Building up

Pros and cons of tape hair extensions


Fashion is a non-permanent lady, and if recently, short haircuts were preferred, then long curls are again in the trend. But how to keep up with these fluctuations and always look modern? In beauty salons it is proposed to hold hair extensions, and most often this procedure is performed by a tape method.

Read in this article.

Pros and cons of tape hair extensions

This procedure is considered the most popular, and this will become clear if you just study the advantages of tape hair extensions:

  • the whole process lasts a maximum of 30 minutes
  • during the procedure, the client's own hair remains whole and healthy, because the method does not imply the use of chemicals and high temperatures,
  • tape extension can be used even with a short haircut, just 2 cm is enough,
  • donor hair does not load the roots of its own and is absolutely not felt when you touch the curls,
  • tape building can be applied on thin, loose strands,
  • the duration of preservation of the initial result is up to 12 months, but only under the condition of proper “wearing” of donor strands and timely correction.

In addition, the cost of ribbons with donor hair is relatively low, so this service in beauty salons is widely available.

Unfortunately, this method of hair extension has some drawbacks. For example, correction will have to be carried out every 2 months, while other technicians allow to extend the period of donor hair to 4 - 5 months. Another point - the ladies will not be able to do some hair. For example, the horsetail is banned, since all the accumulated ribbons will be visible.

Before you decide on a tape hair extensions, you need to know that to care for them will need expensive cosmetics from the professional series. And they are commercially available, but they are much more expensive than usual.

The procedure under consideration is carried out by two different methods - using German or Italian technology, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • Hair talk - German technology, which makes it possible to build hair on the temples and bangs, but for a short time. Strands are made exclusively from natural donor hair and manually, attached to a translucent ribbon and can even be used to increase the volume of existing curls.

Often it is the German tape hair extensions that are used if necessary to add shades and colors to the hairstyle, “revive” it and create an imitation of coloring.

  • Angelohair - Italian technology, for which the strands are made of acrylic base. This does not mean that the result will be less effective, on the contrary, this type of the procedure in question allows you to maximally change the appearance. It is noted that hair extensions according to Italian technology are more resistant to external damage, do not require frequent correction.

There is another type - micro-tape hair extensions, which is best suited for weak and thin own locks. The tapes for this technology are much narrower, the donor hair is thinner, so there is no load on their own roots.

For information on how micro-tape hair extensions work, see this video:

Extension technique for long and short curls

Regardless of what type of procedure will be carried out, and on what length natural hair will be attached to the tape, the algorithm for its implementation is unchanged:

  • The master washes the client's hair, dries them thoroughly. Do not apply balms and conditioners, masks, because they create a dense film on the hair, which can interfere with the quality fastening tapes.
  • Curls by combing lift up and expose the horizontal parting, which is located at the back of the head and "leaves" to the temples. It is not necessary to fix the combed hair with hairpins.
  • The prepared ribbons with donor hair are attached to the first row, strand down from the parting, for which it is necessary to retreat 0.5 - 1 cm from the roots and press the attached tape with your hand.
  • Further the next row of hair falls, and the procedure is repeated. It is necessary to move with the tape hair extensions from the back of the head to the top of the head and only then process the whiskey with bangs.

The master should evenly distribute hair extensions, because otherwise the hairstyle will look messy.

For information on how tape hair extensions work, see this video:

What are used strands

Regardless of whether straight or wavy hair to be extended, you need to purchase special tape-tressy. They come in different lengths - from 10 to 20 cm and more, their cost depends on it - an average of 3 - 10 dollars per lane. In specialized stores, very short donor hair is also sold - up to 10 cm, which is used not to lengthen the strands, but only to give pomp, volume of the existing hairstyle.

Tress Tapes

Separately, it is worth paying attention to glue or tape - the material on which donor strands will be attached to your own hair. The fact is that it can be quite allergenic, which will lead not only to deterioration of the appearance and health of the hair, but also of the whole organism. By the way, it is possible to clarify the composition of the adhesive material and the level of its safety from the master, who performs the extension procedure.

