
Thermokeratin hair restoration: indications and disadvantages


If you often do straightening, dyeing and curling your hair, it is not surprising that over time they lose their former appearance, the tips become damaged, and the strands look like a bundle of straw. The reason for such changes is the lack of a sufficient amount of keratin in the hair. But this problem can be easily solved with the help of Estel keratin keratin water.

Operating principle

Keratin is the main component that makes up hair (80%). Due to frequent chemical effects on them, this element becomes too small and the hair becomes more fragile and weakened.

To fix such a problem Two rules must be followed:

  • introduce in your diet food rich in proteins (meat, fish, dairy products, etc.),
  • use keratin hair restoration products.

However, even with proper nutrition, it is impossible to do without keratin water, because due to its liquid consistency, it is able to penetrate deep into the hair and fill it with the missing chemical elements.

Attention! Estel keratin keratin water, in addition to restoring the structure of damaged hair areas, creates a protective layer at the molecular level, due to which, with regular use, they are fully restored and the old elasticity and luster returns to them.

The composition of the drug and the properties of the components

The composition of keratin water has a large number of components that contribute to the restoration of the chemical components of the hair.

The main elements in the composition:

Water and keratin are the two main elements in the chemical composition of hair. But so that they can quickly be absorbed into the molecular structure of the curls, there is alcohol in the composition. Although mostly it is considered a pest for skin and hair, but it also has its advantages. Due to the increased insight of the protective hair barrier, the beneficial components can be easily absorbed. Amino acids and glycerin are used to create the effect of soft and shiny curls.

Important! If you want to achieve the best effect, it is advisable to use keratin water together with other Estel keratin products (masks, shampoos, etc.).

Thermokeratin "Estel": reviews of the procedure

Sometimes the hair is so badly damaged and weakened that it looks more like a bundle of straw. At such moments, it seems, nothing can help them. The fair sex with long hair, as well as those who often dyes strands and makes long-term styling, often face such problems. But there is always a way out, so lifeless hair will be able to return a new medical procedure - Estelle Thermokeratin. The reviews about her are mostly enthusiastic, because the result is simply amazing.

Why is keratin good for hair?

Keratin is a natural protein that is involved in the formation of hair, skin and nails. It is hard and soft. 80% of human hair - this is keratin, it is destroyed by the negative impact on the curls, which has a frequent dyeing paints containing aggressive components, chemical perms, the sun's rays, heat and other factors. Replenishing stocks of keratin is very useful for hair, because it is the main building material for them.

What is thermokeratin

Thermokeratin "Estel" is a very effective professional procedure for restoring and straightening damaged and unruly hair. She will be able to restore health and strength to the curls, which are damaged due to dyeing, negative environmental effects, chemical perms, discoloration, frequent styling with a hair dryer and ironing and other harmful factors. Dry, dull and brittle strands become alive, healthy and shiny after the procedure Estell Thermokeratin. Reviews of girls who tried it, confirm the effectiveness of this method. The result after it is immediately noticeable - it is more docile, restored hair, silky and soft. After the procedure it is recommended to use the entire set of “Estelle Thermokeratin for hair” regularly. Thus, the achieved result of the recovery will be permanently preserved.

What is included in the set of "Thermokeratin" Estel ""

Comprehensive care using three different ways to influence the curls will help preserve the effect after the hair keratinization procedure:

  • A hair mask containing a keratin repair complex will help activate hair regeneration from the inside, at the cellular level.

  • The second agent in the kit is a thermoactivator, which stimulates the heat generation necessary for the keratinizing procedure. It helps the keratin to fill the hair structure, smooth the scales and restore the process of nutrition of the hair, as well as to connect the split ends.
  • Keratin water for hair fixes the effect of the whole procedure, moisturizes the curls, gives them strength and density, fixes the hair color after dyeing, seals the ends, adds volume and protects from negative external influences.

No one has regretted having bought the Estelle (Thermokeratin) kit. The reviews of grateful customers confirm the excellent result of the use and improvement of the strands. Especially effective is the series for those who have colored strands or after perm, split ends, dull and lifeless curls, porous and unruly hair.

