
Features care for baby hair


By and large, our hair needs only three things: washing, brushing and good treatment. But when it comes to children and their delicate hairs, here many moms have questions and doubts. Baby hair requires very gentle and neat care. In babies, they are thin and fragile, and therefore highly susceptible to external factors. Under the summer sun, the swirls of your offspring can quickly burn out, and in the winter they can be poured with a thick dark color, in a short period easily turn into straight hair and vice versa. How do
to care for baby's hair?

What is what?
The structure of the hair is the same in adults and in children, the difference is only in the thickness and pH of the scalp. The first hairs with which the baby is covered while in the womb are called gun hair, or lanugo. Hair "lanugo" quickly grow and replace. Some fall out, and they are replaced by new ones. These hairs are very short and thin. Loose hair ends up in the amniotic fluid. Unlike ordinary hair, they are unpainted, because they do not contain pigment (shortly before birth — approximately at the eighth month of pregnancy — they are replaced in a small amount by pigmented, that is, colored hairs). Hair growing on the head is almost completely colored. Lanugo covers arms, legs, torso, head of the fetus, in most children at the time of birth, they disappear from the body, but are present in premature and immature newborns, and sometimes can also be maintained in healthy babies (these hairs are whitish, devoid of pigment). You do not need to do anything with them - such hairs wipe themselves.
Small heads of newborns are, as it seems, very bald or covered with thick dark hair. In fact, even if the hair on the child’s head is not visible, they are there. This is a light and barely noticeable soft fluff - the first hair of a little man who will serve him only a few weeks. They are quickly replaced by others. Moreover, the rate of loss, approximately 300 hairs per day, exceeds the norm of an ordinary adult person by 3-5 times.
In the first three months of life, the baby's hair is replaced completely. During this period, the mother may notice that the child is clearly losing hair, especially in the places of the greatest friction of the head on the diaper. The baby’s first hair does not have follicles, its trunk is two or three times thinner than an adult’s hair.
The next stage of hair development is the appearance of tough hairs. They will “hold out” on the child’s head until puberty, and only then will they turn into real “adult” hair. By about six months the hair re-covers the scalp, begins to grow, but the most active growth occurs at 2-3 years old baby.
Children's hair is much thinner, the hair cuticle contains less layers than that of an adult, the pH of the scalp is closer to neutral (about 6.5), so you need to use special children's shampoos not to damage the hairs, not to disrupt the pH, not to enhance the formation of crusts and scales which often appear in children with improper hair and scalp care.
It should be noted that the child can occur cardinal metamorphosis of the hair. May change color, darken or become lighter. Even the structure of the hair can change, which is especially noticeable when straight hair becomes frizzy.

How to care for hair immediately after the birth of the baby?
While you are in the hospital, the main work will be performed by the medical staff. But on the hairs, areas of cheese-like lubricant can be preserved (already in the womb, the lubricant is produced by the sebaceous glands of the child and completely covers its entire body and head). To remove it, you will need a cotton pad moistened with warm (about 37 ° C) water, not necessarily boiled, you can also use running water, as long as it is not too cold or hot for the child. Check the temperature by dropping your elbow or back of your wrist under the stream of water, and you should not feel discomfort. Gently wipe away grease residues from the center of the head to the periphery. If it is not washed with water, you can use baby oil. Dampen them with a cotton swab, remove with the same movements.
After returning from the hospital, you should regularly wash the baby's head. For the first time be sure to do it with the use of baby shampoo. Then shampoo should be applied once or twice a week, but you should wash your head every time you bathe your child with normal running or boiled water. This is done because the child when changing and hair loss on the head accumulate scales of epithelium, hairs. If you do not wash your hair every day, a crust forms, which is difficult to remove. You can rinse the hair with herbs decoction (nettle, train).
When bathing, first wash the body of the little ones, the arms, the legs, and then the head. Gently, effortlessly soap it (shampoo will need quite a bit). It will be more convenient for you to do this in the position of the child on the back, the head is slightly tilted back, the water does not flow into the eyes of the baby. Then gently rinse off the foam in the same position of the child. After bathing, blot, without rubbing, the torso and head with a towel. If the scalp is very dry, and after bathing appears abundant peeling, you can lubricate it with baby oil (a thin layer, spreading the oil more on the scalp than on the hair).