Hair care

There is nothing difficult in the care of hair extensions on tape technology, you just need to remember a few rules:

  • You should not wash your hair for 3–5 days after visiting the master, but you shouldn’t worry - because of the presence of a large number of donor curls, untidy appearance is excluded.
  • It is possible to use various balms, conditioners and masks as care products only on the curls, but you should not treat the hair roots with them.
  • It is necessary to refuse use of the hair dryer, "ironing", hair curlers and any other tools that heat the hair. In extreme cases, such devices should work with minimal heating.
  • You can not visit the baths and saunas, and wash your hair with ribbons can only be under the shower, the water should flow over them.

How often need a correction

As soon as it is noted that own hair and hair extensions began to get tangled, badly combed and stick out, then it is time to contact the master at the beauty salon about the correction. Usually this happens 1 time in 50 - 60 days. The correction procedure itself is very simple: the master removes the ribbons and secures them again, but shifting them closer to the roots.

With timely access to the master, the same tapes with donor hair can be used for 12 months.

Hair after the procedure

They remain unchanged - do not break, do not flog, do not fall out. Tape hair extensions do not exert additional load on the roots of your own curls, and the chemical elements present in the adhesive base of the tapes do not penetrate deep into the hair and do not change their structure.

Experts warn that you need to sleep with hair extensions in a special hat, which will prevent them from becoming tangled. And one more thing - you shouldn’t often and intensively comb the curls, as this can lead to their “dismantling”.

What is better - capsular or tape building

The quality of the wizard give preference to capsular hair extensions, but in terms of safety for the health of the client and for ease of implementation, the tape is at the top of the rating. Not only building up, but also removing the artificial tape / donor strands is carried out quickly and without the use of chemicals or heating devices - this is an undoubted advantage.

Procedure cost

This indicator depends on how long the strands were chosen, how much they have to be fixed to obtain the desired result. For example, if 5 tapes of 50 cm each are used, the procedure will be worth 10,000 rubles (about 2500 UAH).

Tape hair extensions are the easiest and most effective method to lengthen your own strands and give bulkiness / pomp to your hairstyle. This procedure is carried out in all beauty salons, many hairdressers, even without special training, are able to perform manipulations correctly. Not more than half an hour - and the woman will always look fashionable, modern.

Tape build: what is it?

As is clear from the very name of the tape extension, the process technology is as follows: the strands are attached using a special tape, on both sides of which there is glue.

Professional glue for tape building is hypoallergenic, practically odorless, has quality certificates. Glue, strands, tapes - that's all the materials that are used in the process.

When tape hair extensions are performed, the length of the strand can vary from 20 to 100 cm. Also, the technology of tape extensions allows you to vary the density of new hair. The price depends on how much the strands are used and how long they are, but the further care is the same.

Tape building - cold: on the hair tape attached without any heat treatment. That is, for your hair, the procedure of attaching strands on tapes is absolutely safe.

The ribbons themselves are 4 cm long, their hair is distributed evenly and thinner at the attachment point, which allows you to hide the transition. Tape after building is not visible (if you do not lift all the hair up).

Today also microlents are used: the technology is the same, but the tapes themselves are shorter - the size of a capsule (3-6 mm). When building this way you can make a high tail, and the place where the strands are attached, will not be noticeable.

Tape hair extension lasts quite quickly: the tape can be increased in half an hour. To make short hair long, this is a record amount of time.

Natural hair for tape building are bought only unpainted and are chosen according to the client's color type, so after building it you can dye it without fear that the color will not be the same as it should be.

Correction tape extension is performed every 2-3 months. The correction involves the removal of "tired" strands. You can use hair on tapes repeatedly. That is, after removing the tapes, the same hair can be increased again - in this case, the price will include only the price of the wizard and glue, and the price of the tapes is not taken into account.
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Advantages and disadvantages

About hair extensions on ribbons you can hear different reviews. All because after such a procedure requires a specific, specific care. Much to do is not recommended, otherwise the cons become obvious.

