
Types of African braids


Today, African braids are a bold and stylish element of the female image. It can also tell about a person’s belonging to a particular subculture. But in ancient times, this hairstyle had the most profound significance. And in some countries it has been preserved to this day. Not everyone knows where the African ones came from. pigtails and why they are so called. Some of these questions have not yet found specific answers supported by facts. But still speculation about the history of this hairstyle.

The history of the appearance of African braids.

African braids originated in ancient Egypt many centuries ago. Straight hair of dark shades in Egypt was considered a sign of pure blood and nobility. But the fact is that in this country it was very hot, so the men had to shave bald, and the women had short haircuts. When the women came out of their chambers, they put on wigs, on which the hair was tightly braided, tightly packed in rows. The strands were strictly equal in length, and Cleopatra loved her hair to be below her lobes.

In Egypt braiding It was a very important ritual. During this process, all kinds of spells were cast to protect against evil spirits and to attract good luck. Moreover, for each of the parts of the head, various spells were pronounced, which helped to influence a specific problem. For the Egyptian people, wigs were a kind of amulet that protected them from ailments and grief. They decorated their wigs with ribbons, wool and skin of various animals.

The attitude of African braids to slavery.

At a time when slavery existed in some regions of the world, most slaves wore this hairstyle. In this way, they could keep in touch with their culture. African braids met all the hairstyle requirements for slaves, as they did not interfere with work and were very neat. Since American slaves did not have special herbs to wash their hair, they had to use butter and lard oil so that the strands held well for several days.

The popularity of African braids in different countries of the world.

African braids braided not only in Egypt, but also in other countries with hot climates. Rather, it was done not for the sake of a beautiful view, but in order to protect themselves from the strongly scorching sun. Braided long hair in very thin braids, and then laid them around the head. In many countries, such braids were some feature of each nation. The creation of such a hairstyle was often accompanied by various rituals. Pigtails were a national hairstyle for women from Uzbekistan. African braids were the favorite hairstyle of Yakuts, shamans, sorcerers, Chukchi and Indians.

In Russia, this hairstyle has become popular recently. The pioneers in this area were DJs, stage personalities and fans of African music. Fans of Bob Marley, who also wore this hairstyle, have a special love for such pigtails. At the present time you can meet on the street a lot of girls and even guys with these pigtails.

African braids in the 20th century.

After the civil war, black residents of the United States tried to get away from this hairstyle. The fact is that with straight hair it was easier to find a job. Therefore, they had to work very hard to make their hair more straight. At that time braid weave It was a hobby of little girls, but when they grew up, they also tried to wear European hairstyles.

By the middle of the 20th century, the fashion for African pigtails had returned, thanks to racism. Creative and black people tried to include in their image as much as possible African elements that were a tradition of this people. In 1960, they became a symbol of the movement against racism, and in 1990 they began to wear sports and hip-hop stars.

African braids in the modern world.

To date, African braids again becoming popular among young people. Means for the care of such a hairstyle and salons, where these braids can braid, have already formed the whole industry. African weaving is incredibly popular in Europe, and not only among black women and girls. Today, you can make this hairstyle in the salon or independently. African motifs have now become relevant, so you can expect that this trend is not at its peak, but only at the dawn of its popularity.

Types of African braids

African braids have become popular not so long ago, however, they have already won their vocation not only among the current fashionable youth, but also won some adult people. As Afrokos grew in popularity, so did more and more variants of their weaving. Let's look at some of the most popular types of African braids and marvel at this miracle hairstyle.

Classic African braids

Classic afrokos are many small braids woven by hand. Their number depends on the wishes of the client, but mostly they are braided in the amount of 100-250 pieces. The thinner the braids are, the higher the hair style and the longer they can be worn.

By the time the African braids trail for 3-6 hours, it all depends on the length and number of braids, well, not a little, the skill of the Brader is also important here - a person engaged in weaving afrokos.

There are many weaving techniques and methods for laying African braids. Afrokosy - this is a type of hair, in which you can experiment with the color and length of hair. If you have short hair, you can easily become the owner of a luxurious long hair, and the blonde can turn into a brunette and vice versa. In one hairstyle, you can combine about 5 different color options, like natural shades of natural, and bright saturated colors of the rainbow.

