
Balayazh on dark medium hair


The new trend of salon hairstyle is hair dye balayazh, which was tried not only by avid women of fashion, but also by many celebrities, such as Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna, Beyonce, Sarah Jessica Parker, Salma Hayek and others. Of course, the technique of creating such a gorgeous hairstyle is not entirely simple. It requires the correct selection of color and special application of the coloring composition. But if you follow our advice, you will probably be able to perform the procedure at home no worse than in a beauty salon.

Balayazh-dyeing is an imitation of burnt hair, as if the sun itself has touched to you. And it is not by chance that this technique, first invented in France, was called the kiss of the sun.

The classic haircut design implies a bright golden or copper color at the ends and middle of the hair, while the roots remain natural. With other variations lightening from the beginning of hair growth is possible, or only tips are given to the paint.

How much is the procedure

The application of the dye in a special way requires a lot of time and compliance with the rules of painting. The cost of the salon procedure affects:

  • selection of coloring pigment,
  • hair length,
  • professionalism of the master.

That is why going to the hairdresser will cost you a lot of money. Hair prices start from 1500 rubles. The average price for painting is 4 thousand rubles.

Council If you do not want to spend precious time on the trip to the salon, you can easily carry out staining at home.

For this you will need:

  • a pair of gloves,
  • ceramic bowl for dilution of the dye,
  • 5-6 gum,
  • brush,
  • paint packaging.

In addition, carrying out self-painting, you save significantly. The cost of a decent dye starts from 450 rubles.

Pros and cons of technology

In recent years, balayage has begun to displace highlighting, blinding and ombre. Of course, to provide a beautiful effect of burnt hair, requires skill and the ability to select the desired tone. That is why Not every girl at home can achieve the desired result. Perhaps this is the only negative of this hairstyle.

As for the benefits, there are not so few of them. The most obvious benefits of balayaz coloring:

  • curls look natural and look well-groomed,
  • no need to constantly tint the roots, because they are usually left natural,
  • the hair gets volume and becomes bright,
  • done on any length of hair,
  • Correct selection of the color palette allows you to improve the look, visually rejuvenating and making a woman's face more attractive,
  • because of the small amount of dye, the structure of the hair is not disturbed,
  • thanks to a combination of natural color with other shades, individuality of the image is achieved.

Differences of technology from ombre and shatush

It happens that some people confuse coloring with ombra and shatush with balayazhem. It seems that the result on the hair is the same. We hasten to assure that this is not at all the case.

Distinguishing features of the ombre and shatush technician are:

  1. When ombra traced the boundary between the transition of colors (maybe not clear, but it is visible), while in balayage it is missing.
  2. Shatush provides the effect of bleached tips, and when balayazh-staining curls discolor almost the entire length. It looks as if the sunbeam touched your curls, entangled in them and stayed there for a long time to stay.

Do you want the hair to be lush, and your hair romantically fell on the shoulders, make them twist on curlers or curl curling. Your image will immediately become playful and refined.

The advantages of technology "balayazh" for dark hair of medium length

Balajazh on dark hair of medium length (photopresented at the end of the article) is very popular among brunettes and brown-haired women.

This coloring option is perfect for those who want to make changes to their image, but at the same time does not want to say goodbye to their dark curls.

The main advantages of applying balayazh on dark hair include:

  • a wide range of shades for lightening,
  • less harm to hair compared to full coloring,
  • more noticeable effect than on blond hair,
  • the ability not to use an additional color for the base,
  • prolonged preservation of hairstyle: on hair of medium length, the balazhion is renewed every 3-4 months,
  • adding volume hairstyle,
  • suitable for any hair structure,
  • successfully combined with any type of haircut medium length.

Dark hair balayazh: what color to choose

The dark-haired young lady, who made her choice in favor of the balayazh coloring technique, is provided with a wide range of color palettes.

To choose the right color, you need to decide on the image that a woman wants to create.

For lovers of natural beauty when dyeing, you can lighten a part of the strands several tones lower than their natural shade. In this case, there will be an illusion that the curls just burned out a little in the sun.

To achieve naturalness, not only lightening is suitable, but also the use of shades close to natural hair color.

Burning brunettes, for example, are perfect chocolate shades. Dark brown hair can add light sun glare using a golden palette of colors. Light brown curls can be refreshed by adding wheat shades.

If a lady wants to give her image extravagance and singularity, then she should turn her attention to bright and saturated colors: burgundy, purple, cherry and pink.