Tape extension is worth doing because:

  • You can forget about short hair, which often requires long-term daily styling,
  • the procedure does not last long
  • the cost is acceptable compared to alternatives
  • This allows you to adjust the length of the hair, and microlents - and the thickness,
  • technology "cold build on ribbons" does not harm the hair.

As for the shortcomings, rather it’s just the right care that can cause difficulties. So, tape hair extensions - cons:

  • timely correction is required, otherwise microlents will be noticeable,
  • when washing your head you need to tilt back,
  • At night you should make a pigtail, so that the hair is not confused,
  • if you use ordinary ribbons, you can not do high hair
  • you can not dye hair at the roots (but you can paint strands),
  • need a special shampoo.

About the care of the master must tell before the procedure, in extreme cases - during. This will allow to weigh all the pros and cons and decide whether this technology is suitable as a tape extension.
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The specifics of the procedure

Hair extension tape method referred to as cold technologies artificial lengthening strands (there is still a hot and ultrasonic). The specificity of the procedure lies in the fact that donor ticks are attached to natural curls with adhesive tape.

It looks like this: Two donor straps are glued to a small strand of natural hair, one at the bottom, up with the adhesive side of the tape, and the other at the top, down with the adhesive side. The length of ribbons can be up to 60 cm, and the width is about 4 cm. For sparse hair, you need about 20 strands, and for thick hair - 40.

Is it possible to do at home and how? When it is better to do at home, and when to go to the salon

Technology tape hair extensions is quite simpletherefore, it can be done even at home. However, before that you need to contact the hairdresser to cut the split ends.

Before the procedure, you need to wash your hair with shampoo, but without using conditioners, balms and any other moisturizing and nourishing products, and then dry your hair in a natural way or with a hair dryer.

So, for building it is necessary:

  • Carefully comb the hair and separate them transversely. Lift up the middle and upper parts of the hairstyle and stab it with a barrette.
  • In a circle in the area of ​​the parting line, glue in advance the required length of the tape so that the native curl is inside the donor tape.
  • After you finish working with the lower parting line, you need to go to the next one, the one that is higher, and repeat the whole process again.
  • After glueing all the ribbons, it is necessary to remove the hairpin from the upper curls and smooth them on the head.

Experts recommend doing the procedure of tape hair extensions at home only on thick hair, and in the event that a woman is confident in their abilities. If the curls are rare, it is better to turn to the master, who will be able to pick up the necessary number of donor strands so that the final result looks beautiful and natural.

Variations on the type of hair with photos

Next, consider a photo of different types of hair after tape extension.

Extension on short, not very thick hair

Build-up on medium not very thick hair

Extensions on short thick hair

Extension on long, not very thick hair

Medium-length hair extensions

Extensions on long thick hair

Precautionary measures: what it is worth being afraid, using this technique

Despite the fact that the hair extension tape way is a safe procedure, it has its own nuances:

  • Tape extension should not be done if you have a disease of the scalp (seborrhea, eczema), otherwise it may begin to progress greatly.
  • It is not recommended to do the procedure on brittle, prone to hair loss, because under the weight of donor curls the confluence may significantly increase.
  • To protect the tape from destruction, it is forbidden to use hair care products containing alcohol and oil; you should wear a protective cap when going to the sauna or solarium, use warm rather than hot water to wash your hair, refrain from using ironing and drying hair dryer in hot mode.
  • You need to go to bed only with a dry head to avoid tangling of hair. You can braid the curls for the night. For the same reason, you can not comb against hair growth.
  • You can not wash accrued curls in the first 24 hours after the procedure, otherwise the mount will soften, and donor curls may begin to fall out.

How is the correction of tape hair extensions?

As your own strands grow back, the hairs that are raised fall lower, and the hairstyle begins to lose its shape, the attachment becomes noticeable. To restore the original beautiful view, correction is needed.

