
How and in what color to paint the tips of the hair at home


Fashion is very changeable, quite recently the smooth color of curls along the entire length was fashionable. Today, the girls face another challenge - how to paint the hair ends at home. Previously, dark roots were considered bad form, but now it is a fashion trend. There are several methods of staining the ends of the strands that you can master yourself; they will require inexpensive fixtures and paints. As a result, you get a fashionable coloring that will transform the everyday look. How to paint the curls using different techniques, what is the name of this application of paint, we consider below.

  • Hair dyeing with a new bright shade should be done with gloves. It is advisable to be in old clothes that are not scary to get dirty.
  • Staining is necessary in a well-ventilated area. Paint may give off caustic fumes. If you paint curls in close bathroom, then there is a risk of poisoning.
  • You can paint the tips of the hair with pieces of foil. Before applying the paint, it is necessary to separate the strand and spread it over the foil. Next, using a brush, apply paint to the ends of the hair.
  • It is necessary to take care of the additional devices in advance: elastic bands, barrettes. To get the right tone, it is important to hold the paint on the curls for a certain time. Everything you need to be on hand so as not to overdo the paint.

  • Adhere to the rules of paint use, carefully read the instructions.
  • If you lighten the curls, you need to prepare a balm for hair. Oxidizing agents can dry painted tips. Using a balm will make combing easier and improve the appearance.
  • Coloring the tips of the hair should not be combined with a hairdryer and hot styling devices during the first week.
  • If the curls are of medium length, they should be painted below the chin.
  • In case you lighten the tips of the strands of light brown color, then before the procedure it is necessary to discolor this part of the hair. For blondes, this stage is skipped.

  • Strands are divided by parting. Each part is divided into eight parts. If you do not want to paint all the tips, then some strands should be removed upward with clips.
  • Brunette before coloring should apply the composition for clarification. The strand is neatly distributed on the foil, then sealed. For very dark curls, the coloring matter is applied twice.
  • The holding time of the paint depends on the desired result. For easy clarification, 20 minutes is enough, if you need a light blond, then the coloring composition should be left on the strands for 45 minutes. In this case, bright staining is provided.
  • If you want to make a soft transition, you need to comb through the curls with a comb with frequent teeth.
  • Without taking off the gloves, it is necessary to wash off the composition with the help of a shampoo, after washing it is necessary to use a balm.

What color to paint the tips will depend on the basic shade. This will be associated with your color type, the original hair color, the desired result.

  • On light strands almost all shades will look bright and beautiful. The fashion of previous years gave preference to muted shades. Now to create a unique image choose bright, neon, contrasting colors.
  • Dark-haired girls are ideally suited for ashy shades and bright saturated colors. Dark curls with purple, red, blue strands look very bold and bright. For dyeing in saturated colors, you must first lighten the strands. In the trend hairstyle with rainbow curls.
  • Short curls must be fixed ends up, this can be done with hairpins, invisible hairs, combing.
  • The paint is applied with a thick layer on a piece of foil, carefully carried out along the strands, you can literally "feel" the tips of the curls.

  • The paint is left on the hair for 30 minutes. If the coloring composition is liquid, then you can dry your head with a hairdryer.
  • Paint is washed off until the water is clear. It is necessary to use a balm for hair.
  • The locks of medium length are divided at first into two parts, each of them is divided into 4 parts. Strands secure with rubber bands.

  • The paint is applied to the foil, gently wrapping the ends of the resulting strands.
  • The paint is left for half an hour, to enhance the effect, you can wrap your hair with a towel.
  • Painted curls washed, use a nourishing balm.
  • Can be colored with feathers or a straight line. In two cases, the tactics will be completely different.
  • To dye with feathers, it is necessary to separate the strands, fist each of them and apply the dye to the tips. After wrap the curl in foil and leave for a while.
  • If you want to create a clear line, then the coloring of the tips of the hair should be carried out in layers.

  • Start with the bottom layer, pin the remaining strands with clips. Wrap the colored curls in foil.
  • Separate the new strand and paint at the same level as the previous one.
  • All actions must be performed quickly, since the time of contact of the curls with the coloring composition should be approximately the same.
  • Wash off the paint in a standard way.

For dark-haired girls the question is what color to paint the ends of light brown hair. You can paint the tips of the hair tonic.

An interesting effect is obtained by coloring the strands with henna and basma. These are natural dyes that heal the curls. There are no special techniques and proportions in coloring. It is necessary to prepare a slurry of paint and water, put it on the strands.

If you are afraid of bold experiments with a hairstyle, that is an alternative to paint, in this case the result will last until the next shampooing. If you like the experiment, you can repaint curls in a different color.

Paints for children's creativity contain pigment, which is quite safe. Give preference to this type of paint, the name should contain gouache, watercolor.

