
30 of the strangest celebrity hairstyles


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Brigitte Bardot for the first time made the legendary styling of the film Babette Goes to War. Since then, 53 years old ladies have built such a masterpiece and go on a date. Famous babette in fourth place ranking.

Bronze winner - curls, laid in the form of shells and a short shoulder. The heroine of Audrey Hepburn in this elegant form had breakfast with croissants, and ordinary women with such styling are getting married! This is the most popular wedding hairstyle. Victoria Beckham and Anne Hathaway also love her.

In the second place in the rankings are the braids of Princess Leia from the Star Wars saga twisted into donuts. This haircut takes 4 hours. Nicole Scherzinger appears with these donuts not only on the red carpet, but also in the gym.

The most famous film apparel, which millions of women have been asking their hairdressers for 16 years, is Jennifer Aniston's haircut in the TV series Friends. The actress’s stylist used a razor instead of scissors to create a ragged strand effect. Jennifer herself hates this hairstyle, but torn strands are extremely popular among her colleagues.

Donald trump

If such a man could marry an attractive woman, then there is still hope in the world for all single men. But no, wait. He is rich. The appearance of this president is as frightening and dumb as most of his decisions in the role of head of state.

Miley Cyrus

Very cute and prickly at the same time. In general, there is nothing surprising in the fact that this singer made herself such a hairstyle. Both before and after this her style was and is very expressive.

Even in this form, it still looks good. Of course, this was not the best period in terms of appearance, so it is better to admire it now.

Ann Hataway

She achieved a great effect with her appearance, of course, if she wanted to look like a ten-year-old boy. Naturally, her very appearance is not feminine, but this hairstyle destroys any potential charm.

Adam Lambert

This hairstyle, this facial vegetation, this smile, this look. It looks scary. Sometimes the vocalist can look quite stylish and attractive, but in some cases the choice of his stylists looks just awful.

Melanie brown

Apparently, her head fought with a razor and definitely lost. Of course, “undercard” hairstyles are incredibly popular now, but this photo was taken much earlier than they became fashionable, and therefore in this case the haircut is simply awful.

This singer simply could not look bad, regardless of her next style. Up to this point. How could this happen? He dyed her hair in all sorts of colors, tried dozens of hairstyles, a huge number of different styles, but never looked as disgusting as in this photo.

Angelina Jolie

Looking at the hair and clothes, you might think that she was at a funeral. Especially if you know how attractive the actress may look in other situations.

That's what happens to you if you watch the movie “A Trip to America” too many times. In general, it is very strange to look at this famous singer, who is considered one of the most beautiful in the world, in a similar way.

How much gel in his hair! In fact, this is the standard style of this DJ, which makes the photo even more frightening. Does it really seem like an adequate solution to someone?

Dennis Rodman

So much is wrong with this photo, it’s not even clear where to start. Of course, in the world of sport you can often see strange hair styles, so you should not be surprised at such an amazing and challenging combination. That you do not do it better, to be frank.

Justin Timberlake

A bad hairstyle combined with a tasteless T-shirt is a complete failure. Of course, the hairstyle of “instant macaroni” has become a cult for this singer, but it is still more pleasant to see him now.

Natalie Portman

Attention to the background: apparently, with such a hairstyle, she needed protection. Fortunately, the actress did not repeat anything of the kind and henceforth looked exceptionally cute and attractive.

Justin Bieber

No comments here. The singer's haircut in combination with his pretty face made teenage girls go crazy over him, and everyone else would look at him with disgust.

Ann Hataway

She achieved a great effect with her appearance, of course, if she wanted to look like a ten-year-old boy. Naturally, her very appearance is not feminine, but this hairstyle destroys any potential charm.

Kim Kardashian

Apparently, she herself is not particularly happy with what she looks like. Of course, the fans and fans all over the world were still delighted, but it would be better for her not to repeat anything like that anymore.

Adam Lambert

This hairstyle, this facial vegetation, this smile, this look. It looks scary. Sometimes the vocalist can look quite stylish and attractive, but in some cases the choice of his stylists looks just awful.

Melanie brown

Apparently, her head fought with a razor and definitely lost. Of course, “undercard” hairstyles are incredibly popular now, but this photo was taken much earlier than they became fashionable, and therefore in this case the haircut is simply awful.

This singer simply could not look bad, regardless of her next style. Up to this point. How could this happen? He dyed her hair in all sorts of colors, tried dozens of hairstyles, a huge number of different styles, but never looked as disgusting as in this photo.

Carrot Top

Seeing this, I want to immediately take a shower. Of course, the hairstyle of this comedian is one of his most powerful humorous elements, but that doesn’t make her look less stupid.

Angelina Jolie

Looking at the hair and clothes, you might think that she was at a funeral. Especially if you know how attractive the actress may look in other situations.

That's what happens to you if you watch the movie “A Trip to America” too many times. In general, it is very strange to look at this famous singer, who is considered one of the most beautiful in the world, in a similar way.

How much gel in his hair! In fact, this is the standard style of this DJ, which makes the photo even more frightening. Does it really seem like an adequate solution to someone?