To do this, the hair is applied to the composition, solvent glue. Next, donor strands need to be removed, washed, dried and trim the ends on the side where there was a mount. The next stage is the repetition of the procedure itself. When correction is allowed to use the same strands that the woman has worn.

What is better: capsular or tape hair extensions?

According to hairdressers, reviews about which hair extension is better - capsular or tape - are ambiguous: some people like the first method, and some - the second, since both technologies have both their own advantages and disadvantages.

Since the tape extension refers to cold methods of fastening, it does not harm natural hair due to the lack of thermal effects. The procedure of extension and removal of tapes does not last very long, but the use of any hair care products based on oils and alcohol content, as well as exposure to high temperature, is prohibited.

Otherwise, the glue will dissolve, and the donor strands will disappear. The essence of capsular extension is that donor strands are attached to their own hair with the help of hot keratin capsules, from which natural hair gets stress.

It is much longer and more expensive to grow and remove capsules than tapes. But on the other hand, with curls built up by this method, you can do anything: paint, make high hair, curl.

Reviews of tape hair extensions with a description of the consequences and demonstration of the photo

Extensive hair in a tape way look beautiful and natural. But is it convenient for their owners with such a hairstyle? And what are the consequences for natural curls after the artificial strands are removed? To find out the answers to these questions, our editors conducted a survey.

I really like the way tape builds up on my short hair. Usually I increased the tape with the length of the strands to the shoulders, but this time I wanted even longer - to the waist.

I thought that I would feel discomfort, although on the third day after the buildup I was so used to long artificial curls that they became like relatives to me.

Even after I remove the curls, my natural hair feels fine: there is no drying, brittleness and other unpleasant consequences.

Unfortunately, I can not grow my hair to the desired length, as they, starting from a certain point, begin to split, so I do a tape extension.

With extended curls feel comfortable. The only difficulty is that you can not tilt your hair forward while washing your hair. I had no negative consequences after removing the tapes.

I always did a capsular extension, and the tape one was done for the first time. I don’t feel donor hair, but compared to the usual way of building tape, strands require more scrupulousness: they need to be very carefully combed, protected from exposure to high temperatures, you can’t do high hairstyles ... I removed the incised hair during correction. In this regard, the negative effects on their natural hair is not noticed.

Video on how to do tape hair extensions

The heroine of this video will demonstrate the procedure of hair extensions by tape method at home. How to prepare the tape-strands for building, in what places and in what sequence to attach them - you will learn about all this in this video.

Now you know what the procedure of hair extensions is by the tape method and how to do it at home. If you still decide to build a house, still consult with a specialist about how many donor strands you need for your curls.

Always remember to properly care for your new hairstyle, Especially that artificial hair does not like high temperatures. Experiment, constantly add zest to your image. A small amount of novelty always makes our life more interesting and colorful.

Features of building

  1. Proceeding from the name, it is easy to understand that artificial strands are attached to natural hair by means of special ribbons. Their width does not exceed 3-4 cm, so the procedure itself is quick and painless.
  2. Tapes are attached at a minimum distance from the root section, which allows to significantly increase the length of the hair. Subsequently, natural curls grow in the roots, the ribbons are shifted down, so correction is required.
  3. To fasten was invisible, use a special adhesive base without color. The glue consists of a large part of acrylic, which is not destroyed by dyeing or washing hair with cosmetics.
  4. Many are interested in the question of how to reconsider their lifestyle and hair care after the procedure. In fact, nothing extraordinary in this. The curls will last for a long time, the correction is done in 3-4 months (each term has different socks).
  5. Professional professionals after building will be sure to provide printed information on how to behave further. When the necessary period for fixing the tape will pass, you can lead the same way of life as before.