Truly bold and daring girls can even use blue and green shades. These colors will look very impressive on dark hair, and create a sharp contrast.

Also in the balayazh technique several shades can be applied at once. Colors can be chosen in the same color scheme, and very different from each other.

To suit

It is enough to visit a hairdresser once every 3 months for color correction, so balayazh is suitable for those who:

  • wants to slightly "revive" the image, not much harm to the hair,
  • grow hair
  • for the first time in his life he decided to dye,
  • wants to come out of the dark color smoothly.

At all this technique fits almost everyone. Especially older womenas well hides gray hair. Do not neglect this type of painting and modern male mods.

Since balayazh has several versions of execution, a competent master selects the desired option individually:

  • under your haircut shape,
  • hair structure (thin, dense, thick, sparse, straight, curly, push, etc.)
  • shape and facial features
  • eye color
  • age and style
  • others

It is taken into account whether the strands were already painted or the color is completely natural. Of course, they also take into account the wishes of the client himself.

Thin, glossy balayazh

Looks good if your hair is trimmed with a graduated bob. This will emphasize the difference in shades between the luxurious chestnut color at the roots and caramel-brown tone at the ends of the hair. A light perm with the help of an ironing tool will create a shabby effect that will liven up the image.

An unusual shade is obtained if you impose a tint blond on a gorgeous chestnut hair color. It turns out slightly steel, pinkish nuance. If, starting from the middle of the hair, to curl rather narrow flat strands and not scattering to scatter them over the shoulders, you get a sweet, delicate image.

In order to achieve the Balayazh effect, it is not necessary to dye out all the hair, you can use your own hair color as the basis for flashing. To do this, the upper part of the hair from the roots, as well as on the crown, leave untouched, and then apply bleaching. Can be used as the basis of the color in which you were painted earlier. For example, if the hair was previously tinted in a red-brown shade, then slightly bleaching it into a light blond, you can get a stunningly beautiful effect.
Hair of medium length with parting on the side allows you to create a uniquely elegant style, and in combination with color toning, it creates a magnificent aristocratic image, where rich brown color turns into light-blond, as if the shade hides before our eyes.

The perfect combination of several brown shades from dark to light brown creates a stunning effect that fascinates the eyes. The tousled effect will only enhance the impression. The right solution for everyday style.

Deep dark brown balayazh

It can be called the perfect combination of shades. It turns out to be absolutely natural and, at the same time, a bright transition from dark to light brown. This color highlights and perfectly emphasizes the magnificent curls, going down just below the shoulders.

All hairstyles proposed by us combine the following features; they are made on medium-length hair, dyed in the Balayazh fashion and decorated in the form of careless curls with a tattered effect. All of them are gorgeous and are super fashionable samples of the latest novelties among female hairstyles. If you want to feel at the peak of fashion, try one of the suggested patterns on yourself and do not have to wait for success.

We recommend you to look in our magazine:

Balayazh on hair of medium length

Medium-length hair is curls just below the shoulders. Thanks to the special balayage technique, they become alive and vibrant, and their owner more and more often begins to notice the admiring glances of others.

Before proceeding to the procedure, it is important to choose the right color of the dye.

An important point! When creating a classic effect of burnt hair, the masters make the brightening 2-3 tones brighter than natural.

Owners of dark hair fit any color: copper, caramel, cherry, eggplant and even ashen. All use cases on dark hair.

Chestnut curls best complement the coffee color with a golden overflow. Thanks to this effect of the “recent vacation at sea” naturalness and harmony is achieved.

The most successful option for the balayazh technique is light brown hair. Since they are most susceptible to fading under the influence of UV rays due to the porosity of the structure, any shades look best on them. But do not forget about the color type:

  • Silvery and pearl tones will suit girls with Nordic appearance,
  • Ladies with dark skin and dark eyes should choose colors such as walnut, wheat, gold.

When selecting colors for blonde beauties, experts try to use tones that are close to the main one. Due to this, overflow is achieved on the curls, and the volume increases visually. Color palette for blond girls:

  • color cream cream
  • bright blond
  • burnt straw,
  • mocha,
  • alder,
  • caramel,
  • ashen.

If you are the owner of red hair, then be extremely careful with the selection of tone. Avoid contrasting colors, namely: black, crimson, metallic, blue. Best of all red-haired beasts fit notes of amber, bronze and copper. More about balajazh on red hair.

Want to surprise others with your outrageous? Then you can experiment with green, blue, pink and red tips. For example, if you have dark hair, you can use a rich red color that will create a “dancing flame” effect on your hair. All options for color balayazha.