Cut or not cut?
Since time immemorial, it is believed that in order for the hair to grow well and be thick, the child must be shaved a year. Perhaps this is a “changeling” of another belief - that it’s impossible to cut a child’s hair before a year, so that “you can’t cut out the mind”. In fact, a born man is already a carrier of a certain type of hair, which will be characteristic of him throughout his life. The number and shape of hair follicles are determined during fetal development of the child. A cardinal haircut is unlikely to affect the thickness of a child's hair, but it is quite possible to scare a baby or damage delicate scalp when shaving hair.

Take care of your youth!
In order for your baby's hair from early childhood to be well-groomed, beautiful and lush, you just need to follow a few simple rules.

Proper wash
• Wash your child's head no more than 1 time per week (in the heat or when heavily soiled - 2 times a week)
• When washing, do not press on the scalp (especially for infants with open spruce)
• Water should be slightly higher than body temperature.
• Do not use any detergent for adults (soap or shampoo)

What is useful for hair?
• Soft water - this can be done by boiling ordinary water with soda (1 teaspoon per liter of water)
• Rain or melt water (only collected not in the city, but in an ecologically clean place)
• Once a week - rinsing hair after washing with decoction of plants: nettle, birch leaves (but not chamomile, which dries hair too much)

What hurts your hair?
• Frequent washing (especially with detergents)
• Too hot water (or too cold)
• Direct sunlight
• City dust, which contains a lot of harmful substances (therefore it is desirable to wear a headdress in the city)

Is it possible to keep the blond hair color, if the child began to darken?
Many people in childhood have blond hair, and by the age of 12-14 they darken. This process is not influenced from the outside: the cells eventually begin to produce more pigment and the hair darkens
What is mine?
Even among baby shampoos there are more and less harmful. As a rule, the chemical composition is indicated on the label, so read it and set the bottle aside if:
• pH is outside the normal range - from 4.5 to 6 (usually found in shampoos that “do not pinch eyes”: high pH provokes tangling of hair)
• The composition indicates a substance that may be called lauryl (because, at a concentration of 2% or more, it can irritate the skin, cause dryness and flaking)

Combs. Hairstyles Haircuts

Comb selection
Comb for children's hair should be selected according to their density. With sparse hair, preference should be given to comb with a frequent comb. For a short dense haircut suitable comb with rare teeth and a massage brush. Preference should be given to wooden combs. It is especially good if these are crests of juniper or Siberian cedar, these rocks have an antiseptic and healing effect. To avoid minor injuries to the scalp, purchase combs only with blunt teeth. Long hair is best combed with a natural bristled brush, gently stroking them. You should comb your child's hair no more than 2-3 times a day.

Gentle hairstyle
The main principle to be professed when choosing a hairstyle for a child is to torture your hair as little as possible.

Long hair: "And you did not try to loosen the pigtail?"
The main problem of smooth hairstyles - too tight tails and pigtails. Many mothers argue simply: if you make your hair tighter, enough for a whole day - nothing will stick out. Alas, this is a dangerous approach. Too tightly stretched hair is constantly under stress. They receive less nutrients and from this they begin to grow dull, split and even fall out. Moreover, if you regularly heavily stretch the hair from the forehead back, then at the edges, the so-called coronary alopecia may begin - unfortunately, the process is irreversible. And another argument against excessively long (below the belt) hair is problems with washing and combing. If you and your child went to the feat of owning a long braid, then follow some rules:
• Do not brush your hair completely wet, it is better to wait until it dries slightly,
• It is best to use a natural comb,
• The tips of the hair should be trimmed regularly so that they do not split.
To secure the disobedient strands, striving to fall on the eyes, it is possible to use a hairpin. Unlike weaving braids, the girl will easily learn how to use barrettes herself.
When choosing hairpins, you should pay attention to their surface - in places where the hairpin is in contact with the hair, it must be smooth, otherwise the hair may begin to split. For children recommend hair clips of small size, made of plastic. They, like combs, should be regularly washed with warm water and soap.