Benefits of keratinizing hair

Keratisation is a medical procedure that will help restore even the most hopeless strands. They will become obedient, more durable, resilient and smooth. Visually, the hair after such a restoration seems to be thicker. All split ends are sealed, the damage on the surface of the hair is filled, and the effect lasts for about three months. Disobedient curly hair will stop curling in bad weather, as they will have a protective layer of keratin, which, like an invisible film, will protect the curls from thermal, chemical and UV exposure. Thermokeratin "Estelle", reviews of which are mostly laudatory, will help keep the curls healthy, moisturize them, make them shiny and fix the color after dyeing for a period of 2-4 months.

What is the procedure

Keratin is the main building material of hair. Under the influence of an aggressive environment, the amount of this protein rapidly decreases, as a result of which the curls lose luster and elasticity.

Classic keratinizing involves the application of a special agent containing keratin. This composition penetrates the hair shaft, and also remains on its surface, while forming an invisible microfilm that prevents the evaporation of moisture. To activate the effect of the applied agent, the specialist treats the curls with a hot iron or hairdryer, i.e., it has a thermal effect on the hair. At high temperatures, the scales “stick together”, keratin stays in the rod for a long time. However, after a while, the condition of the hair may become much worse than before the procedure.

During thermokeratin recovery, keratinous remedies are also applied to the curls, but it is not the iron that activates it, but a special thermoactivator. When two compounds are combined, heat is formed, which promotes keratin penetration deep into the hair. A distinctive feature is that the resulting temperature is not as high as in heating hairdressing devices. Consequently, during thermokeratinization, aggressive thermal effects on the hair are excluded.

When the procedure is shown

Thermokeratin recovery can be recommended in the following cases:

  • dull hair color
  • brittleness and stiffness
  • split ends
  • confused curls,
  • unhealthy fluffy,
  • painful condition of hair after dyeing or perm.

In addition, the procedure is effectively used for straightening curls. After her hair looks like after lamination - they become smooth, smooth, docile and shiny. However, the difference between the procedures is that thermokeratin restoration not only improves the appearance of curls, but also produces a healing effect.

According to experts, thermokeratinization is carried out as needed, that is, as soon as the effect of the procedure has disappeared, it can be repeated.

What are the disadvantages and consequences of the procedure?

After thermokeratin recovery, the resulting invisible microfilm on the surface of the hair leads to its weighting. The longer the hair, the more difficult it is. If the curls were initially weakened, they lacked the necessary nutrition, then after the procedure, even due to a slight compaction, an intense loss may occur.

According to reviews of some consumers, with prolonged use, the curls begin to get greasy.

A significant disadvantage of thermokeratin recovery is the absence of an obvious effect after the first procedure.

Another disadvantage of the procedure is the fragility of the effect. It can last from one to three months (depending on the initial state, the type and health of the hair).

Contraindications to

Thermokeratin recovery is a safe and healthy procedure. Therefore, it has a minimum of contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • age up to 12 years.

The procedure can be used before and after dyeing hair without observing any time intervals.

Drugs used in thermokeratin recovery

In salons and at home, the thermokeratinization procedure is carried out using products from the manufacturer Estelle (Estel Termokeratin).

The kit for the procedure ESTEL THERMOKERATIN includes:

  • keratin hair mask ESTEL THERMOKERATIN 300 ml (1),
  • thermoactivator ESTEL THERMOKERATIN 200 ml (2),
  • keratin water for hair ESTEL KERATIN 100 ml (3).

The set is designed for 10-15 procedures, depending on the length and thickness of the hair.


Anyway, each cosmetic procedure has its disadvantages. The Estelle Thermokeratin was no exception. Reviews indicate that:

  1. After the procedure, the curls became more often contaminated. This is due to the fact that the hair has become thickened, and the keratin with which they are covered collects dust on themselves, and the subcutaneous fat more quickly saturates them.
  2. Increased hair loss is also noticed. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that keratin-coated hair becomes heavy and it is difficult for the bulb to hold it.
  3. Carcinogenic formaldehyde, which is part of all keratinizing agents, which helps to achieve the effect of perfectly straight and smooth hair, is a very harmful substance.
  4. Keratinization can cause allergies, like any cosmetic procedure. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the composition of funds for the procedure.