Painting features

Before you start painting, your average length needs to be put in order - cut off the split ends and form a haircut. The best hairstyle will be a cascade, square, bob or ladder. Also balayazh looks good on asymmetrical hairstyles.

It is important to know. Technique balayage, regardless of the degree of curl or curls straightness, gives the volume of hair to the shoulders. In addition, it allows you to correctly emphasize the proportions of the face, making accents on certain parts of it.

But what about those girls who prefer to wear bangs? And then this coloring is a winning option. In most cases, stylists do not recommend touching your bangs - if it is too short or long, or if a woman has dark hair. Trimmed bang requires careful trimming, with the strands being selected diagonally by the master.

Performance technique

Technique balayazh enough multifaceted. Coloring can start from the very roots or a gradient can be present (an ombre is added to the balayazh).

Self-dyeing hair at home will be very difficult. But if you decided to resort to the economy version, use the help of your mother or friend.

Instructions for implementation:

  1. Dilute the dye in a bowl. Prepare a brush, gloves, shoulders and cover with a towel.
  2. Divide the head into 6 areas: the crown, temporal part, parietal and occipital. Tie curls in ponytails.
  3. Begin to paint on the ends of the hair. Note 25-30 minutes. Wash the dye with water.
  4. Now you need to select individual strands in the direction of hair growth. Using a brush, place the pigment on them, making light vertical strokes. Since it is required that the color of the order is slightly darker, do not hold the dye on them for a long time - 15–20 minutes.
  5. Wash off with water. Use the conditioner balm, which you can find in the package with paint.

It should be noted that the balayazh technique does not require additional accessories. Here you do not need a special cap with holes or foil. The hand of the person performing the procedure is similar to the hand of the artist, who seems to paint over your hair with a brush, carrying out vertical strokes.

Caring for curls correctly

After the procedure, we would like to preserve the beauty and brightness of colored curls. To permanently fix the solar play, you only need to properly care for your hair. For this:

  • wash your hair no more than 3 days later
  • use a special shampoo for colored hair, which, gluing the scales of curls, prevents the rapid washing out of the dye,
  • for rinsing after washing it is best to take spring or mineral water,
  • it is necessary to minimize heat treatment, that is, the use of irons, ploek, hair dryer, thermo-curlers,
  • 1-2 times a week apply serums, masks and balms to restore the hair structure,
  • eat well, including fruits and dairy products in your diet,
  • Subsequent refreshment of hair with dyeing can be done after 3 months.

If you are blonde, ideally, all the means to care for dyed hair should be colorless. The fact is that bleached strands very quickly absorb any pigment, so they can turn yellow.

Thus, it is quite realistic to carry out a balayazh-dyeing at home on curls of medium length. To do this, you need to choose the right dye, study our instructions in detail and invite a friend. If you are afraid of negative results, it is best to spend a few hours on a trip to the beauty salon. We are sure that you will succeed! And a beautiful sunny bunny will be able to touch your chic curls.

A few important points in lightening hair:

Who is not suitable

Limitations that have technology:

  • Poor condition of hair (after perm, dyeing, etc.). In this case, the strands must first be treated and only then proceed to the procedure.
  • Strands that are already painted with henna or basma.Paint on them does not fall at all or gives an unexpected result.
  • Strong hair loss. It may increase.
  • Permanent waving. After the procedure should take place no less than 3-4 weeks.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period. The controversy continues on this topic, so there is a choice for the mother.

Criterias of choice

Often, girls bring a photo of the haircut and dye of their dreams to the master, but the actual condition of their hair, structure, and color type of appearance do not correspond to the chosen ideal.

As a result, the discrepancy sooner or later makes itself felt. You have to adjust the color and re-injure the curls.

How not to get confused in the varieties of balayazha and immediately choose the best option for yourself? Of course, it is better to find a good experienced colorist who will do all the work himself. But if there is no such master, get down to business seriously:

Rate the state of your hair

If your strands are naturally fragile, prone to dryness, brittleness, section, That clarification can cause irreparable damage.

The best choice for you is non-aggressive tints and sparing paints. The difference with the natural color should be minimal - 1-2 tones.

Determine which tones suit you - warm or cold

Apply to the face pieces of cloth or small objects of different colors. You will notice that with one person looks tired, and with others - fresher and younger.

These are the basics of color, which “work” everywhere - both in the choice of clothes, and in hair coloring. If you prefer warm shades, choose warm shades of colors, and vice versa.

