
Highlighting hair: for, against and a bit of history


Most of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity choose highlighting, but not full staining. This procedure allows you to refresh the image, almost without damaging the hair due to the fact that only individual strands are dyed. With it, you can adjust the shape of the haircut, visually lengthen the hair, give refinement to the facial features. This method of painting allows you to preserve the natural color, giving the styling a lively look with rich colors.

Highlighting history

The first procedures, vaguely reminiscent of highlighting, were popular among girls in ancient Rome. Then the local beauties put a special mixture on all the hair or individual strands, after which many hours were spent in the scorching sun. This procedure contributed to the fading of color and the appearance of light, iridescent strands. Often, after the transformation, the girls' hair became dry and brittle.

Modern highlighting procedure was invented in the 60s in France. For the first time this method of bleaching individual strands using special tools applied Jacques Dessanzh. The first owner of the maximum natural coloring was Bridget Bardot. After that, such staining began to be resorted to by such famous personalities as Madonna and Patricia Kaas.

At that time only rich and influential people could afford highlighting, as it was carried out in the most expensive salon of Paris. Now this procedure is publicly available and is carried out in all hairdressing salons.

Popular trends in the 90-2000s

The nineties went down in history as the years when everything was "too." This applies not only clothing and makeup, but also hairstyles. For Soviet women, the fashion for highlighting was introduced by Pamela Anderson. The unusual hair color of the star inspired many fashionistas to adjust their image. The main problem was that the women carried out the entire procedure independently at home. It was at that time that the term “fatty highlighting” appeared. When bleaching hair, women took too thick strands, because of which the image was given a cheap look, and all facial features became flat.

Another problem of fashionistas of the time - bleached locks strongly contrasted against the background of natural hair color. However, this did not confuse fashionistas at all, and soon when highlighting they began to use bright colors, including blue and bright pink.

For those who did not dare to make such drastic changes, but wanted to be like Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears, cosmetic companies began to produce special products that kept on their hair for only a few hours with a successful scenario.

It is worth noting that in those days men did not neglect the highlighting. Light strands, contrasting against the background of dark hair, fit into a fashionable "hedgehog".

Gradually, the highlighting procedure became widely available, thanks to which local women of fashion abandoned contrasting strands in favor of more natural coloring.

Types of highlighting

There are many types of highlighting, which can differ depending on the technique of the procedure and hair color. Among the most popular options worth highlighting highlighting:

  • American - the most vivid staining. It involves the use of from 2 to 5 shades of red, red and brown. The bravest girls choose green or purple tones,

  • shatush - creates the effect of burnt strands.

  • Californian - a kind of previous version, but different saturation shades and diversity of the palette used,

  • French is the most gentle way. Special paint is applied to it, which can give a light curls a golden, pearl and nutty shade,

  • Hombre - creating a smooth transition from dark roots to brighter tips. Usually performed in two tones, but 3 or more can be used at once,
  • BROND - involves the use of the whole variety of natural color palette. Helps to give hair volume and shine due to smooth transitions,
  • c razy colors - involves the use of bright and even flashy colors. Women who decide on this type of highlighting can give free rein to their imagination and combine the most unimaginable colors.

In addition to highlighting, there are thousands of ways of staining! Look at the staining trends of 2018!

What good can highlight do?

  • creates the effect of clean and even skin,
  • contributes to the disguise of gray hair and regrown roots,
  • has a natural look due to the play of light and shadow,
  • regrown roots are almost invisible,
  • great for women who are not ready for drastic changes in appearance,
  • regardless of age, hair color and haircut.

Highlighting at home

The main reason for which women seek to make highlighting independently is the cost of the procedure. Often it can exceed 2-3 thousand rubles. In this case, re-coloring is required every 3-4 months so that the hairstyle does not lose its appearance.

