microfiber brush - it does not harm the hair and does not allow them to curl.
  9. Allow your hair to dry and comb again.
  10. If the process is delayed, shake the hair after 15 minutes and comb with a comb.


If it's warm outside, sit on a bench or just go for a walk. The main thing - choose a shadow, because the direct rays of the sun have a bad effect on the strands. A small and warm wind also contributes to the head to dry faster.
Girls with a long braid can twist their heads, as well-known rock musicians do at concerts.


If you have a fan, use this method. Stand in front of the device, choosing the right speed, and comb the strands with a comb or with your hands.

Attention! Do not get too close to the blades of the fan - they can grab hair. And try not to catch a cold.


Leader among the extreme! The prospect of burning the skin or losing hair does not frighten brave women who need to dry their wet strands very quickly. Turn on a couple of burners and stand in front of the stove. But it is much safer to use the oven and just stand opposite. From the gas, the air will become warm and speed up the drying process.


You do not know how you can quickly dry your head without a hairdryer? A few clever tips will help speed up the process:

  • Heat the towel on the battery or iron it with an iron - it will better absorb moisture and create a comfortable temperature for your hair,
  • Experts note that waffle towels are ideal for quick hair drying. If there are none, pick up from the mahra - with 5 mm hairs combed in one direction. It should be dull - a beautiful shine indicates the presence of synthetic fibers that reduce the absorbent properties of the towel,
  • So that the long spit does not lose volume, regularly lower the strands down during drying and shake them with your hands. Shake your head from one side to the other - this should also help,
  • When your hair starts to dry a little, comb it with a comb. Your hair will be beautiful,
  • Choose in the store a means for drying hair - for example, conditioner or serum.

How to quickly dry short hair without a hairdryer

In the presence of a short hairstyle, it is easy to dry your head quickly without using special devices. It is necessary to follow only five basic rules.

  • Immediately after washing, gently pat your head with a towel. Cotton or plain paper is best. These materials absorb moisture quickly. Never rub your hair, as this damages their structure. To speed up the process, apply an air conditioner that will facilitate the separation into separate strands, and therefore increase the air flow to them.

Secrets of drying long hair straight

Owning long curls to dry your head without using a hair dryer will be somewhat more difficult and longer. To optimize the process, use five tips.

Professional recommendations

Experts do not advise too often and without the need to use a hair dryer to quickly dry the hair. To speed up the natural process, you can use their professional recommendations.

  • To wipe the hair is best suited waffle towel, which is desirable as wet to replace. The worst option is terry towels, especially if they are sewn from fabric with the addition of synthetics.
  • To speed up the drying, apply special products to the strands that make it easier to comb. They will make the curls more "crumbly" and increase the evaporating surface of the hair.
  • Remember that wet hair is much more susceptible to damage than dry. Therefore, begin combing long strands from the tips, gradually rising to the roots. Give preference to combs made of wood and other natural materials.


It is strongly not recommended to use a gas stove, oven or fan for drying. Such extreme methods not only harm the hair, threatening to completely burn it.

If you adhere to the above recommendations, you can make sure in practice that it is quite simple to dry the hair without using a hair dryer. Now you can in any unforeseen situation make the hair quickly and without harm to hair.

Method number 11

Screw the hair on an iron curler and every five minutes, tilt your head down and gently soak the curls with a paper towel.

How to do it

The inhabitants of some forums offer non-standard ways to dry your head without a hairdryer. Some of the tips are certainly not worth implementing.

Think a hundred times before drying your hair with a stream of air from a vacuum cleaner. Yes, the moisture will come down from them, but new dirt is provided.

The sun will help to quickly dry the hair, but the ultraviolet rays are not the best hair mates.

And certainly you should not dry your hair over the gas stove - you risk to shine a bald head in the sun.

How to wash your hair

Ideally, you should wash your head with boiled water, but if you warm the kettle every time you are too lazy, you can soften the water with glycerin, baking soda or liquid ammonia (spoon per liter of water).

The fatter the hair, the cooler the water should be.

Use only shampoo for your hair type. No shower gels and even branded grandma's tar soap. It is better to choose a transparent shampoo that does not foam much (there is less alkali in it).

Be sure to use the conditioner after washing. Apply it over the entire length of the hair, avoiding the area of ​​the roots and scalp (sometimes it can cause irritation).

After two or three minutes, wash off the remnants of the product and slightly wring out the hair with a towel.

Curls below the shoulders are particularly affected by frequent styling and dry air. Experts recommend that long hair be dried naturally and only doused with a hair dryer.

Method for short hair

How to quickly dry your hair without a hairdryer in 5 minutes? Short hair can be dried by acting as follows:

heat the towel (with an iron or other method), preferably a waffle,
without using rubbing movements, dry hair,
Apply a small amount of mousse to the hair, brushing it from root to tip,
comb the hair with a round comb, preferably wooden, spinning and forming natural strands,
comb your hair with a massage comb,
slightly treat hair with a fixative composition.