Determine your base color of hair, note the gray hair and traces of past staining

To determine the base color, you can use the hairdresser color palette with strands and the corresponding names of shades. Experienced hairdressers do it right away, without a palette.

Perfect, If the base tone of the hair already suits your color type of appearance. Then it is definitely not necessary to tint the roots.

Why even define the base color? If you clearly understand what your base is, it is easier for you to choose tones for coloring. Just “step” in the color circle of the palette in one direction or another on several levels.

If the curls have already appeared gray or want to make the natural color brighter, then you can also toned the root zone. But in this case, the correction will have to do every 2-3 weeks.

If the strands are already painted in a dark color, then first the ends need to be lightened and only then be tinted. For clarification suitable 3% oxide.

Choose shades for coloring

It is desirable that there were 2-3 of them - for a more natural transition. If you want to get a natural effect, do not leave your base hair color more than 2 tones in one direction or another.

To create creative hairstyles there are no restrictions. You can use bright blue, red, pink, purple tones. The main thing that they were selected within the same color. And nevertheless it already very remotely reminds balayazh.

It should be immediately understood that the brighter the contrast between dark roots and light tips, the more shades will have to be used, creating a smooth transition.

Choose a coloring method

You can process only the strands of the face, only the tips, select some strands (ideal for asymmetrical haircuts) or process the hair around the perimeter of the head.

The height of the stretch, as well as the intensity of the color can be different. In some cases, it reaches almost to the roots. But usually the work area ends at the top level.

Pay attention to the front strands.

Hair burns out in the sun unevenly: some strands remain darker, others lighten. It is in the hands of experienced colorists.

So, using the game of tones you can bring the shape of the face to the ideal oval. In this case, all the selected shades should be ideally combined with each other.

Soft light shades help to visually relieve the heavy chin of a square face. They mask the broad forehead well.

In order to visually expand the upper part of the face and reduce the lower one, it is better to dye the hair of the upper zone in lighter saturated colors.

To lengthen the face, make the ends of the hair lighter. In order to visually reduce the cheekbones, strands falling on them are recommended to be slightly darkened.

  • Technique balayazh on black hair, the rules of coloring and how to choose a shade.
  • Professional hair dye: ranking of the best, how to choose and use the information here.

Rules of staining balayazh

Balayazh on medium hair suggests a retreat of 3-10 cm from the roots of the hair with the subsequent smooth lightening of the natural shade over the entire length.

The color seems to roll down from the roots to the tips. For this effect, no less than 2-3 tones of paint are used. The technique involves the use of foil - so that unnecessary strands do not stain.

Paint is applied vertically with V-shaped strokes. At the tips of its maximum number, the length of the composition of the mixture is shaded.

We dye the hair of medium length with the balayazh technique at home

It is difficult to dye your hair in the style of a balayaz yourself; you cannot do without an assistant. Prepare:

  • non-metallic container for dyeing - by the number of colors,
  • brushes - by the number of colors used,
  • cape on the shoulders
  • hair clips
  • foil
  • plastic comb with a long thin handle,
  • towel,
  • fat cream,
  • gloves.

The scheme of dye balayazh on medium hair at home:

Apply the composition

Take a few shades that differ from each other by a half tone. The composition of a dark shade is applied to deeper strands, and lighter - on the outer, upper.

This creates a natural effect, because this is how hair burns out in the sun. Start processing strands from the back of the head, the last paint the whiskey.

If the strand is wide, apply paint with precise vertical V-shaped strokes. Move from the ends to the roots. It is not necessary to stain the entire strand through.

Feel like an artist who works with the canvas. Most of the dye should be at the tips, from which there is a slight feathering up. Protect the other curls. To do this, move the treated area with foil.

The result should be a coloring without noticeable transitions, creating the illusion of a natural, changing shade on the curls. Although sometimes the paint is applied so as to clearly highlight the boundaries of the transition.

As for the bangs, it can be left untouched or stained with vertical lines with a thickness of 0.5–1.0 cm every 1–2.5 cm. Depending on the shape of the haircut, you can use a brush only on the tips. Or, if the bang is long, you can lighten the strands on the sides.

Wait for the time specified in the instructions.

Do not completely wrap the curls with foil: it will make the transition between dyed and unpainted hair sharp. Warm cap is also not needed. Just shift the treated curls and leave the hair in the open air.

If you have a little paint, then dilute it with water and before you wash your hair, apply the solution to the strands for a couple of minutes. This will make the transition more natural.