The main requirement for weaving African braids, is the length of your own hair should be at least 5-6 cm.

If you are the owner of luxurious hair, then you can braid braids only from natural hair, but if this is not the case, you can get the desired length of hair by interweaving the artificial strands of Kanekalon.

Pigtails "zizi" - this is one of the options for quick weaving. Zizi is a finished material, which is a thin pigtails, whose diameter is 3 mm and a standard length of 80 cm. It is woven into your own hair. For such a hairstyle, the hair length is desirable so that it does not exceed 20 centimeters, thanks to this braids will make it easier to braid, and the hairstyle will be stronger and more durable. Longer hair will have to be cut, or choose another more suitable braid option for your length. Hair "zizi" braids around about 2-4 hours, it all depends on the length of your natural hair.

This hairstyle will last you about 2-4 months.

Zizi braids can be made:

  • Straight
  • Twisted
  • Spiral
  • Corrugated

Again, it all depends on your desires and the selected material.

“Pony tail” - this is how the name of this hairstyle is translated from English. A pony tail differs from ordinary afrosholes only in that there is a small tail at the end of each pigtail and they are not woven from canekalon, but from artificial material “pony”. At the end of this material is a small tail, which in the end will be the completion of each pigtail. The length and degree of curling of the final curl can be done the way you want. The length of the hairstyle itself is approximately 20-25 cm. The weave of the braids is a classic of three strands.

By the time this hairstyle takes you 5-8 hours, it all depends on the selected length.

This hairstyle is visually similar to the "wet chemistry." Corrugation is relatively the same as zizi refers to fast weaving. Weave this hairstyle better for short hair, the length should not exceed 25 cm. If natural hair is longer than the required length, the hairstyle will lose its volume and showiness. To create this hairstyle using corrugated Kanekalon, this material can be with different size of the curl. Corrugated Kanekalon is woven to natural hair with the help of a regular pigtail. Desired length 5-6 cm. Weaving time not more than 4 hours. You can wear for 2-3 months.

History of weaving African braids

It is believed that the first known ladies who wore African braids were Egyptian women. At the same time, men adorned with a similar hairstyle, which was connected with the traditions of Africa, because straight and long dark-colored hair was an essential sign of purebredness and high origin.

However, it was almost impossible to have such own hair because of the hot climate of Ancient Egypt - people just cut their hair to make it easier to withstand high temperatures. However, they left different lengths:

  • men had bald heads
  • for women, the haircut was very short.

To maintain the image of the Egyptians wore, with which began the history of weaving African braids. Since the artificial hair is finely and tightly woven, and the resulting braids formed dense layers. Each strand should have a special length, the same for all elements.

These wigs were decorated in various ways, for which they used:

  • silk ribbons of different colors
  • all sorts of threads
  • pieces of leather
  • shreds of wool.

Even if someone did not use wigs, he could build some kind of a pigtail from his hair, for this it is only necessary to leave an uncut cut strand, from which he made various hairstyles.

From the history of weaving African braids among the Egyptians, it is known that they equated this process with a very important ritual, during which they pronounced spells necessary for protection, suitable for a certain part of the head. As a result of this, the wig became an effective talisman needed for:

  • attracting good luck
  • scaring evil spirits.

Next, the history of African braids migrated to America, where black slaves were massively brought in during the colonies from Africa. After getting freedom, African women didn’t want to make their braids out of their hair any more, as they considered it humiliating. In addition, having a European haircut, they could more easily get a job.

The African braids returned to fashion when the mass movement against racism began. This marked the year 1960, when these pigtails became a symbol of this peace-loving direction. At this time, famous people of creativity (Africans and not only) used in their image the maximum number of symbols associated with Africa to promote good relations between races.

Since 1990, such braids can be found in sports and pop stars, in particular, hip-hop artists. Famous women and men appreciated the beauty and comfort of a traditional African hairstyle.

Now African braids are fashionable everywhere, young people all over the world are doing their hair styles to stand out and show themselves. In addition, it is very simple to do this, since now many hairdressers will professionally braid their hair and tell the subtleties of care for such beauty.