The process takes about 300 seconds.

Method for long hair

To dry long hair will require more effort and money. Sequencing:

prepare 2–3 or more heated towels,
squeeze out the water by hand grabbing a piece of hair in one operation
wrap your head with a towel and wait 5 minutes
with your head down, massage your hair,
split hair with rubber bands or barrettes
dry with dry towels,
remove hairpins or gum and comb the hair with your hands or a comb with large teeth.

Drying long hair in this way, depending on the volume, takes 15-30 minutes.

Alternative ways

Two little-known ways are not inferior in effect to the main.

Wrap the hair with a T-shirt and knock water out of it, then use the prepared towel and hairbrush. This method is well suited for curly hair,
Use a comb with microfiber. Squeeze out the water, comb, wait 10–15 minutes and repeat the procedure.

The use of these methods does not negate the majority of non-contradictory advice.

When using any method you need to know how to dry your hair properly. These rules further improve the drying process:

use air conditioning
dry with microfiber towels or waffles,
use warm weather with a dry wind outside,
put your head down
dry the strands with paper towels,
use a “skeletal” comb for a better flow of air to the hair,
apply a large number of movements with hair and head,
combine drying and styling
to keep the towel from opening, use clothespins,
pay attention to the hair roots (they dry much slower than the tips, in addition, it avoids the difference in volume between them),
apply liquid silk and crystals to the tips,
Use a wool towel to dry the roots.

Acquaintance with these rules will allow in a hurry not to harm the hair and speed up the result. Before you quickly dry your hair, you should at least briefly familiarize yourself with them.

Rules for drying hair

do not dry your hair with the burners of a gas stove, fan, oven, ultraviolet heater and vacuum cleaner,
do not use terry towels,
do not rub the towel
do not apply conditioner to the roots,
don't wrap your head too tightly with a towel
do not use combs made of synthetic materials.

Be careful with drying your hair outside. Too hot sun and strong wind affect the hair destructively.

How to quickly dry your hair without hair dryer in curlers

In iron curlers hair dryer is contraindicated. Scrunching on them the hair itself in itself well eliminates moisture.

To speed up the drying, you need to use the conditioner after washing the hair and before getting hair curlers wet the hair at the roots. After that, it's good to go outside in sunny weather. If this is not possible, it remains only to gently dry with a warm towel. In this situation, the recommendation remains to dry the hair, with its head tilted upside down.

How to quickly dry your hair without a hairdryer and towels

In addition to drying on the street, the only relatively harmless way is to use the conditions of a hot kitchen. Extremely undesirable and even dangerous for the hair options with the use of household appliances. It is undesirable to dry hair over a gas burner, near the oven, fan and vacuum cleaner, even under extreme conditions. Once you decide to use this method with the thought “I’ll dry my hair quickly, but incorrectly as an exception,” you can then treat them for a long time. The risk in this case is not worth the result.

Advantages of drying without hair dryer

Despite the development of beauty technologies, natural methods do not lose their relevance. The main advantage of drying without a hair dryer is the absence of negative side effects. Hair dryer - a traumatic tool. Too high temperature violates the natural structure of the hair, making them more brittle. Using a stream of cold air causes no less harm. As a result, it is often necessary to use additional care products or even carry out costly rehabilitation procedures.

Dyed hair is more susceptible to the adverse effects of a hair dryer. Many violate the rules of effective use - keep it closer than 30 cm, turn on the maximum airflow mode, dry the same place for a long time, before drying, the hair is not treated with protective agents. Drying without a hair dryer minimizes the risk of damage to the hair, preserves the natural amount of moisture. Over time, the hair becomes thicker.

Cons drying without hair dryer

Blow-drying is somewhat superior to these types of drying in speed. Failure to comply with certain rules may be harmful. The most likely violations are the use of rubbing movements with a towel and being under a too hot sun. Another disadvantage is the need to heat the towels in basic ways.

Subject to the rules, drying without a hairdryer can replace the usual option. According to reviews of those who tried it, the hair becomes healthy and beautiful. The speed of the main methods is almost the same as drying with a hair dryer.

Drying without hair dryer ?? Yes, easy and safe

Of course, it is safe - if you do not dry your hair over a stove or oven, in front of a fan, under an iron or with a vacuum cleaner. If in the latter case only the hair can suffer, then in the rest - also health. Iron, most likely melt the hair, they can even catch fire. Hot edges of the stove can leave a burn if inadvertently touched. Gas can “suffocate”, a fan can catch a cold, a vacuum cleaner can contaminate hair, besides, hot blowing is the same hair dryer, and therefore harm to curls.