How keratinization takes place in the cabin

Since the procedure has many side effects, you should think carefully before trying Estelle Thermokeratin on yourself. Reviews of the procedure, no matter how laudatory, cannot guarantee safety.

Professional procedure in the cabin will take about two hours. Consists of the following steps:

  • First, the hair is thoroughly washed with a special shampoo for deep cleansing. It removes all dirt from the hair: dirt, dust, styling remnants.
  • The second step will be the application of keratin composition. They are different, so the stylist pre-coordinates it with the client, given the type and structure of hair. Means is distributed carefully and evenly along the entire length, one and a half centimeters from the roots.
  • The third stage of the procedure is drying the curls with a hair dryer. In addition, each strand after drying is treated with a heated iron for straightening - this is a very important stage, it is necessary for the connection of keratin with hair molecules.

It is very important to remember that after the keratinization of the hair it is impossible to wash the hair for three days, moreover, it is impossible to change the parting during the action of keratin (about two months) so that the hair retains its shape. Use for the care should only be a special shampoo and balm. It is also important to keep curls from rain and snow - high humidity is extremely harmful for keratin.

Procedure at home

First you need to purchase a kit for Estel Thermokeratin. Reviews confirm its effectiveness, so it is perfect for home use. It is important to follow the instructions that come with the set of funds.

  • Wash your hair with deep cleaning shampoo.
  • Comb curls with a flat comb.
  • Apply keratin.
  • Apply thermoactivator.
  • Wash off after 15 minutes.
  • Treat hair with keratin water.
  • Blow dry.

This procedure is cumulative, and it needs to be repeated in 1-2 weeks, and also do not forget to use the entire line of Estel products, which will help fix the result for a long time.

The procedure has caused not only positive feedback and delight among the fair sex who have tried the keratin restoration. The fact is that, like any other procedure, thermokeratin is suitable for someone, but not for someone. Some resent the fact that the result does not come immediately, but after several applications. Thermokeratin has no strict contraindications, but do not forget that pregnant women, nursing women and those with individual intolerance should not try the treatment on themselves.

delicious shampoo and mask + photo

Advantages: * pleasant smell, professional care

This wonderful line Estelle - keratin gave me a girlfriend!

Sufficient volume in 250ml, convenient packaging for shampoo

this is now my pet, especially the smell awesome

What would be a great result to use together shampoo and balm

I apply it in this way, I wash my hair twice with shampoo, dry my hair with a towel and then apply the mask for about 10-20 minutes, wash it off

the effect is noticeable immediately after the first application

1 hair well-groomed, soft

2 healthy looking, lively

3 shiny, slip hands like silk

I recommend your hair will thank you

Very nice water)

Advantages: - hair is easy to comb, it really tightens the hair, protects the ends of the hair from damage, eliminates the electrification of the hair, smoothes the hair

Disadvantages: small volume

During the frosts, my hair became rather dry, and therefore I decided to find for them something that would return them a beautiful look.

Recently, I hear a lot about the estel keratin series and also decided to try)

I ordered a kit for home care in the nearest salon which included shampoo, mask and water.

I use water not only with this series, but also with another shampoo, without using a mask.

Water has a very pleasant smell, which keeps on the hair for a very long time, removes static tension well, makes combing much easier and gives the hair a healthy look!

You can apply immediately after washing, and on dry hair.

The volume is only 100 ml and the flow rate is not very economical, but on the whole I really liked this non-washout! I advise you to try for your hair

My review of the mask

My review on shampoo

Remarkable hair product.

Advantages: really fulfills all stated requirements, convenient to use

The feedback is short and to the point.

Once again, she bought her paint and grooming in Estel by prof. The consultant advised to test - keratin care from Estel Deluxe. Explaining that you can gradually add to the usual mask.Came, read, only in the paint and then the length, the roots can not. What I noticed) The worse the reviews, the better this or that product works for me)

Benefit took only a sample tube.