Varieties of african braids

Classic is a large number of small braids. The number of such braids is voiced by the client, the approximate number of braids is from 100 to 200 pieces. The duration of wearing braids depends on their class, the smaller they are, the higher the class and the longer they will decorate your hair. The braid weaving period is 3 to 6 hours. The duration of weaving depends on the length and number of braids, as well as on the level of the master Braved. There are a large number of techniques and variations of weaving.

Afro-braids are a hairstyle with which it is possible to conduct experiments with the length and color of the strands. If you are the owner of a short haircut, then you can easily become a beauty with long hair, owners of light strands can become a brunette. With this hairstyle, it is possible to perfectly combine five different colors. Colors can be natural as well as bright and flashy, so that everyone can emphasize their individuality. The main requirements in order to create such a hairstyle, the length of their hair should be at least five centimeters. If your hair is long, then it is possible to make afrokos only with your own hair, without interweaving the artificial strands.

"Zizi" is a variation of fast weaving, these are already finished small braids, with a diameter of 3 mm, a length of 80 cm. Similar braids are woven into their hair. In order to make braids zizi, the length of the hair should not exceed twenty centimeters, due to this, the braids will be easier to trail, while the hairstyle will be held for a long time. If the hair is longer than the required length, then the hair should be trimmed, or choose another hairstyle designed for your hair length. Duration of weaving this hair is about 3 hours.

Zizi braids are also divided into types:

Hairstyle "pony tail". The difference between these braids is the presence of a small tail at the end of the braid. The client chooses the length and level of the curl to his liking. The length of this hairstyle is approximately 26 cm. The pony tail takes about eight hours.

Corrugation, reminds wet chemistry, it may be attributed to the rapid weaving, as well as "zizi." It is necessary to braid on the shortened hair, the length of the hair should not be more than 23 cm. To create such a haircut, use Kanekalon corrugated, it has a different curl size. Kanekalon is woven into the natural hair with the help of a pigtail, it should be 6 cm long. By the time it takes no more than four hours to create this hair.

For Curl Curls, Kanekalones are also used. The braid for such a masterpiece must be from 6 to 10 cm, and it must be continued with a curly curl of caneklone. This type of hairstyle is difficult to create, the fact is that the first 7 days it is necessary to apply special oil to the hair in order for the hairstyle to be held, and only then after each washing of the head. The minimum length of your hair for this hair is 10 cm. The process of creating such a masterpiece is about 5 hours.

Hair "harness" is different way of weaving. A pigtail is necessary to weave from two curls, and not from the usual three. Each strand of hair is bored in one direction, then intertwined with each other and fixed on the end. As a result, a rope is formed; weaving time is from 6 hours.

Thai braids are braids that are woven only from natural hair, and at the end are attached with rubber bands of different colors. This hairstyle will look great with owners of long hair. The creation of Thai braids will take about 5 hours.

French braids are weaving that weaves closely to the scalp. It turns out very beautiful patterns and it looks very impressive. Such braids can be weaved in the direction in which you want. This hairstyle consists of 16 braids. This hairstyle can be done by both male and female. Such beauty is woven for about 1 hour. Who would have thought that in 60 minutes, perhaps, to create such beauty.

What is the price of hairstyles with threads: pros and cons

If it so happens that you naturally have straight hair, and you want to get curls, then African braids with threads will help to do it:

    With the help of African braids, you can smoothly change the color of the curls from brunette to blonde,

African Pigtail Blonde

  • Before you do the African braids at home you have to grow hair, and wait for this long enough. So to decide on this immediately fail,
  • There are many different ways to weave African braids, each girl will find an option to taste.
  • As the name suggests, this hairstyle came to us from the African continent

    Negative points: important material for girls

    • Even considering that cosmetologists are doing a lot of shampoos for plaited braids, such a hair is still terrible to wash and there's nothing to be done about it. And if you use ordinary shampoo, then achieve purity does not work at all,
    • Because of this hairstyle, insufficient hair is saturated with positive trace elements,