It is worth noting that from the first time, independent highlighting may not justify the expectations, so you can achieve smooth transitions and transfusions only by contacting a professional. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedure for the first time in the salon, where the master will help you choose the right paint and will introduce the application technique in more detail. Then it will be possible to carry out their own coloring on the already slightly clarified strands.

With home highlighting, the procedure may take much longer than with the salon. In addition, not all the equipment will be able to recreate independently without attracting additional people.

If you nevertheless decided to carry out coloring at home, then before the procedure you should watch several master classes in order to better understand all the features and to prevent fatal mistakes.

In this article, we present recommendations for highlighting in the home, however, we strongly advise you to consult with professionals! Also do not forget about the test for an allergic reaction!

Required Tools

For highlighting you need:

  • special powder or powder for bleaching,
  • oxidizing agent,
  • dishes made of porcelain or glass to mix all the ingredients. Do not use dishes made of metal or plastic, as it can react with the solution,
  • cups, as highlighting requires exact observance of all proportions,
  • small special brush
  • gloves,
  • hair balm or mask.
  • Also, do not forget about clothes. It is recommended at the time of the procedure to choose the one that will not spoil the spoil. Gum or hair clips may be required to separate hair. For more natural transitions, it is worth buying scallops with frequent and rare teeth. For short hair fit a regular hat. If the length exceeds 15 cm, then it is worth preparing a foil, thermal paper or film.

IMPORTANT! Mixing the clarifier and the oxidizer is carried out in proportions of 1: 1.5 or 1: 2, that is, 30-40 milligrams of oxidizer will be required for every 20 grams of clarifier. Exceptions are the proportions specified in the instruction.

Dye selection

After the strands are brightened, they are tinted to give a beautiful shade. The most commonly used dyes are copper, gold or platinum, but there are no restrictions, it all depends on your imagination. When homemade highlights usually use tonal balms or tonic. They give a short-lived effect and require constant updating due to washing out during the shampooing process.

For a longer lasting effect, semi-permanent dyes that do not contain ammonia can be used. The most popular are dyes from MATRIX, L’Oreal and Estel.

The easiest way is to use specialized dyeing paint. With its help, you can simultaneously lighten and dye your hair. The most common paints are Schwarzkopf, Matrix and Wella.

Do not forget about the specialized kits created for home highlighting by L’Oreal and Estel.

The method of the procedure

It is desirable for a month before the procedure, you must begin the rehabilitation of hair. To do this, it is recommended to get rid of split ends and use power masks. Coloring should be carried out on slightly dirty hair. A thin fatty film will help protect the strands from the destructive effects of the brightener. Let us consider in more detail the method of highlighting using a specialized cap. It is necessary:

  • brush hair,
  • wear and fix the cap tightly
  • Using a hook, pull thin strands through special openings. The number of strands depends on what effect you want to get - partial or intense highlighting,
  • apply pre-prepared solution, starting from the top of the head,
  • wrap your head with a wrap or wear a hat,
  • to endure the time specified in the instructions, then rinse without removing the cap,
  • process straightened strands with tonic or other dye, then apply a balm or mask,
  • Remove the cap and thoroughly wash all hair.

The procedure for the procedure with foil is similar. The only difference is that after applying the solution, the strands are wrapped in foil and left for the necessary time. It is necessary to carry out the procedure quickly, starting from the top of the head, coloring each strand from the roots to the tips.

How to care for melirovanny hair?

After the procedure of highlighting the hair requires careful care, because due to the effects of the clarifier, they become brittle and dry. In addition, proper care and use of specialized tools will help maintain the original form of staining for a long time. There are a number of rules for hair care after highlighting:

  • to wash your hair is necessary only with the use of specialized cosmetics for colored hair,
  • apply nourishing and regenerating masks at least 1-2 times a month,
  • trim the tips periodically and use serum and anti-cross section cream,
  • Do not comb wet hair, as this is a greeting to their stretching and thinning,
  • do not use metal combs,
  • regularly apply tint agents
  • Do not repeat the highlighting procedure earlier than 2 months.