Direct UV rays are no less harmful to hair. They literally “burn” hair. Water refracts the light, like a magnifying glass, and burns a dangerous pattern on each strand. Therefore you should not dry your hair in the sun. Even coming out of a river or an open-air swimming pool - it is better to wear a hat and / or go into the shade.

If it is warm outside but overcast, while there is no wind, and the humidity is not high, then you can wash your head, calmly, and go about your business, especially if your hair is short.

However, most often the hair is dried at home, because ideal weather conditions are rare, especially in Russia, where nine or even eleven months is cold, often with rain and wind.

Specific tips on how to dry your hair without a hairdryer

The main friend in this process is time and air, the more of them, the easier. But more specifically:

  1. After washing your head, squeeze the hair (just do not twist it - spare your curls!), Until the water stops flowing from them. If the hair is long - first squeeze the entire head of hair, then the individual strands. If short - skip the strands between your fingers, as if brushing your hair with your hands.
  2. Wrap your hair with a warm towel and let it absorb as much moisture as possible. Then replace it with a dry towel. If the hair is long, you may need up to three towels before the curls become wet and not wet. Short hair, probably enough for one or two towels.
  3. In the towel you can walk, doing your own thing, but you can speed up the process. The main thing - do not rub! Because it will damage the structure of the hair, their luster will disappear. It is necessary to wet the hair along the entire length. If the hair is long - you can knock it down, leaning forward, and you can - on its side, in the opposite direction from that on which you usually style your hair (this will give additional volume to the hairstyle). If the hair is short - move your hands up, as if fluttering your hair. If the hair is curly or wavy.Move your hands in the direction opposite to that in which the curls curl. So you can straighten them a little, without resorting to "ironing".
  4. Comb your hair. If your hair is long, brush it with your fingers and brush it every 15 minutes until it looks dry, and feels a little wet to the touch. Only then you can take a comb, better - a wooden one. If the hair is short - you can quickly dry it out by intensively combing for about 15 minutes. The comb should be wooden, in extreme cases - plastic with thick teeth. When the hair appears to be dry, start styling: comb your hair as if you are rolling a tube out of it, while styling the curls as you want them to lie when they are dry.

  1. A warm towel absorbs better, but also creates a comfortable temperature for the hair and head, and also protects against hypothermia and colds. Heated towels can be pre-hanging on the battery or ironed ironing.
  2. Experts say that it is best to absorb waffle towels. But if you prefer terry - pick up a fluffy (length of the villi is 5 mm), combed to one side and matte (shine speaks of synthetic fibers, which reduce the absorbency of the towel).
  3. So that the “turban” from the towel is not unwound, the tip of the “bag” can be tucked under the edge of the towel on the back of the head or at the temple, and for greater reliability - fixed with a clothespin (the main thing is not to grab the hair, otherwise it can be painful, and such pressure is harmful for the structure hair).
  4. Hair dries faster if you brush it from time to time - because more air flows in this way. Therefore, the max effect will be provided by the “propeller”: twist hair, as rock musicians do. This method, of course, can afford only a lady with a trained neck.
  5. To keep long hair from drying out “slick” - from time to time you need to lift them with your fingers at the roots and shake gently. In this case, you can tilt your head in one direction or the other. By the way, it also speeds up drying.
  6. When long hair begins to dry, it is better to periodically comb them - not only to dry faster, but also to make it more evenly. Otherwise, you can get an unexpected "bell": at the roots of the volume is not, at the ends of the hair pushing.
  7. Some conditioners and care products accelerate hair drying, for example, Paul Mitchell serum.
  8. To form curls, as well as straighten curls, curls can be rolled up and fixed with hairpins - drying it will slow down, but it will allow you to do the styling without a hairdryer or “ironing”.

Love yourself!

In fact, it is easy to dry your hair without a hair dryer, we just got used to the “quick fix”, just like we got used to antibiotics with or without symptomatic drugs and other “husks”. Wrapping his head with a towel, you can safely do any business, be it cooking, manicure / pedicure, mopping, reading a book or watching TV. Take time for yourself is far from a crime. Beloved person, colleagues, friends will appreciate your concern for yourself: you will be rested, beautiful, healthy, and your hair will flow and shine “like in advertising”.

Drying hair without hair dryer

It is possible to dry the curls in a short period of time without using a hair dryer, but it is important not to injure or injure them.

In no case do not need to resort to extreme methods of drying hair, looking for an alternative to hair dryer. You do not need to use a fan, a vacuum cleaner, you should not also dry them over a gas stove.

It is also not recommended to sit in the open sun or in a strong draft. All these actions will harm not only the curls, but also the very health, you will at least be guaranteed colds and burns.

Therefore, trying to quickly dry your hair, you need to remember about safety and your own health. To dry your hair, regardless of their length in a short time, you can use two methods. For this you only need comb and towel.