I washed my hair with shampoo Estel for dry hair (I'm blonde). Carefully pressed and held her hair in a towel. Then she took the mask, I have a Siberian sea buckthorn nature. I scooped a couple of tablespoons into my palm. Added about 10 grams of keratin gel. Applied to the entire length of the hair, departing from the roots by 3-4 cm. Under the shower cap, and on top of a warm cap. Kept for about an hour doing household chores. Washed, dried naturally. I do not use hair dryer.

The effect is like. Hair smoother, heavier (not icicles).

The main thing for me was no wow effect. I do not trust this, to be honest)

How is the procedure

The sequence of thermokeratin hair restoration is the same both in salons and at home. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Cleansing hair. It is best to use shampoo from the same manufacturer for washing your hair, i.e. Estel. Dampen curls with warm water, apply a small amount of shampoo, foam well on the hair and then rinse them. It is not necessary to dry the curls. They simply blot with a thick soft towel and comb a flat wooden comb.
  2. Applying thermokeratin mask. The mask is applied to the hair and evenly distributed over the entire length using a hairbrush. At the same time, care should be taken to ensure that the roots and tips of the hair are covered. To enhance the subsequent effect, the manufacturer advises to massage the head for 2–3 min.
  3. Use thermoactivator. Without washing thermokeratin mask, apply a thermoactivator on the hair. At the same time, it is necessary to work out the entire length of the curls from tips to roots, including the edge hairline. Massage for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Flushing compositions. The products applied to the hair are washed off with warm water without using a shampoo. After that, the hair is just blotted with a towel, but not dried.
  5. The use of thermokeratinous water. The final stage of the procedure is the application of a special agent, enriched with keratin. Thermokeratin water in the set is presented in the form of a spray. The composition is sprayed over the entire surface of the hair. It has a complex effect:
    • enriches hair shafts with keratin
    • moisturizes
    • smoothes out
    • glues hair scales,
    • makes curls dense along the entire length,
    • fixes the color
    • gives hair volume,
    • produces an antistatic effect,
    • protects hair with external thermal effects,
    • protects against the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays.
  6. Rinse thermokeratinous water is not necessary. But dry hair dryer is quite allowed.

What kind of care is needed after the procedure?

According to the manufacturers of the thermokeratin complex and specialists, no additional or special care is required for the curls. Enough conventional cleansing and use of familiar masks, balms, etc.

Quite by chance I stumbled upon such a set for the procedure Thermokeratin from the company Estel. It became interesting to me, I briefly watched a video from the manufacturer and read the reviews on Airek. With a fairly low cost, the reviews were very good. I decided to purchase a set. All components are sold separately, except for thermoactivator. What can I say about hair. Very positive result. The hair is smooth, that I want to touch them constantly, soft, crumbly. Such direct blindingly brilliant in the light, even in the natural. The tips have become more alive, not so dry, it seems. I noticed that they became less confused, I never brushed them a day after the procedure, and I combed them easily before going to bed, they were not even confused at all. I am glad that the procedure appealed to my hair, that it comes out very cheap at cost and I can recommend it to friends and clients. This is a great opportunity to give your hair a well-groomed healthy look for half an hour, and if the hair needs nutrition and care, then “treat them”. The only negative: the result is not very long kept on the hair. About 2 weeks. But it depends on the type of hair, their tendency to pollution and on the amount of washing.


The master did not recommend that I wash my hair right after the thermokeratinization. The rest of the care remained traditional. Well, I washed my hair the next day. Fortunately, the procedure was done on Sunday, and I did not need to go anywhere on the weekend. Surprisingly, I liked the effect of thermokeratin most of all after the first bathing. All the oil on the surface was washed off, but the hair remained as soft and supple. This effect surpasses any hair masks. Also note well, very easy combing. That is, I just run a hairbrush into my hair and am not afraid to guide it to the tips, and not a single hair is torn out. This effect is also superior to hair masks. All week I have not had problems with combing.