At what age can you dye your hair?
Even adults are advised to dye their hair gently. The child (even if he is already 14-15 years old) is not worth doing. It’s another thing if he himself “desperately wants”: then it’s useless to prohibit - youthful self-expression is more important.

Haircuts: Take care of your eyes!
If a pussy attends kindergarten, leaves for a camp or stays with relatives, it is worthwhile to make him a short haircut. Haircut child is a great art for a hairdresser, since children's hair is almost impossible to style. Haircuts are good because they can not even comb, but there may be another danger. Modern fashion dictates hairstyles to its followers, to put it mildly, not healthy. In particular, obliquely trimmed bangs. They often cover the face, almost half, and make the child almost “blind” in one eye. With such a constant asymmetry, vision problems can occur. Choosing a haircut for a child, it is necessary to proceed not only for reasons of beauty, but, more importantly, convenience. Nothing should interfere with the child: if he straightens the falling bang, lays the strands behind his ears, if after washing he needs “styling” - it means that this is the wrong hairstyle.

Possible problems
• Lack of hair
Hair is usually completely formed only by the age of 10, so if a child has little hair before this time, this is not a reason for panic. This is more common in fair-skinned children, but they gradually overgrow.
• Cork
Children often have a crust on the scalp. Get rid of it is very simple. About an hour before bathing, apply warm baby oil on the baby’s head. Then the child should wear a bonnet or kerchief, and just before bathing, comb the hair with a comb with frequent, blunt teeth, wash your hair with a baby shampoo and comb it again. Do not try to remove the entire crust at a time and in no case do not comb the dry crust.
• Dandruff
Seborrhea (or dandruff) - this is mainly an adult disease in children is extremely rare. It is almost impossible to completely cure dandruff. But if you regularly wash your hair with specially selected means, you can significantly minimize the formation of dandruff. Experts advise to use shampoo, after beating it in your hands, and apply ready foam to your head. If dandruff does not pass, it is better to contact a trichologist (a doctor dealing with hair problems): it is possible that the balance of vitamins is disturbed in the child’s body. As for adult hair care products - balms, foams, they are recommended to be used only after puberty (from 12-13 years old): it is believed that only by this age hair follicles are fully formed.
• Split ends
Split ends of hair - this is evidence of improper care for them or violations of the internal organs.
• mats
In most cases, hair is collected in mats, not because of some illness, but because of their thinness and with insufficient combing.
To get rid of them once and for all, be sure to comb your hair every day with a comb with large teeth, as well as use air conditioning. If this does not help, then it is better to cut the hair shorter.

• Do not send your child to sleep with a wet head, such behavior can lead, at best, to the cold of the baby.
• Thickness and shine of hair will help to get a light massage of the head, which can be done during washing and before bedtime.
• If chewing gum accidentally gets into the hair of your beloved offspring, do not rush to trim its beautiful curls. To get started, try to remove the maximum amount of gum with a comb, dripping on it a little vegetable oil. Then rub in what is left on the hair, about a teaspoon of mayonnaise or soft butter. After scrubbing everything you could with your fingers or a napkin, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

And most importantly, remember - healthy hair is beautiful on its own! Health to you and your children!

How to care for baby hair?

Children's hair is much weaker than adults, and the skin on the head is more sensitive. On the one hand, no wisdom is needed, it is enough to wash them, comb them and cut them from time to time, on the other hand, do it all carefully, taking into account the peculiarities of age.

Regarding the strength and density of children's hair, adults have a “reliable grandmother's opt”: not to cut the hair for up to a year, and to cut the hair off a year. Most adults are well aware that this method is not able to affect the physiological growth processes and hereditary factors, but the number of bald children does not decrease. While it is more important to properly care for children's hair, rather than believing omens.

How to wash baby hair

It is impossible to wash a child’s hair more than once a week.The sun's rays dry hair, so do not forget about Panama, especially since its absence on a hot day is fraught with sunstroke. Urban dust contains a lot of harmful substances, so a headdress for an urban child, even if it is warm and there is no sun, is an absolute must. In case of severe hair contamination or heat, it is permissible to wash them twice a week.