This method of coloring will look great on light curls. Shades for blondes can be very different from light pastel to bright and neon. Apply the composition on the strands better when the hair is collected in the hair, and you are dressed in an outfit. Pre-cover with an old towel until the paint is completely dry. If one layer of paint is not enough, repeat the layer.

For brunettes fit bright contrasting colors: blue, red, purple, yellow. The result will last the whole evening, it is important to avoid rain and wet weather.

  • For the successful application of the composition in a jar of paint add a little water.

  • The hair is pre-washed and dried with a towel.
  • Paint is applied with a brush and brush.
  • After drying, the strands are combed again to remove excess paint.
  • For the procedure, it is better to wear clothes that you should not spoil, cover the floor and chair with an old sheet or towel.
  • If the curls are light, then you do not need to moisten them before the procedure, for brunettes recommendation is reverse. For a more saturated and resistant color, you need to moisten the curls.

  • Before using it, it should be moistened with water, twisted into a bundle and put on the strands.
  • After drying, the curls are combed so as not to get a pile of hair that can no longer be combed.
  • The advantage of the method is a large color palette, no need to change the brush. You can get a hairstyle with different colored strands.
  • Dry and comfortable hair coloring.
  • Crumbly shadows are applied to combed hair with a brush.

  • Excellent method for blond curls.
  • You can get different color saturation and beautiful transitions.
  • Eyeshadows do not have a negative effect on the hair, after a time does not enter into strands, they are easily washed off.

Basic rules for the procedure

  • Hair dyeing with a new bright shade should be done with gloves. It is advisable to be in old clothes that are not scary to get dirty.
  • Staining is necessary in a well-ventilated area. Paint may give off caustic fumes. If you paint curls in close bathroom, then there is a risk of poisoning.
  • You can paint the tips of the hair with pieces of foil. Before applying the paint, it is necessary to separate the strand and spread it over the foil. Next, using a brush, apply paint to the ends of the hair.
  • It is necessary to take care of the additional devices in advance: elastic bands, barrettes. To obtain the correct tone, it is important to withstand the paint on the curls for a certain time. Everything you need to be on hand, so as not to overdo the paint.

  • Adhere to the rules of paint use, carefully read the instructions.
  • If you lighten the curls, you need to prepare a balm for hair. Oxidizing agents can dry painted tips. Using a balm will make combing easier and improve the appearance.
  • Coloring the tips of the hair should not be combined with a hairdryer and hot styling devices during the first week.


  • If the curls are of medium length, they should be painted below the chin.
  • In case you lighten the tips of the strands of the light brown color, then before the procedure it is necessary to discolor this part of the hair. For blondes, this stage is skipped.
  • Strands are divided by parting. Each part is divided into eight parts. If you do not want to paint all the tips, then some strands should be removed upward with clips.
  • Brunette before coloring should apply the composition for clarification. The strand is neatly distributed on the foil, then sealed. For very dark curls, the coloring matter is applied twice.
  • The holding time of the paint depends on the desired result. For easy clarification, 20 minutes is enough, if you need a light blond, then the coloring composition should be left on the strands for 45 minutes. In this case, bright staining is provided.
  • If you want to make a soft transition, you need to comb through the curls with a comb with frequent teeth.
  • Without taking off the gloves, it is necessary to wash off the composition with the help of a shampoo, after washing it is necessary to use a balm.

Choosing the right shade

What color to paint the tips will depend on the basic shade. This will be associated with your color type, the original hair color, the desired result.

  • On light strands almost all shades will look bright and beautiful. The fashion of previous years gave preference to muted shades. Now to create a unique image choose bright, neon, contrasting colors.
  • Dark-haired girls are ideally suited for ashy shades and bright saturated colors. Dark curls with purple, red, blue strands look very bold and bright. For dyeing in saturated colors, you must first lighten the strands. In the trend hairstyle with rainbow curls.

Short haircuts

  • Short curls must be fixed ends up, this can be done with hairpins, invisible hairs, combing.
  • The paint is applied with a thick layer on a piece of foil, carefully carried out along the strands, you can literally "feel" the tips of the curls.

  • The paint is left on the hair for 30 minutes. If the coloring composition is liquid, then you can dry your head with a hairdryer.
  • Paint is washed off until the water is clear. It is necessary to use a balm for hair.

Medium length haircuts

  • The locks of medium length are divided at first into two parts, each of them is divided into 4 parts. Strands secure with rubber bands.

  • The paint is applied to the foil, gently wrapping the ends of the resulting strands.
  • The paint is left for half an hour, to enhance the effect, you can wrap your hair with a towel.
  • Painted curls washed, use a nourishing balm.

Long strands

  • Can be colored with feathers or a straight line. In two cases, the tactics will be completely different.
  • To dye with feathers, it is necessary to separate the strands, fist each of them and apply the dye to the tips. After wrap the curl in foil and leave for a while.
  • If you want to create a clear line, then the coloring of the tips of the hair should be carried out in layers.
  • Start with the bottom layer, pin the remaining strands with clips. Wrap the colored curls in foil.
  • Separate the new strand and paint at the same level as the previous one.
  • All actions must be performed quickly, since the time of contact of the curls with the coloring composition should be approximately the same.
  • Wash off the paint in a standard way.