Simon Cowell

Even money can not buy a good hairstyle. Or a pretty face. But seriously speaking, he sometimes manages to beat the part on the short hair quite well, but still we would like him to choose a different style.

Dennis Rodman

So much is wrong with this photo, it’s not even clear where to start. Of course, in the world of sport you can often see strange hair styles, so you should not be surprised at such an amazing and challenging combination. That you do not do it better, to be frank.

Katy Perry

She goes to the city of Smurfs. There it will definitely be taken for its own. What can not be said about the world of people. How was it possible to make such a haircut?

Justin Timberlake

Since this photo was taken in the nineties, the singer can be forgiven for his eyebrows. But not a hairstyle! As mentioned above, when this singer first appeared on this list, he now looks much better. Naturally, he is not the king of beauty, but at the same time he is always stylish, attractive and does not conduct crazy experiments with hair.

Kelly osbourne

When you look at this photo (the main photo of the article), it may seem to you that you have been cursed. All hairstyles of this celebrity are remembered by different colors and strange forms, but this one definitely breaks all records.

Strange as it may sound, in this photo the hairstyle may be the best part. Although still it is impossible not to say that she is just disgusting and definitely does not fit the person she frames.

Robert Pattison

Can someone explain how a person can leave the house, looking like this? The most famous vampire of our time among adolescents definitely missed with this style. It is evident that he wanted to look unusual and fashionable, but it turned out just awful.

1. Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys is the heroine of the most popular game of the series of thrones today. The popularity of her image is rapidly gaining momentum and in the future, many girls will want a similar hairstyle.

Its easy enough to do. Only need to have for this long ash hair. However, this hairstyle will look amazing on brunettes too.

2. Holly Golightly

The legendary Audrey Hepburn in the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany” became an example for many to follow. Thanks to its elegance, femininity and, of course, its image!

Strict, but at the same time simple and elegant hairstyle, complemented by a brooch with precious stones. Perfect for official meetings, languid evenings and even for dates!

3. Maria Elena

Woody Allen's melodrama "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" will leave few people indifferent. A strange, sometimes eccentric film was made partly due to Penelope Cruz, who played Maria Elena.

A flighty, hysterical and unbalanced person who always walks with disheveled hair and a cigarette. It is this anti-hair for a long time remained in vogue.

4. Carrie Bradshaw

Probably there are few women on this planet who have not watched the famous "Sex and the City". Sarah Jessica Parker as Carrie Bradshaw was forever remembered by her fancy curls for her fans.

However, if you do not have curly hair from nature - you will have to resort to using a hairdresser or curling hair at home.

5. Serena Van Der Woodsen

Serena, who is also actress Blake Lovely, has always appeared in the TV series Gossip Girl with amazingly stacked white curls. This hairstyle is very simple.

It is enough to wash your hair, dry them and curl slightly.

6. Vivian Ward

It seems that natural curls went down in history much earlier. Small curls have become so popular with women around the world!

Julia Roberts in the melodrama "Pretty Woman" appeared before the audience in precisely this role.

7. Rachel Green

Jennifer Aniston, the performer of the role of Rachel Green in the famous TV series "Friends" later admitted that almost every hairstyle of her heroine entered history.

You can not say about the images of Monica Geller (Courtney Cox). As an actress did not try - no one liked her hairstyles.)

And which of these hairstyles did you like? 🙂

Trend makers of those times

trend makers of those times

Like today, in the 16th century there existed their own trend makers, however, unlike century 21, these were not designers and stylists at all, but the first persons of the state - kings and queens. It was enough for someone from the royal family to put on a new clothes, brought from overseas wanderings, change hair, as all right there at the court tried to imitate the novelty.

Fashion in France

fashion in france

For example, in France, Ekaterina Medici rules the ball. She brought into fashion many elements of the costume for both women and men. It was she who first "dressed" the women of France in pantaloons. It is not known for certain who first began to wear hats - berets - but over time, the fashion for them spread as among the ladies, there and among the gentlemen. Men wore berets, covering their short-cropped heads, but the girls had long curls, often decorated with ribbons or beads, from under the beret. If the man did not cut his hair shortly, then he was not lazy to curl them in a woman's manner. Moreover, the representatives of the stronger sex did not disdain to redden and stifle - that’s the real metrosexuals.

Variants of female hairstyles 16th century

16th century female hairstyle options

Female hairstyles of the 16th century suggested two main options. First, when the ladies collected their hair high above their foreheads, covering them with a cap with a veil. The second version of the hairstyle suggested curled hair, gathered behind. Especially lazy ladies, in order not to waste time on rather long styling, used wigs, which was also very fashionable in that era.

At the court of the English Queen Elizabeth, the fashionable female hairstyle was to collect the hair in two rollers and put them high above her forehead. Such a design on the head was generously decorated with beads, sometimes with caps with a veil. Men most often cut their hair short. As in France of the 16th century, women's wigs were fashionable at the English court.

It will take another couple of decades, and France will introduce a baroque hairstyle for hairstyles that will flood Europe. Such hairstyles will differ in a very complex style of execution and a large number of jewelry. Around this time, fluffy blond wigs will become very popular, and both women and men will wear them.


Watch the video: Most Hilarious & Craziest Hairstyles Ever (July 2024).