When should the building be abandoned

  • It should be understood that any cosmetic procedure has its own contraindications. If the length of the artificial curls exceeds 70 cm, it will have a very strong load on the root area of ​​native hair. Therefore, if the roots are weak, it is worth treating the hair and only then build up.
  • The procedure is contraindicated in the presence of microdamages of the scalp, identified psoriasis, seborrhea or dandruff, massive hair loss and their fragility, fungal ailments.
  • Artificial curls will have to be abandoned by those who feel bad with hair braided in the tail. Building is not recommended in cases of severe and frequent headaches, allergies.
  • Pregnant women should wait until the baby is born, breastfeeding period will pass, then you can proceed to the procedure. Otherwise, hair can fall out badly, there will be bald spots or an allergic reaction.
  • If, due to the presence of chronic ailments or other problems, you are forced to be treated with antibiotics, you should first consult with your doctor, only then, according to his recommendations, begin to wear artificial hair.
  • Price policy

    Many people know that building through tapes is cheaper than capsulars. But everything depends not only on the qualifications of the master. The composition of the hair is crucial, they can be Asian, Slavic, etc.

    It is also worth starting from the desired length and thickness. The price will be higher if you need to use a lot of tapes. Typically, to obtain an average volume and proportional hairstyle requires 40-80 pieces.

    Slavic and South Russian hair is more expensive, you will spend about 10-15 thousand rubles for the procedure. For this cost, the master will increase 60 ribbons 40-50 cm long. Usually, half the price is charged for the correction.

    How to remove the tape

    1. If you have increased your hair in a tape way, sooner or later you will have to remove them. If you do not want to bother yourself, you can seek professional help from a beauty salon. Alternatively, a friend can help with the issue.
    2. To gently remove the extension hair in a tape way, you will need alcohol and a hair dryer. Comb the hair and start to warm it with a hairdryer. As a result of heat treatment, the tapes will become unstuck themselves.
    3. Remove them with extreme caution and wipe the place of fixation with alcohol. This way you can easily get rid of glue residue. You can remove hair in a beauty salon, the procedure will be inexpensive. If you do not want to damage your own strands, it is better to seek professional help.

    Cons and pros tape building


    1. Often, the fair sex prefer a tape hair extensions. This is quite logical, the method has a lot of advantages.
    2. The procedure is carried out quite quickly and efficiently. If an experienced master deals with the manipulation, then you will spend no more than 30 minutes.
    3. Also the undoubted advantage of such an extension is that the hair looks natural and natural. They can not be distinguished from their own hair.
    4. The tape way of extension of strands can be carried out even on damaged and weak hair. In addition, you do not need to cut your hair.
    5. The procedure is carried out by the cold method. No need to heat the roots and use capsules. Such strands can be fastened even on very short hair.
    6. It is also worth noting that the cost of the procedure is 2 times less, unlike the capsular method. In this case, it is not at all necessary to resort to the help of chemical harmful effects. Hair does not need to be exposed to heat.
    7. If the procedure was carried out correctly and in compliance with all the rules, then competent care and timely correction will keep the beautiful effect for a long time.
    8. The considered method is considered universal. You can easily find strands of the desired length and volume. It is possible to choose even curly curls.
    9. During the procedure does not require special equipment. Therefore, the build-up can be carried out even at home.
    10. Extensive hair does not heavily burden native roots. Tapes are not felt when touched and repeat the growth of the hair. Also, extended hair can be easily styled with a hair dryer, curlers and tongs.

    1. From the minuses it should be noted that it is difficult to care for the extended hair in such a way. In the early days, you may feel discomfort. As if there was something else on the head.
    2. If the straightened locks are not properly cared for and used in low-quality balsams, they may come off. Sometimes the curls may differ from the natural weak shine.
    3. After 3 months will have to carry out the correction. Also increases the risk of hair loss when combing. Such strands require special care.
    4. Also a significant disadvantage of tape building is that it is forbidden to make a high tail and braid braids.

    Tape buildup is an affordable procedure that will suit women with a rare mite. Such a technique is used by girls who want to increase the length of their native strands. Before you start building, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with its positive and negative sides.