It is also recommended to go to bed only with dried hair, to protect them from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and not to use curling iron, ironing and a hairdryer with hot air.


Immediately it is worth noting that the highlighting procedure can end pitifully if:

  • hair was previously painted with natural dyes (henna, basma),
  • there has recently been staining with dyed paint, a drastic way out of color, or chemical winding.

Also you should not carry out the procedure for lactating, pregnant and women taking hormonal drugs. Unpredictably can lead the hair after suffering a serious illness. These factors should be considered before going to a specialist.

Although the procedure of highlighting is suitable for all women, it is important to understand that the final result will depend on the hair color.


When highlighting should follow the advice of stylists:

  • the procedure is only possible if the hair is completely healthy,
  • if the hair was previously painted, you must first inform the master about it,
  • it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of shades, as they can create both a sophisticated and a vulgar image,
  • Do not overdo the paint, as this will cause great damage to the hair,
  • when dyeing dark hair, you need to carefully monitor the color transition between the strands,
  • After the procedure, you should thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo, then apply a special mask or balm to add shine and smoothness,
  • staining during critical days due to hormonal imbalance cannot be performed.

After the procedure of highlighting the hair should rest, so do not immediately try to change the color. During this period, damaged hair needs careful care, so after highlighting you need to more often use nutrients, take vitamins and make masks on a natural basis.

California highlights on dark hair


  • The result looks natural and bright: due to the use of several shades of paint, the strands look as if they were burnt out in the sun.
  • The foil is not used, the paint dries in the open air, which gives smooth color transitions.
  • Highlighting suitable for dark short and long hair.
  • Sparing technique for careful coloring.


  • The procedure takes several hours.
  • Only an experienced master will be able to correctly mix different shades - it is not easy to find one.

Traditional way


  • You will find the service in any beauty salon.
  • You can choose a beautiful shade of tinting by achieving a platinum color.
  • Coloring is done along the entire length - highlighting is suitable for lightening on dark long hair.


  • Smoothly colored, striped strands look out of date.
  • It takes a long recovery after the procedure - due to lightening along the entire length, about 70% of the strands are affected.

Venetian highlights on dark hair


  • It creates the effect of natural highlights - approximately the same as the Californian technology.
  • Does not require frequent correction, regrown roots are almost invisible, so you can update the color every 3-4 months.
  • Highlighting is suitable for dark hair with bangs: due to the shading of shades, blurry, natural color transitions along the entire length are obtained.
  • Allows you to choose a unique color due to a combination of several tones.


  • Difficult method which you will find far not in each salon.
  • On dyed dark hair, the color does not always work out well.

As you can see, now you can meet the techniques of current highlighting. It has long been not limited to the traditional version with an even color over the entire length.

If you are thinking about making highlights on dark hair at home, once again appreciate your strength. This is not the easiest technique. In addition, nowadays there is a mix of several tones in a trend, and only a professional colorist can make it. Kits for home staining will never give such an effect. But if it still seems to you that you do an excellent job, you will find instructions on how to make highlights on dark hair just on the packaging with a set of suitable shades.

From the history

Even in ancient times, it was noticed that in the sun, as a rule, only part of the hair burns out. Perhaps this fact was the impetus for the emergence of a new method of hair coloring. It is believed that the founder of this method was one of the most famous hairdressers Jacques Dissange. His first model was Bridget Bordeaux.

It Dissange began to dye his hair strands, which, falling down, looked very natural. The transition from dark to light tone looked natural and advantageous.

Initially, highlighting was available only to very rich people, it could be done in the most expensive hair salon in Paris. Today, this method of coloring can afford to everyone.

5 stories as I was mutilated in the salons !! All secrets for hair care after highlighting. The disadvantages of highlighting will tell in detail in my review. A photo

I have been doing highlight for about 10 years and what was missing from this time with my hair.

How did it all start?