For dark-haired girls the question is what color to paint the ends of light brown hair. You can paint the tips of the hair tonic.

An interesting effect is obtained by coloring the strands with henna and basma. These are natural dyes that heal the curls. There are no special techniques and proportions in coloring. It is necessary to prepare a slurry of paint and water, put it on the strands.

Gouache and watercolor

Paints for children's creativity contain pigment, which is quite safe. Give preference to this type of paint, the name should contain gouache, watercolor.

This method of coloring will look great on light curls. Shades for blondes can be very different from light pastel to bright and neon. Apply the composition on the strands better when the hair is collected in the hair, and you are dressed in an outfit. Pre-cover with an old towel until the paint is completely dry. If one layer of paint is not enough, repeat the layer.

For brunettes fit bright contrasting colors: blue, red, purple, yellow. The result will last the whole evening, it is important to avoid rain and wet weather.

Application technology

  • For successful application of the composition in a jar of paint add a little water.

  • The hair is pre-washed and dried with a towel.
  • Paint is applied with a brush and brush.
  • After drying, the strands are combed again to remove excess paint.

Pastel crayons

  • For the procedure, it is better to wear clothes that you should not spoil, cover the floor and chair with an old sheet or towel.
  • If the curls are light, then you do not need to moisten them before the procedure, for brunettes recommendation is reverse. For a more saturated and resistant color, you need to moisten the curls.

  • Before using it, it should be moistened with water, twisted into a bundle and put on the strands.
  • After drying, the curls are combed so as not to get a pile of hair that can no longer be combed.
  • The advantage of the method is a large color palette, no need to change the brush. You can get a hairstyle with different colored strands.

What color can paint the tips of dark hair?

For dark hair shades are suitable:

  • light and blond colors
  • chocolate and beige,
  • copper,
  • silver,
  • caramel,
  • gold,
  • neutral,
  • light shades of ash.

For a fundamental change in the image, bright colors of green, purple, red, yellow, blue, pink and their shades are allowed.

How to dye hair ends in purple?

The technique of painting in purple does not differ much from others. You just need to select the execution method.

If you want a smooth transition, you should apply paint unevenly and in the upper part of the chaotic.

If you prefer a flat line, you should immediately outline the zone of dyeing from beginning to end and paint the strands.

To give the effect of violet tips, several colors are often used for their coloring, red, pink, blue, dark blue. Small strands of hair in a chaotic manner are painted with these colors, and the total color gamut of the colored tips is close to purple.

How to dye hair ends in blue and blue?

All shades of blue look great both on a contrasting background and on the bright colors of a platinum blond. If your goal is to change the image, then you should try a similar experiment. Choose the technique that is convenient for you and proceed.

How to paint the hair ends in red?

Red has many shades and will suit both the representatives of the fiery hair and the owners of other hair colors. Red gives the effect of copper, perfectly contrasted with brown-haired hair. And on the fiery curls looks laconic, giving a reflection of other tones.

How to evenly paint the hair ends?

In order to give a clear line when painting at home, you need to clearly wield a mirror and a brush for hair.

  • Put curls in order and divide into zones.
  • Do everything in front of the mirror.
  • Divide the zones into smaller parts.
  • Determine the line to which the paint should go.
  • Then with the help of small rubber bands, slaughter, try to keep the rubber bands on the same level.
  • After that apply paint on each separate lock.
  • Wait until dry and rinse.
  • Comb your hair.

How to paint the tips of the hair tonic at home?

With the help of tonic effect will last a little longer than with pastel crayons. In some cases, the effect goes away after 3-4 washes.

  • Divide the curls into zones, those in turn into parts.
  • Apply to each part of the tool.
  • Wait a specified time, which is indicated on the package.
  • Rinse and dry hair.

How to paint the hair tips with gouache?

Unusual solution requires unusual means. Gouache is not only suitable for drawing on paper, but also to give a rainbow effect to hair. The pigment will not harm your curls, as there are no harmful substances in the composition. But experts also do not recommend to get involved.

  • Divide the curls into strands that you intend to dye.
  • Moisten them with water and dissolve the gouache to a creamy state.
  • Apply the product on the strand, and then spread along the length to the intended border of painting with a comb.
  • Wait for drying and comb.

How beautiful to paint the tips of short hair?

Short hair, it would seem, is very difficult to transform, but it is only at first glance.

  • Put the curls in order.
  • Divide into zones and fix with clips.
  • Apply the pigment to the tip of each strand with your fingers.
  • You will have a kind of hedgehog on your head.
  • Wait for drying and wash off the pigment.


Watch the video: 21 MUST-KNOW PAINTING HACKS FOR BEGINNERS (July 2024).