    How is the build process

    The principle of tape building consists in fixing the adhesive composition on the customer's hairs with specially prepared tapes with attached donor hair.

    The essence of the procedure: the master separates a thin strand of hair and applies two ribbons to it at a centimeter distance from the root - one on top and one on the bottom, so that they stick to each other, fixing themselves on the client's own hair.

    The procedure does not require any additional tools or temperature effects, which makes it quick and safe for the hair. The following tape technologies and extension schemes are used.

    Tress Hair Talk

    When building up, Slavic hair is used, collected in ribbons of 1 (micro-tape building), 3 or 4 centimeters, you can choose straight or wavy tress, presented in length from 25 to 70 centimeters. In the palette from the manufacturer - about 4 dozen shades, which allows you to create interesting colors.

    Gluing of hair occurs due to sticky polymer on thin, transparent tapes, which leaves no marks on the hair after removal. All the build-up takes from 30 to 50 minutes, and the correction will be required in 2-2.5 months. A big plus technology - the ability to remove and reuse the same strand. With proper care, a six-month manufacturer’s warranty applies to the strands.

    By Angelohair technology

    Fastening of natural strands produced in Italy is carried out with the help of an acrylic composition applied to a keratin base. Created from specially selected hairs with cuticle strands are less noticeable than when using Hair Talk tresses, so can be used for short hair. Nuances - the extension procedure lasts longer, the sock should be more careful, and corrections will be required more often - every 1.5-2 months.

    How to shoot?

    The procedure for removing the accumulated tapes is simple and painless. The wizard applies a special alcohol-containing spray to the attachment sites — it is safe for hair, but quickly dissolves the adhesive. As a result, the tape is easily removed from your own hair, without damaging or pulling them. At the same time, tress remains intact, to re-build it is only necessary to update the glue.

    Hair care after the procedure

    In order for hair extensions to serve their time without spoiling the appearance, proper care and compliance with a number of rules is necessary:

    • the first day after the procedure, you can not wash your hair - this will lead to softening of the glue, and the strands will start to fall out,
    • for combing use a special comb with sharp teeth, so as not to damage the attachment points,
    • comb your hair at least three times a day to prevent tangling at the roots,
    • use only formulations with a neutral level of acid-base balance for washing your hair. It is better to wash your hair in the shower so that there is no need to throw your head back down,
    • it is forbidden to go to bed with wet or wet hair,
    • use balsams during washing, as donor hairs need more moisture,
    • It is forbidden to use hot air while drying the hair dryer.
    • when using thermal devices for curling and styling hair, the attachment points of tapes cannot be touched,
    • Tight hairstyles, including the horse's tail, will have to be abandoned,
    • combing hair and combing them against growth is prohibited,
    • Cosmetics for hair with alcohol and oils are prohibited for use on hair extensions,
    • In order to avoid tangling before bedtime, it is recommended to braid your hair.

    Video lessons

    Tape extension - the simple and fast technology demanding accuracy and attentiveness. You can implement in the home, as the procedure does not require any special tools. Exactly how strands are superimposed and fixed - demonstrated in detail in the video lessons on hair of different lengths.

    Nastya: I was growing hair with ribbons, the result is of course good, everything is fast and without discomfort, but care for them is not for me, there are too many rules. As a result, after 2 months I removed and sold the tresses.

    Liza: The procedure requires professionalism! If the hair is glued well, then nothing is confused!

    Marina: I liked the experiment as an experiment, but I wouldn't do it on an ongoing basis. It would be desirable to tie a tail sometimes, and not to worry that you can see the attachment of donor hair after the wind.

    How is hair extensions

    The market today is filled with proposals for hair extensions. It is necessary to request information about this service in a search engine once, and salon advertising will haunt you for a long time! But how among all ads choose the best? First of all, it is necessary to decide whether you want capsular or tape hair extensions.

    What hair extensions to choose?

    Capsule hair extensions are ...