I remember when I was still 13 years old, the highlights were very fashionable then, all the girls did it and naturally I began to urge my mother to take me (at that time) to the hairdresser, and at some point she agreed.

Since I have blond hair, the highlighting is very good for me and goes to this day =)

Naturally sometimes I dyed my hair in a solid color. Was with red hair, was a brunette.

But after a while, she returned to blond hair again =)

The main disadvantages of highlighting!

Highlighting is a procedure for lightening hair by individual strands using bleaching agents. After this procedure, the hair becomes empty, porous and very capricious. For such hair you need a huge care. They are beautiful and alive only after washing their heads, because they are well moistened with water and care products. But the drier and hotter the air indoors or outdoors, the drier the hair becomes. So.

  1. Empty hairrequires intensive hydration! When washing the head with masks, conditioners. In the dry state with sprays, emulsions.
  2. Hair subject to cross-section!The drier the hair, the more likely it is that it will begin to split. Electrification also leads to the cross section. Blondirovanny hair terribly electrified, which splits the hair scales and contributes to the section. It is necessary to use hair products against electrification during the cold season. As well as means against the cross section. Excellent helpers in this business of oil for hair, emulsion, serum.
  3. It is difficult to keep the length. The longer and older the hair, the less life there is at the ends and the bitter struggle for every centimeter. Blondirovanny long hair should be well fed from the hair root to the tip, otherwise in places where food does not come, breaks are formed, the hair begins to break (which leads to uneven hair length all over the head) and split (Hair starts to hang around all parties). In both cases, this spoils the aesthetic appearance of the hairstyle as a whole, and girls usually start cutting them off. In short. and shorter. and even shorter .. Girls fight for your hair. They need to be treated !!I had such a situation when my hair was so much depleted that it hung like tow, dried up straight without straightening (although my hair is naturally wavy, but since it is not even, I usually straighten it with a hairdryer when drying). I began to apply coconut oil for every half hour before every wash of my head. And they came to life! I would not believe it if I didn’t see it myself, my hair began to worry again.
  4. Permanent toning of hair. Since the hair is empty and porous, any shade of it is washed out very quickly and yellowness appears. If you prefer warm tones, then everything is in order. Platinum lovers will have to tint their hair once every two weeks. Good for these purposes is full of tinted shampoos, balsams and tonics of the most diverse price range.
  5. Costly procedure.

And of course immediately noticeable growing roots =)

And highlighting is by the way the thing is not the cheapest! If the paint can be bought once a month in the region of 300 rubles, then highlighting costs me 1500 per month. But even if they persuade you in the salon that your hair simply needs a course of nourishing masks (and blond hair is really necessary for hair), as a result all love for highlighting results in a ringing penny !!

Beauty requires sacrifice.

Let's talk about the ways and types of highlighting.

  • Foil weave. (the method of my highlighting) It means that the hair strands after dyeing are wrapped in foil and left for 30 minutes to 50 minutes depending on what type of hair you have and what color you want to get in the end. Ideal for long hair.
  • Highlighting through the cap. A special cap with holes is put on the head, through which the hair strands of the desired volume and frequency are put. Next, a dye is applied to these locks. Used for dyeing short curls.
  • Highlighting comb. Lightening composition is applied to the hair with a comb. More like staining. Used when no color contrast is needed.
  • Highlighting by hand.The dye is applied to individual hair strands either by brush or by hand.
  • Contact highlighting.This method has become widespread recently. The selected locks after dyeing are in direct contact with each other and the remaining mass of hair, as a result of which the boundaries between the locks are washed out and the result is obtained as natural as possible.

I can say that on myself I tried only two methods. It's on the foil and the cap. In general, and so and so was pleased. Thin feathers are obtained through a cap, and on a foil such highlighting is like mine.

  • Classic highlighting.Master brightens selected strands over the entire length of the hair.
  • Frequent highlighting.Technique coloring only the upper strands. This creates an intriguing contrast between dark and light curls. (My type)
  • Reverse highlighting. Coloring blond hair in dark colors.
  • Gentle highlighting. Lighten up to a maximum of 2-3 tones. Used paint without ammonia, with moisturizers.