Apply conditioner

After the traumatic procedure, the hair needs to be restored, this will help air conditioning or a mask after dyeing. Subsequently, keep the curls from temperature extremes, hot air, exposure to chlorine and ultraviolet rays.

Use color protection, thermal protection. Refrain from regular hot styling and tight hairstyles.

Spectacular haircuts and hairstyles for medium hair with hair dye

For balayazha on medium hair, any graded haircuts are suitable:

  • caret with lengthening
  • cascade,
  • ladder
  • bean,
  • asymmetry,
  • others

Different lengths of strands helps to achieve the desired play of light and shade, to add volume to your hair.

Correct color selection for coloring, compliance with all the nuances of the procedure make your look dynamic and natural.

To make the strands look shiny, healthy, and not lose their color for a long time, provide them with subsequent comprehensive care.

How to make a classic balayazh on dark hair of medium length

Classical balayazh is a partial clarification of the strands of 3-4 tones. The roots remain dark or lightened minimally.

To perform the classic balayazha hair must be divided into several zones: the temporal-lateral and occipital.

First of all, the lightening compound is applied to the strands that are located in the occipital zone. To do this, with the help of a brush, translational movements are made along the curls, starting from the top and moving towards the tips. The mixture remains on the hair for the required amount of time.

Note! Balajazh on dark hair will be more beneficial to look along with styling.

Photos of possible styling at medium length can be found on the Internet. Also balayazh successfully combined with haircuts for medium hair: a cascade, elongated bob and bob.

Before you do a balayazh on dark hair of medium length, photos and videos will acquaint you with many options for hair.

Caramel balayazh on dark medium hair: instructions

Caramel hair color is a luxurious and refined shade that many ladies dream of getting. This is quite a capricious color, which can be very difficult to do.

Caramel has many variations, may contain chocolate, copper, gold and wheat notes. Caramel balayazh can be performed in 2 ways, depending on the desired shade.

For light caramel:

  1. The hair is divided into several parts, each of which is fixed by a clip.
  2. Each part of the strands is applied lightening composition, aged on hair from 20 to 30 minutes.
  3. The mixture is washed off, the hair must be dried.
  4. Preparing paint to give hair a caramel color. You can dilute the finished, or mix several shades to obtain the desired color.
  5. The paint is applied to strands that have been brightened. Keep on hair as much as indicated in the instructions.
  6. Wash off the paint with shampoo, apply balm. Dry hair.

To obtain caramel of darker shades, the clarification procedure is skipped.I: a dye with a caramel tint is immediately applied to the strands. The rest - all the steps are identical.

How to make a spectacular red balayazh on dark medium hair

Red balayazh - this is a bold decision relaxed womenwho are not afraid of heightened attention. Especially advantageous, it will look on the dark hair of medium length, which is clearly seen in the photos.

There are several options for creating a spectacular hairstyle using red strands:

  1. Full. Part of the strands are stained from the roots, the rest from the middle.
  2. Average. Individual strands are colored. Resembles highlighting technique.
  3. Partial. Only the tips of the hair are colored with red.
  4. Gradient. Used 2 or more shades, the emphasis is on the tips. There is a gradual transition from light to dark or vice versa.

A great addition to the red balayazhu will be pink or burgundy color.

Balayazh on dark medium hair at home (step by step guide)

Dyeing hair using the technique of "balayazh" best of all from an experienced master. But, not all women have enough money and time to visit the salon. In this case, the staining can be done at home.

For successful performance of balayazh on dark hair of medium length (photo instructions will help with this) You need to follow these steps:

  1. Before coloring it is recommended to trim the ends of the hair. If you are planning a haircut, then it is also better to do before painting.
  2. 1-2 days before dyeing is to refrain from washing the hair. Oily hair forms a protective film that protects the skin from a possible burning sensation due to dye.
  3. It is necessary to prepare the mixture for coloring. This may be a special brightening compound or paint the desired shade.
  4. It is important to read the instructions carefully and adhere to the recommended proportions. When performing the technique "balayazh" the thick mix is ​​most often used.
  5. In order to reduce the harmful effects on hair, liquid vitamins can be added to the dye in capsules.
  6. Next to the staging venue, lay down all the necessary tools: a paintbrush for applying paint, a comb with fine teeth to distribute the strands, rubber bands or clips to hold curls, paint utensils and gloves.
  7. Protect clothes from falling on her dye mixture. For this you can use a special peignoir, cellophane or an old towel.
  8. Hair carefully combed and divided into parts. Separation occurs first using a vertical parting, then using a horizontal one. There should be 4 zones for staining.
  9. Each part of the hair must be fastened with a rubber band or barrette.
  10. Apply a lightening mixture or paint with the desired color to each zone in turn. Coloring should start at the back of the head.
  11. It is important to shade the paint well along the chosen length, avoiding random strokes. To do this, while dyeing the strand, place a special spatula or other suitable surface under it.
  12. All these actions need to be repeated on the rest of the hair.
  13. After all the zones are dyed, it is necessary to leave the dye on the hair for the time specified in the instructions.
  14. As soon as time runs out, you need to wash the paint from the hair under running water, using shampoo.
  15. After the dye has been completely removed from the head, apply a balm on the hair and blow-dry the hair.