    This is when the master attaches small transparent capsules the size of a rice grain to strands of hair, and long strands of hair “grow” from the capsules.The attachment points are completely invisible and hidden from prying eyes, and only long thick curls are visible. However, the capsules are attached under the influence of temperature, which can damage the hair.

    Hair can be increased in a capsular way.

    Capsular hair extensions are comfortable to wear, they can “continue” to almost any haircut, and subsequently make a variety of hairstyles. But the key point here is the work of the master and his knowledge of capsule attachment technologies. If you come across an inexperienced specialist, unfortunately, long strands will not last a week.

    Therefore, before the procedure, ask friends, read reviews about specialists in hair extensions and choose the most reliable. Then the procedure will be fast and efficient, and you will only have to properly care for the new luxurious hairstyle.

    And, of course, create new hairstyles from long hair:

    How to care for hair after hair extensions

    Whatever type of hair extensions you choose, after the procedure, new long strands will have to be carefully maintained. The first 48 hours after hair extensions do not recommend washing. And after that, of course, you will have to pick up shampoo, but take it seriously. Washing is a real test for extended strands when they can go awry and fall out.

    For hair after building you need the right care.

    Therefore, the shampoo is better to choose the most soft and neutral, not overloaded with nothing superfluous, designed for sensitive scalp and hair. Timotei Shampoo “Soft Care” with green tea extract without silicones, parabens and dyes is most suitable for this role.

    To make your hair less confused, do not ignore the balm, but apply it, moving away a little from the attachment points of the strands. Here, too, will be the hypoallergenic, not overloaded with silicones, parabens and dyes, Timotei “Soft Care” conditioner-balsam.

    Do not go to sleep with wet and wet strands, otherwise they will roll into mats. Be sure to dry and gently comb your hair with a comb with rare teeth. After that, it will be nice to sprinkle the strands with a firming spray, for example, “Beauty and Strength” of the “Pure Line” brand with nettle extract on the herbal fodder. It will help your hair to break less and get rid of static.

    And finally, you should not sleep with her hair loose; instead, it is better to braid the strands in a loose braid. This is the beauty ritual of care that hair needs after building up every time you need to wash your hair. But the result is worth it, right?

    What is tape hair extensions

    The advantage of tape building is that it is carried out without exposure to high temperatures. Ribbons with extensions for attachment are attached to the adhesive composition, which does not allow to experiment with hairstyles and is generally less convenient, but much safer.

    Tape building more sparing, but less convenient in a sock.

    Many girls are interested in what material is used for building. It can be both artificial monofilament and natural hair strands. Among natural distinguish Asian, European and Slavic strands. And the latter are better suited to most Russian girls, so they are more expensive. The length and color of your hair will also help you find in the salon.

    Hair extensions: why not do it

    Above there were a lot of arguments "for". And now that you may not like in hair extensions.

    Hair extensions and arguments against.

    Why hair extensions may not be suitable for you?

    1. This is a rather expensive salon procedure that requires regular correction every few months. Be prepared for costs and time costs.
    2. Something may go wrong with your own hair. But with the build-up, unfortunately, the chances of a bad outcome increase. Any incorrect work of the master can affect the appearance and health of the curls.
    3. Will have longer and more careful to care for your hair. No washing and scratching in a hurry, but a real ritual. On the one hand, it disciplines, and on the other - long before!
    4. Mount on the tape with glue or capsules, even the most gentle, will still traumatize the hair. Not a disaster, of course, but the curls will need your close attention and care.
    5. And last but not least. The fact that the hair after extension (like eyelashes, for example) will still look a bit puppet, no matter how smooth the transition between yours and not your strands will be. If only because the hair will be slightly different in texture and touch.

    And yet, even for naturally long hair there is a limit to the length. And all that is further, it looks slightly unnatural. But this is a matter of taste, what to prefer: a discreet naturalness or a spectacular image slightly on the edge. In the second case - hair extensions will only be a plus!


    Watch the video: Pros & Cons of Tape In Hair Extensions. (July 2024).