Recommendations before highlighting procedure

One of the important points before the highlighting procedure is Do not wash your hair for 2-3 days, so as not to burn the hair. Accordingly, if you have washed your head and you know that before the highlighting procedure you will not wash it anymore, you should not apply styling products (foams, hair sprays) on your hair so that no chemical interaction with the brightening agent occurs.

And the most important. Good master !! And do not be afraid before the procedure to explain to him specifically what you want from him. It is better to let you be annoying and beautiful, than keep silent and click on the moment when you are disfigured.

Five stories of how I disfigured the master

    The first story seems to be harmless, that I did some really very clear fat strands and I was like.

All this was with me because I went to different masters !! Girls are looking for a proven master. Don't be ashamed of girls asking me where they do it in your city. And when you find go only to him.

For two years now I have been going to a girl who works wonders with my hair and will not change it for any other master for anything.

Now my hair always looks like this !!

I hope my review will be useful! Be beautiful.

P / S Girls, after almost a year I want to supplement my review with the fact that all these failures still had a very bad effect on my hair and I had to say goodbye to them. This is really a whole separate story, so anyone is interested, everything is described in detail in the recall - hair coloring in the salon!

Catherine Strazhenskikh

Psychologist. Specialist from the website

did? hair spoiled? what exactly did you do?

gray hair paints over well. if you do it regularly, your hair will spoil.

Hair of course spoils, even a simple combing them can be damaged, and here the discoloration, albeit individual strands. And the highlighting itself is already the last century, now there are many new ways of dyeing hair that are more benign and look better and more modern than highlighting

depends on what kind. I have a light blond, cold .. I was lit a couple of times.) It was small, beautiful)))
hair is not spoiled, as a lot of makeup cosmetics.

She did not do it, a friend went. It looks trite, plus it began to look noticeably older.

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Depending on how there is a lot of techniques. But the usual, supposedly "darn" (just whitened strands) - the last century

Why does everybody like this village so much?

Why does everybody like this village so much?

I do it all the time. My hair is blond, but in order to make it lighter, I always shine. It looks natural. When the hair grows not so striking as if completely be painted in blond. Always do the basal only. Long hair.

I do not understand her fashionable fashionable, not fashionable. Goes, not go. I'm coming. And I absolutely do not care that some collective farmers will blather that this is not fashionable.

Straight lines I paint only the regrown part of the hair. I do frequent and fine strands.

Radical is like? Do you have straight or slightly wavy hair?

I do not like how our masters do it. Maybe in Hollywood stars it looks natural (they are blinking or coloring), but so are their masters. And we all go with striped heads, someone has a small strip of someone with a wide strip of hair. The kind of skinned and bleached hair of poor quality. Where is there a natural look, I do not understand ..

I live in Paris, I have my hair color ashy-blond, I paint with natural paint two colors lighter. So, no hairdresser told me that I needed to make lighter "strands" (like highlighting). Even thinking to do.

girlfriend did, gave 4 thousand, came home from the barbershop and repainted. did not like. but I never liked it at all, and it’s not fashionable anymore

I do not want to paint completely. I want to brush my blonde hair

Hair of course spoils, even a simple combing them can be damaged, and here the discoloration, albeit individual strands. And the highlighting itself is already the last century, now there are many new ways of dyeing hair that are more benign and look better and more modern than highlighting

similar situation. after how much washed away? Did you make a powder illuminator or paint? Do you have thin or thick hair?

depends on what kind. I have a light blond, cold .. I was lit a couple of times.) It was small, beautiful)))
hair is not spoiled, as a lot of makeup cosmetics.

I just need it :)))) older. I'm 25, and I look at 17: (

She did not do it, a friend went. It looks trite, plus it began to look noticeably older.