The wash water should not be too hot or too cold. The optimal temperature is slightly higher than body temperature.

If you want to soften the water to wash your hair, boil it with soda (1 teaspoon per liter of water). Previously, they used rain or melt water, but now it’s very difficult to vouch for its environmental friendliness even in clean corners of the planet.

Actually for washing you need to use a special baby shampoo, but their choice should be treated carefully. Study the label. Your task is to find out the pH level (the norm is from 4.5 to 6). High pH sin shampoos that "do not pinch the eyes." The higher the pH, the easier it is for thin children's hair to tangle.

Do not buy shampoo, which includes lauryl, it dries the skin and may cause irritation.

Apply shampoo to your hair with soft movements, avoiding pressure, especially for kids with unbleached spring.

While the child is small, shampoo is better to whip in the hands until the formation of foam and then apply to the hair.

Rinse hair can be herbal infusions (nettle, birch). Just keep in mind that such a popular chamomile infusion dries children's hair.

Wet hair can not be combed, wait until it dries out a bit. Comb better to choose from natural materials.

Hair follicles are fully formed only by the age of puberty (12-13 years), so only from this time can you use adult hair care products.

Choosing a hairstyle for the baby

The main condition of a children's hairstyle is the comfort of your child. Tightly braided pigtails are, of course, neat and practical (enough for a whole day), but it is also stress for the hair. Strongly tightened hair often splits, tarnishes and even falls out.

And if, moreover, they are tightly pulled from the forehead back, then coronary alopecia may begin at the edges of the forehead. This is an irreversible process. Therefore, choose sparing hairstyles.

If you decide to grow your daughter's hair, then do not forget to regularly cut the tips of the hair so that they do not split off.

The advantages of haircuts

A convenient option for children's hair - haircut. If you do not make it too long and regularly update, then it causes the least problems. Watch the growing bangs, it should not fall into the eyes of a child.

When choosing a teen hairdo, be wary of asymmetrical bangs falling on one eye. They should not close it in order to avoid vision problems. Children's hairstyle does not involve daily styling, so choose those options in which the hair itself easily fall after drying.

It is undesirable to dye your hair even in adolescence, but if a child insists, it is best to choose toning skins and shampoos. In extreme cases, light highlighting and natural henna.

1. How often should children wash their hair?

Children up to one year old should wash their hair with shampoo no more than twice a week. More frequent use of hygiene products can cause the scalp to dry out. Children older than two years are allowed to carry out such procedures up to three times in seven days. But, if the child goes in for sports or is experiencing nervous tension, and from this sweats, you should wash the hair on the head more often.

Use only hypoallergenic baby hair shampoos. They do not disturb the natural acid-base balance of the scalp.

2. What to do if hair is constantly tangled and difficult to comb?

It so happens that the girls' long hair is very confused, and they are hard to comb. You can ease combing hair by following these tips:

  • Coconut oil: It is an excellent natural conditioner. For this rub in the palms a little oil and apply it on the hair, backing away from the roots. Then comb your hair with a rare comb to better distribute the oil. Try not to overdo it with the amount of this natural remedy.
  • Warm distilled water and air conditioning: You will need a bottle of spray. Pour some warm distilled water into it and mix with air conditioning (you need quite a bit). Shake the bottle and apply a small amount of the contents to the baby’s hair. You will be surprised how much easier the combing process will be.

3. It is forbidden to use a hot hair dryer and ironing.

You can use styling tools, but only in rare cases. For example, after going to the pool or before any important event.

In order not to damage delicate children's hair, it is not necessary to often use such aggressive means as straighteners, varnishes, dyes, etc.

The later the child begins to use chemical styling products, the more beneficial it will be for his hair. Do not forget to ensure that your children always take off the gum, hairpins and other accessories, and that they must comb their hair before going to bed.

Shave a child?

Many parents wonder whether it is worth a year to shave a baby
hair. The opinion that if bad hairs are shaved off, good ones will start growing not correctly and not reasonably. The baby’s hair depends only on heredity, so the baby’s hair type is determined from birth. This means that shaving off the hair, you will not improve the condition of the hair, because you can not improve the heredity of the baby. Instead, you can scare the child or injure the delicate scalp. In addition, in the first years of life, a child's hair may undergo drastic changes, for example, darken or brighten, start or stop curling, so do not rush to shave.