Editorial Board

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use.

A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer.

We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems.

We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

The first method of quick hair drying

This drying method is suitable for girls. with short hair. Long curls can also be dried in this way, but it will take a lot of time to achieve the desired result, but short strands will dry after 10 minutes.

So, after shampooing, hair should be thoroughly blotted with a towel or made of microfiber. For these purposes, you can use and paper towels. These materials perfectly eliminate excessive moisture from the curls.

After separating all the hair into strands and repeating the same “blotting” procedure with each strand separately. As needed, as soon as the towel becomes wet, it needs to be changed to dry.

The main thing is not to rub the hair in any case, otherwise they will be injured and begin to split.

Further, almost dry hair must be combed with a comb. with large teeth. The use of a comb with small and frequent teeth is undesirable - this can harm the hair. The comb should not be plastic or metal, it is better to purchase wooden.

Reduce the time for drying curls can, if they provide the necessary flow of air. To do this, you can turn your head from one side to the other side, shaking it from top to bottom. The hair dryer itself deals with this process - it provides the curls with a large amount of cold or hot air.

Second method

The following method is ideal for girls who possess long hair. The whole drying process will take about 30 minutes, while the hairdryer will be able to dry the same curls in 20 minutes, the difference is still insignificant.

After washing the head it is necessary to wrap it in a large towel, preferably made of microfiber. Best if it is warm, it can be heated on a radiator or by using an iron. You need to hold a towel on your head for about 10-15 minutes, during which time you can prepare your outfit, put on makeup, have a cup of tea or do other household chores.

After the specified time, remove the towel, the curls will be almost dry. Then they should be combed with a microfiber brush, and excessive moisture from the hair will be completely eliminated. To consolidate the result, shake your head several times, taking apart the hair, brush your strands with your fingers. This will speed up the process of their complete drying, thus will be obtained additional volume.

Professional Tips

  1. Hair will dry out faster if you wash your hair use air conditioning. This tool repels water from them, not allowing the absorption of excess moisture into the structure. In addition, air conditioning facilitates the process of combing, making curls more docile.
  2. After washing the head, you need to gently squeeze the water with the strands, while not twisting them into a bundle, just hold them lightly with your hands.
  3. Can not comb wet curls, it is extremely harmful for their structure. You can only comb almost dry hair, starting from the tips and smoothly moving to the roots. Preference is given preferably comb, made from natural materials.
  4. Much attention needs to be paid exactly hair rootsThey dry out much longer than the tips. Using small towels to get to the roots and remove moisture from them will be much more convenient.
  5. It is desirable to dry long curls, head down, providing these maximum air flow to the hair. And you need to shake and stir them more often.

Professionals recommend using a hairdryer only as a last resort, and not for drying hair, but to create the necessary styling.

You should not panic in unforeseen situations when you need to get together for an unexpected event in a short time. Hair can be dried quickly and without the use of a hair dryer, without causing them harm. You just need to remember and adhere to some simple rules that were discussed above. There are other ways of drying the hair in a short time, but they are not so safe and, resorting to them can harm the hair, the restoration of which in the future will take a lot of time.

How to dry short hair without using a hair dryer

  1. After shampooing, do not use conditioner. It retains moisture in the hair shaft, as a result of which they dry 30% longer.
  2. At the end of the procedure, run your hand through your hair several times to get excess water to the glass. Wrap them with a towel, wait 5 minutes.
  3. Begin to rub the hair with heavy movements, you can shake your head for greater effect.
  4. Put on the strands of styling mousse, tilt your head down. Take a massage brush with natural bristles or a wooden comb, walk from the roots to the ends several times.
  5. Carefully work out the root zone, lift the hair with your hands to give volume. Well comb strands on the crown and the back of the head, in these places they dry the longest.
  6. Rinse your hair with a towel. Now comb the comb with sparse teeth from tip to root to unravel the strands. Do this until the hair is dry.
  7. You can use brushing to form natural curls. Twist the hair on the comb at the roots, wait 30 seconds, go to the next strand.
  8. After the procedure, fix the hairstyle with lacquer so that hair does not fluff.

Practical recommendations for drying hair without a hairdryer

    Natural drying of long hair can be combined with styling. You will need a hairdressing clips or medium size crabs. Divide the hair into thin curls, twist them into a bundle or braid pigtails. Roll the strands into a circle and lock. Simple actions will make the hair wavy without any effort.

There was no hair dryer on hand, and you need to dry your hair urgently? The problem is solved. Treat the short strands intensively with a wooden comb and a towel, give them the desired shape using a round comb. Long dry upside down, combing them with your hands. Never use household appliances (vacuum cleaner, stove, fan).


Watch the video: How to AIR DRY - Hair. Within 5 MINUTES (July 2024).