Well, I do not know what village you live in and what masters you have. Of course, if you do at Aunt Glasha's home, on black hair, with paint purchased on the market, it can and will be as you describe.

Something like French or shatush

Depending on how there is a lot of techniques. But the usual, supposedly "darn" (just whitened strands) - the last century

If blond hair is done, if not, then nafig.

I did, I go. Highlighting should definitely be done in a good salon, followed by toning, then it looks beautiful.

Something like French or shatush

I did, I go. Highlighting should definitely be done in a good salon, followed by toning, then it looks beautiful.

I do not understand her fashionable fashionable, not fashionable. Goes, not go. I'm coming. And I absolutely do not care that some collective farmers will blather that this is not fashionable.

Does your hair go bad? volume decreased? for a long time? Do you paint go powder illuminator? Is the hair thin or thick?

Radical is like? Do you have straight or slightly wavy hair?

I made several colors for the summer. from light golden to medium blond. brown hair itself. it turned out great

it's not about fashion. I want to refresh my natural blonde with lighter strands, because with age they darken in me. I didn't think it was so expensive

What kind of sprays? don't know the name?

it's not about fashion. I want to refresh my natural blonde with lighter strands, because with age they darken in me. I didn't think it was so expensive

Generally general store. A new employee came to work with us yesterday: pink pants, pink blouse, pink sneakers and highlighting. And this is a PR manager. Us 3.14.3dec

What kind of sprays? don't know the name? A bunch of sprays and creams for lightening already blond hair is sold by strands. do not spend money on a hairdresser. if you already have blond hair, just spread it on with a spray a couple of times and there will be a burned effect. my friend has a blonde so every summer is lightened

I do not understand her fashionable fashionable, not fashionable. Goes, not go. I'm coming. And I absolutely do not care that some collective farmers will blather that this is not fashionable.

I do not understand her fashionable fashionable, not fashionable. Goes, not go. I'm coming. And I absolutely do not care that some collective farmers will blather that this is not fashionable.

For many years I have been blending, it is good at hitting gray hair. Plus, while washing my hair, I add an ashy tone to the shampoo, it always turns into a beautiful shade. Hair, of course, spoils, but for the fact that there are masks, balms, etc. After highlighting I make basal highlighting. For me it's better this way than to paint over gray hair every week.

I have been doing it for a year, I am absolutely delighted; it is this kind of coloring that suits me very much, refreshes and does not make it vulgar, as with full hair lightening

Why does everybody like this village so much?

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Advantages and disadvantages

Highlighting has both pros and cons.

  • so sets off the skin that it seems cleaner and more even,
  • It perfectly disguises gray hair, therefore it is ideal for women aged,
  • indoors, bleached hair looks very natural, because it is this color that gives a play of shadow and color,
  • regrown roots are not as striking as with full staining,
  • it saves time and money, because we have to do highlighting once every two or three months (depending on the contrast with your natural hair color),
  • ideal for women who want to become blonde, but do not dare to immediately dye their hair white.

  • the staining procedure takes a long time: from two to five hours,
  • it is impossible to do highlighting in the event that less than a month has passed since you dyed your hair or did a perm,
  • Experts do not recommend highlighting women who have used henna for a long time to dye their hair, as the color will not match the desired one,
  • you can not do the perm in the period of hormonal failure or "critical days".

Tips and tricks

Experts say: natural hair can become lighter by 1-2 tones. Therefore, before you decide to blend hair, you need to examine how bleaching affects different hair colors. For example, red hair is almost impossible to whiten. Black hair will turn brown, brown color will turn into light-blonde.

For highlighting the main condition is healthy hair. Therefore, if the hair is damaged, they should be treated.

If the hair is colored, you should tell the hairdresser about this, and also call the paint that you used. This will help avoid undesired results.

It must be remembered that after highlighting the hair becomes more fragile and fragile, so you need to use special means to care for dyed hair.


Watch the video: 100 Years of Hair Color. Allure (July 2024).