How to properly care for children's hair.

Baby hair 2-3 times thinner adult hair and require careful care. In no case can not comb the baby’s wet hair, otherwise they will begin to break and fall out. As you grow older, you need to trim the child's hair in a timely manner. Of course, each mother is waiting - she will not wait for her hair to be braided, but it is better to wait a bit. After all, long hair is harder to wash and comb, and given their subtlety, you can only make it worse. Until the hair is stronger, it is better to do the baby haircuts.

Very common occurrence when the child's hair grows slowly. No need to worry ahead of time. It does not mean anything bad. Try to increase the amount of protein in your child’s diet, i.e. meat, dairy products, eggs. Also for hair growth, of course, need beta-carotene contained in all orange vegetables. Also try to make your baby a soft head massage, which also contributes to the growth of hair.

When you follow all the rules and advice on caring for children's hair, be sure that your child’s hair will become strong and healthy.

Features of baby hair

Children, as a rule, are born with a small down on the head. These light and short hairs are called "lungos," soon after birth, they begin to give way to normal ones. At the age of 3 months, the child loses quite a lot of hair, since they do not have a follicle, and the trunk itself is much thinner than in the older adult. Then, tighter and stronger hairs begin to grow. Finally, they will get stronger by the period of puberty, that is, by 12-13 years.

Baby hair also distinguishes the level of acidity (pH) of the scalp. It is more neutral than an adult. This means that the curls can not be attributed to either fat or dry. In order not to upset this balance, you must use the right cleansers.

Attention! For baby hair, you should choose a special baby shampoo, which will not affect the pH level.

Another important fact is that in children the structure and hair color may change until the final completion of the formation of the organism. Therefore, over time, they can darken or, conversely, brighten, and also become more curly or straight.

Care rules

Children's hair is very susceptible to external influence - the sun's rays, air temperature and mechanical stress. This means that it is necessary to handle it very carefully, so as not to accidentally damage or provoke a fallout.

The comb is one of the main tools in the care of the child's curls. Combing hair, we not only smooth them, but also stimulate blood flow to the head, activating growth processes.

There are several basic rules to follow when choosing a comb:

  1. It must be purchased depending on the density of the baby's hair. For a rarer comb suitable with frequent teeth, and for thick and long hair - vice versa.
  2. It is important to pay attention to the material of manufacture. Best for children fit natural wood, not plastic and not iron combs. Hard artificial materials can damage hair and cause pain to a child. Juniper is considered to be one of the most popular breeds used for the manufacture of ridges. This tree has disinfecting properties, and its aroma is very pleasant.
  3. In addition to the wooden comb, it is recommended to purchase a soft brush, which also must have a natural bristle. Thanks to her, you can gently care for long hair without damaging their structure and without electrifying.

The next important aspect of hygiene is shampoo. Be sure to choose a special baby shampoo with low acidity. Cosmetic products intended for adults can adversely affect the health of children's hair.

It is recommended to wash your hair no more than once a week. If the hair is quickly contaminated, then the number of times can be increased up to two times.

Note, that water should not be very hot, the best option is not higher than body temperature.

When washing, you need to act very carefully so as not to make the baby hurt and not harm the hair.

After that, they should be well dried in a natural way to avoid the threat of colds or diseases. It is important to note that In no case can wet hair be combed - otherwise its structure may be damaged.

There is a common myth that for best growth you need to trim as much hair as possible. That is why many young children are specially fully shaved. This is completely wrong, because haircut does not affect the structure and features of hair growth, acquired at birth.

A short haircut is very practical and beautiful for both girls and boys. Short hair does not require as careful care as long, they are much easier to wash and comb.

But before shearing off extra centimeters of curls, do not forget to ask the child for his opinion on this matter. Often parents are not interested in what the owner himself thinks of the future haircut, but simply forcibly take him to the hairdresser.

In the first years of life, this approach, of course, is justified, but when a child has his own tastes and preferences, it is necessary to consult him.