    African braids can cause insufficient hair nutrition

  • Every morning my head on drying hair takes a lot of time that could be spent on something more useful. In addition, an inexperienced person will not be able to determine whether the hair has dried up or not,
  • So tough hairstyle heavily loads the hair follicles. Even more load is growing when trying to weave extra hair into braids. Girls with naturally weak hair noted that after the zizi braids were unraveled, the curls began to fall confidently,

    Pigtails can greatly "load" hair follicles

  • If you are not used to it, it will be difficult for you to fall asleep, as the head becomes noticeably harder and harder,
  • With dreadlocks do not get every haircut, various bunches and shells do not work, because now the hair is heavy and naughty.
  • Before making a decision, consult a hairdresser

    How to braid zizi at home for male and female hair

    If you have already decided that weaving African braids is what you need, then it remains only to decide for yourself that you will braid the braids or contact specialists. If on your own, then you will have to learn the process before embarking on weaving. First of all, please note that this process is extremely time-consuming and long, quickly braiding about two hundred small braids will not work.

    African braids in the cabin can do in 3 hours

    In the salon, you can buy a service to create a braid for a low cost.

    The master in the beauty salon will be able to meet at 3 o'clock, while on his own it will take you about a day. Yes, and it will take a lot of energy, not every day you weave braids, this occupation requires perseverance. But if you set a goal, then you can, of course, do nothing impracticable here.

    These braids will help you stand out

    Now, for clarity, let's look at the weaving of afrokosichek in detail, set out step by step instructions for better understanding:

    1. To make it easier to navigate what is happening, divide the head into zones, part in the center. A small trimmed area made into a pigtail,
    2. Choose one strand divided into three parts. Hold each part with different fingers, turning your palms up, you can make a pigtail, this is done through the bottom,
    3. Weaving a couple of braids, you will notice how the process accelerates. But when performing weaving, do not forget to tighten each strand equally tightly, otherwise the braid will inevitably turn over,

    Braid weaving procedure

  • Do not forget that the hands change position alternately, and not together. Thus, we can achieve synchronization of weaving,
  • Repeat the manipulations until you have even hair on your head.
  • Weave or ramp up?

    After reading this manual, you have an idea of ​​how to perform African braids and you can already understand whether you will do this operation yourself or consult a specialist. If the step-by-step instruction did not seem difficult to you, then we recommend that you also watch a couple of videos on this topic to see how difficult it really is.

    Finally, let's say: do not forget that this hairstyle is not for everyone, so if you really decide to change your appearance, then look at every available option.

    This type of hair looks unusual and therefore not suitable for everyone.

    It is possible that you will like anything else besides braids, and you will be satisfied.

    Curls curls

    Kanekalon is also used for this hairstyle. In this hairstyle the braid itself is 5-10 cm, in the continuation it is followed by volume curls from Kanekalon. This hairstyle is quite complicated, as in the first week all the curls will need to be lubricated several times a day with special oil for fixation, and later on after each washing of the head. For this hairstyle, hair length 10 cm is required.

    Weaving time makes 2-4 hours, rushes no more than 2 months.

    Senegalese braids or plaits

    In this hairstyle used an unusual form of weaving, braids consist of not only three strands, but only two of them. Two strands, each of which is twisted in one direction, intertwined with each other in the opposite direction and fixed at the end. The result is a kind of flagella.

    Weaving takes at least 5 hours.

    Thai braids

    Thai pigtails are woven only from natural hair, at the end they are fixed with colored rubber bands. This hairstyle is perfect for owners of long, thick hair. Such braids can be combined with braids. Such a hairstyle is often braided to children, making the braids not very thin, so that it would not be difficult to unravel. This hairstyle should not be worn for too long. Weaving time is 3-4 hours.

    French braids or braids

    Braids are a type of weaving that goes right along the scalp. Pigtails can be braided in any direction, in the form of a wide variety of patterns. This hairstyle is woven both from its hair, the length of which should be 10 cm, and with the addition of Kanekalon. Adding kanekalon will give pigtails extra volume and they will last longer. On average, a hairstyle consists of 14-15 pigtails. French braids are worn by both women and men. It is convenient for sports and dancing. Pigtails braided from natural hair are worn for about 1.5 weeks, if the braids are braided with Kanekalon, their service life will significantly increase to 1.5 months.


    Watch the video: Different types of african braids and twists (July 2024).