Wild Orchid

Advantages: shine, smoothness, softness of hair, hair elastic and shiny, straightening, softness, richness of hair, not tangled and easily combed, smoothes. Disadvantages: there is no volume, the effect of the procedure is not long. Today I want to share with you a response to such a procedure as hot keratin. I did it in the salon, but as you can see, you can purchase this kit and restore the hairs at home. As you can see, the procedure gives a gorgeous shine to hair, smoothes it and makes it incredibly silky!


In total, this whole procedure took no more than 30 minutes. Unpleasant smells and sensations during it was not. After that, my master gave me a mirror so that I admired the result. But I didn’t see any miracle effect, which I told her about. I received the answer that this procedure is cumulative and should be done in 1-2 weeks and as many times as possible. Something these promises are more like a scam! For the money you can buy a good professional makeup and do the most at home such hair restoration. For myself, I decided that I would no longer do thermokeratin.


Thermokeratin hair restoration allows you to make hair smooth, silky, docile and shiny. At the same time there are practically no contraindications to the procedure. According to consumers, a significant drawback of the procedure is the short-term effect.

How to prepare the hair and carry out the procedure

  1. Rinse your head thoroughly with shampoo. For best results, use Estel keratin keratin shampoo.
  2. Slightly dry the curls, that they were slightly wet, but avoid using a hair dryer.
  3. For a more durable result, use a keratin mask. Massage with a brush or with a brush, apply a mask over the entire length, treat the tips and roots of the hair especially well. Let it dry for 10 minutes. It will help return the curls old elasticity and elasticity.
  4. Apply keratin water over the entire length of the strands. Try to evenly distribute it over the entire surface of the curls.
  5. Strands are best dried without using a hair dryer or curling, because they can destroy the keratin protection and the procedure will not have a positive result.

The lasting effect of moisture and shine for each lasts individually. On average, observed during the day, however, this affects the structure of the strands.

Of course, for several applications you will not achieve complete recovery of chemical components, but with regular use within a month a positive result will undoubtedly be achieved.

To obtain the maximum effect from such procedures, follow some important rules:

  • try at least 10 days, after the procedure, do not dye your hair,
  • do not expose the curls to hot air (refuse to go to the baths, saunas, etc.), because this can destroy the keratin protection,
  • you should not swim in sea water, as it can corrode keratin and dry hair.

What effect can be achieved

Ultraviolet light strongly dries curls and makes them look like straw, which is not very beautiful. Such radiation can be obtained even from prolonged exposure to the sun, not to mention artificial tan, with the help of an ultraviolet lamp. Estel keratin keratin water increases the amount of moisture in the hair strands. Thus, it is possible to return the former shine and elasticity of the curls.

Split ends - a sure sign that the strands do not have enough trace elements. Keratin water fills hair with useful and nutrients that help to strengthen their structure.

Attention! If you naturally have thick and dense curls, the effect of the procedure will not be very noticeable. Yes, and hair can become heavier, which will lead to their loss.

Keratin water has no restrictions on the frequency of use. You can perform the procedure as needed. To fully restore all the chemical components of the hair, you need to use the drug for at least a month.

Advantages and disadvantages

On average, Estel keratin keratin water in the Russian Federation can be purchased for 375 rubles. In some stores, the price ranges from 350 to 400 rubles per 100 ml.

The advantages of using keratin water:

  • improves the appearance and shape of curls,
  • strands become more docile and resilient,
  • hair is moisturized and smoothed
  • the result is fixed from staining,
  • Curls turn out more volume.

Disadvantages of using keratin water:

  • if used too often, the strands may become more weak and brittle,
  • chemical fumes can adversely affect if you have respiratory problems,
  • strands may become heavier, resulting in the possibility of hair loss,
  • scalp irritation may occur if you have skin diseases during application,

With proper and regular use of Estel keratin keratin water, you will definitely achieve a positive result. The main thing is not to forget about the complex care with the help of masks and shampoos from Estel keratin and the correct diet with food that contains a large amount of protein.

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