When you choose hairstyles for long baby curls should also take care of the comfort of the child. Too tight gum or sharp hairpins can cause very unpleasant and even painful sensations. therefore, such accessories should be avoided.

The simplest and most popular hairstyles that will look beautiful and at the same time are quite comfortable - these are pigtails or tails, which, if desired, can be decorated with bright bows or other details.

Important! Children should not be exposed to high temperatures. Blow-dry, use of ironing or curling have a negative impact on the health of curls. They will significantly weaken and deteriorate.

Also Do not use various chemicals for styling. - varnishes, foams, gels and mousses are very harmful for children's hair.

Care errors

What misses in the care of children's hair are most common? So:

  1. Do not put the baby to sleep with an undried head. Wet hairs are very fragile and more exposed to external factors than dry ones. Tossing and turning in his sleep, the child involuntarily damages them, making them even more subtle and weakened. In addition, in the morning such a head of hair will be very difficult to comb - it will be confused.
  2. Do not force the child to constantly walk with any uncomfortable hairstyle. The curls should rest, and if they are constantly tightly braided, this is a hello for several unpleasant consequences. First, the child will often have a headache due to tightness of the skin. Secondly, it disrupts the blood circulation process, and, as a result, the hair will fall out more.
  3. It is not recommended to wash your hair too often, even if the child’s hair becomes dirty quickly. Cosmetics have a greater impact on children's curls than on adults. With their frequent washing, you risk disrupting the fragile water-lipid balance of the scalp, which will also adversely affect the health of the hair.
  4. One of the main mistakes that should not be made is using a hair dryer or rubbing too much with a towel to dry children's hair. These two ways spoil both the trunk and the hair follicle, making them more fragile and brittle. Often, with very active friction with a towel, you can simply pull out the hair, because in children they are thin and weak.

To avoid these blunders is a snap. If you take into account all these errors, then the correct care of the child's hair is provided.


In this way, Caring for baby hair is a complex process that requires special attention. It is very important to choose a natural comb and a soft brush that will gently smooth the child's hair without damaging them. No less important is shampoo - it must be childish, in order not to disturb the level of acidity and the lipid balance of the baby’s scalp.

Should carefully select haircuts and hairstyles. The child must be comfortable. Adult ways of curling and styling are inappropriate, so preference should be given to simple hairstyles - tails or pigtails.

Useful videos

How to care for the girl's hair, says Anna Nahlupina.

What does Dr. Komarovsky say about hair problems in children and the reasons for their appearance?


This is a daily ritual and must be observed correctly. So, if a girl has long hair, then you need to comb her hair starting from the ends, because they usually get tangled, and only then begin to comb the whole strand. Try to train your little lady daily to comb her hair in different directions - this extra massage is very useful for the scalp and stimulates hair growth.

The baby should have two personal combs: a massage brush made from synthetic or natural materials (preferably wood) and a comb with occasional blunt teeth.

Haircut or Spit

Here, of course, you need to focus on the child's taste and your own. However, if decided grow hairdo not forget that this beauty requires additional care.

First, braiding braids, do not tighten tight hair - besides the fact that it is painful and unpleasant, it may even lead to hair loss in the future.

Choose the right hairpins and gum! For little girls, the hairpins should be plastic, small in size, and in those places where the hairpin is in contact with the hair, it should be smooth.

Watch for hair quality.Sometimes parents forget that the tips of the hair need to be cut regularly - they will not only have a healthier look, but will also grow faster.

And if the hair is sick?

Is your hair dull, broken or split? Perhaps this is from the wrong care, but sometimes it is a sign of a disease. Analyze the situation: what you wash your head with, how to comb-weave it, etc. If you are doing everything right and your hair is still sick, go to the trichologist. Let a specialist find out the cause of this condition and prescribe an adequate treatment.

And in some cases, it is the hair diagnosis that helps to identify certain problems with internal organs, so if something bothers you, do not start this state - try to solve the problem at the very beginning.

And do not forget to periodically check the head of the child - pediculosis is still quite common.


Watch the video: Baby hair care tips. How to care for babies hair (July 2024).