How much is balayazh on average hair in the salon

The balayazh technique is performed in the salon by craftsmen who have undergone special training.

The cost of this type of dyeing depends on the complexity of the technique, the length of hair, the number of shades used.

Also, the price depends on the status and prestige of the salon. The cost of balayazh begins with 3000 rubles excluding consumables.

All salons offer their dyes in different price categories, but it is possible to bring paint with you.

Balayazh on dark hair of medium length: photo before and after

Stylists and designers are sure: you can quickly update your image with a coloring technique such as balayazh. In this case, you can use both shades close to the natural hair color, as well as bright and creative colors that emphasize individuality, add to the image of boldness and courage.

Do not be afraid to change. Make the image stylish and modern is never too late!

In this video you will see the options for balajazh on dark hair of medium length, photo after dyeing.

From this video you will learn how the dyeing procedure takes place, how the results of the show are.

Balayazh on average hair: trends

Among the most popular trends of the new season was natural, natural, balayazh. It is created on the basis of natural hair color and form a beautiful effect of burnt strands.

Thanks to the unique natural shades of hair, the master can create amazing images. A distinctive feature of the hair coloring technique is vertical hair coloring. In this case, the front strands of hair are painted completely and all the hair, starting from the middle. The root zone remains untouched. This effect resembles sun-bleached hair and does not create dissonance, it looks very natural.
Due to this balayazh can be created even on the basis of medium-length hair. This dyeing technique looks amazing. Let's discuss the fashionable shades of hair and talk about which tones of the mix.

Stylists recommend to pay attention to the natural blond.This fashionable shade of hair is fashionable to combine with the same colors, but one level higher. For example, if we are talking about sand blonde, then it is recommended to combine it in a pair with light or platinum hair color. Please note that in the new season, pearl hair shades, such as pearl blond, pearl blond, etc., were at the top of popularity.

For blond hair

Balayazh is considered to be one of the best techniques for coloring blond hair. Many stylists claim that this coloring technique is simply made for light brown hair. Why is it so popular? Often, owners of light brown hair complain that the strands look dull and not attractive. These techniques of straightening strands, such as shatush, ombr and balayazh, help out And the last one is the most successful. Lightened white strands of hair look like sun-bleached hair. For light-haired hair, stylists also suggest trying a balayazh with ash shades of hair. In contrast to the classical painting technique, ash-shaved balazhik looks more extravagant. However, this technique of lightening hair is the most popular in our time.

Balayazh on medium hair for red-haired girls involves a bright combination! Pay attention to such hair shades as caramel blond, milk chocolate, milky shade. As with all warm tones of hair, it is important to combine the red color with natural and appropriate shades. So, a cold blond, in this case, would be inappropriate. Balajaz is welcomed with darker shades, for example, orange or fiery red.

For brown hair

Chestnut hair is considered one of the most common shades of hair, since the vast majority of the Earth’s population has brown or chestnut hair shades. For chestnut hair, hair stylists recommend choosing shades for a dressing-up like sand blonde, beige and milky.

For black hair

Black hair has specific characteristics, since it is quite difficult to evenly dye them in one or another shade. For coloring black hair, stylists suggest using colors such as hot chocolate, dark chocolate, and brown hair. In a word shades that are close to black hair color. Pay attention to the ash shades of ash, he is also in trend, this year!

Balayazh for medium hair has a number of features, the key of which is that the shade of hair should be natural and in harmony with the color of the eyes and skin. Balayazh, as a technique of coloring hair, has a number of positive aspects. Firstly, this technique allows you to create a bright image. Secondly, do not require frequent adjustment of hair color.


Watch the video: How to Balayage Ombre Step by Step Hair Painting Hair Tutorial (June 2024).