Useful tips

How often do I need to wash my hair - 2 times a week or more?


During the times of the Soviet Union, the myth was spread that the head should be washed no more than once every 7 days. This opinion was based on the fact that most detergents were too aggressive. They dried their hair heavily and eventually spoiled them.

Modern women of fashion have different requirements. They often use lacquers, various foams and mousses for hairstyles that need to be washed off. In addition, many of the hair are prone to fat and lose their attractive appearance the next day after bath procedures.

So how many times do I need to wash my hair? The answer to this question depends on several factors. Let's try to understand this topic in more detail.

Hair prone to dryness and brittleness

Dry hair in humans can be a hereditary factor or acquired. The second option is more concerned with the fair sex. Women tend to abuse lightening dyes, appliances for hot styling and styling tools. All this leads to the fact that the curls rapidly lose collagen and become dehydrated, brittle and lifeless.

Shampoo on this type of hair also does not act in the best way. Foam washes away the remnants of a protective lipid film from curls and hair follicles, and the problem is only exacerbated.

So the owners of "straw" hair contraindicated frequent washing. The frequency of bath procedures - once a week. At the same time, it is necessary to actively use conditioners, moisturizing balsams, regenerating serums and masks.

Water is best used hot. It will boost the production of a natural lipid protective layer.

Drying this type of hair with a hot dryer is not recommended.


How many times a week do you need to wash your hair if your hair is normal? If the curls have a healthy appearance, shine, do not split and do not immediately become covered with a greasy layer, then they should be cleaned as they are polluted.

How much need to wash my hair? Per week no more than 2-3 times. The duration of each procedure is 5 minutes. Longer lather on the head is not worth keeping. Repeated application of shampoo is rarely justified, as modern detergents do a good job of removing grease and dirt the first time. There are no other recommendations for the care of this type of hair.

The only thing that can be noted is the advice to use nourishing masks and phyto-decoctions for rinsing. They will help preserve the beauty and health of the strands longer.

How many times do I need to wash my hair if hair is prone to oiliness? In fact, experts even find it difficult to answer this question. On the one hand, an excess of sebum on the head leads to clogged pores, dandruff and a good environment for the development of other microorganisms. In addition, the hair itself looks messy and smells bad. On the other hand, frequent washing provokes sebum production, and the problem takes the form of a vicious circle.

Most experts are inclined to the fact that you need to clean hair as needed. And if it is required, then even daily.

Shampoo need to choose a special, for oily hair. It should be marked: "for frequent" or "for daily use." Conditioners and balms used sparingly and only on the hair. Do not apply them on the skin.

Wash your head with barely warm water, after rinsing with cool.

For degreasing before washing, you can apply a herbal alcohol tincture on your head - based on chamomile, calendula or nettle.

It would also be nice to rinse the curls with herbal broth based on chamomile, birch and oak leaf, sage, drying strands and skin.

This is the most problematic hair type. They are dry at the tips, and greasy near the roots. In general, they should be cared for as fat, but with a small addition.

Hair tips before water procedures should be smeared with olive or burdock oil and wait 10-15 minutes. After that you can wash your hair.

After styling products

How many times a day do I need to wash my hair? In fact, a few bath procedures for one day will affect the hair is not the best way.

Daily washing is permissible for curls that are prone to fat. And also for the hair, varnished, foam or mousse. All styling products should be washed off on the same day. Re-building hairstyles on top of the old is unacceptable. This will lead to quick hair loss.

They often quickly lose their appearance and need to be washed every other day. However, experts recommend stretching this interval to three days. This can be achieved if you refuse styling tools and do not use hot-laying devices.

How many times do I need to wash my hair with shampoo, if the hair is long? Long curls less fat, especially if you wear them not loose, and collected in a hair. Need to focus on the type of hair. The recommended interval is two days.

In order to preserve the elasticity and healthy appearance of long curls, they should be washed gently, with gentle massaging movements. The tips can be treated with a balm, as a protective lipid film can protect only the first 30 cm from the roots.

Dry only naturally. Comb in a semi-dry form, untangling the strands, rather than pulling them out. Otherwise you can damage the hair follicles.

How many times does a man need to wash his hair?

Men also want to look tidy. And the frequency of bath procedures for men will also depend on the type of hair. In general, you need to focus on the same time intervals as women. However, it is worth remembering that the representatives of the stronger sex have tougher hair, and subcutaneous fat is produced a little more intensively.

So you need to wash your head as it gets dirty.

How many times does a baby need to wash their hair? It is more dependent on age. Babies wash their hair with shampoo or soap no more than once a week. This is quite enough to wash the fat from the skin and hair. However, children are bathed daily, and at the same time they still water their heads with warm water or decoction of chamomile and calendula.

Children 5-7 years old can have full bath procedures with detergents twice a week.

Children over seven years old wash their heads as they get dirty, but at least twice a week.

Teenagers since puberty usually cleanse their hair more often - daily or every other day. This is due to the fact that through the pores, including those on the head, they release hormones with a specific aroma.

How many times do I need to wash my hair if my hair is gray? The appearance of gray hair is not the best moment in the life of every person. And when the whole head turns white, this is a signal that most of the life’s journey has been covered.

But there are a few positive points. Gray hair is mostly dry. Therefore, they are less fat and need to be washed no more than 2 times a week.

However, gray strands must not forget to feed masks and moisturizing balms.


How many times do I need to wash my hair if my hair is colored? It should be understood that any dye, including plant-based, dries hair well. Fatty will shine less, normal will become dry, and dry will turn into overdried. In addition, a woman faces the task of preserving color for the longest possible period.

So wash your hair with dyed hair is better not more than twice a week. In this case, be sure to use special shampoos to preserve color. It is best to choose detergents from the same line or the same manufacturer as the paint.

Causes Affecting Hair Pollution

First, let's see why they get dirty.

  • Dirt, dust and other environmental factors affect hair pollution. However, this is not the most basic.
  • Greater influence is made by fats. They are produced by the sebaceous glands, which are located under the skin to lubricate the hair just to protect the environment, as well as to ensure the smoothness of the curls. If this fat is expelled too much, the hair will look untidy.
  • The most common cause of excess fat is metabolic disorders, lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, the abuse of fatty and unhealthy foods, or hormonal failure.

You can often hear the words: “My head is every day, and my hair grows fat even more.” This only confirms the words of dermatologists, which means you can not wash your hair every day, as they are washed off the protective fatty layer, the scales open, strands lose shine, break and whip.

This is not to say that this process is so harmful, it improves blood circulation. But it is better to replace hair washing with a daily massage of the head.

How often do I need to wash my hair

But the opinions of experts on how often to wash my hair diverge.

Some people think that you can't wash your hair every day, others, on the contrary, say that you need to do it every day. Need to understand this issue.

Doctors trichologists say that the frequency of washing the head, in each case depends on the type of hair, as well as properly selected care products.
For a normal hair type, it is natural to keep it clean for two to three days. Therefore, they should not be washed more often than 2 times a week.

Dry strands keep a neat look throughout the week. This means that they should be washed as they are contaminated, that is, at most once a week, since more frequent use of shampoos will wash off the protective film and destroy the structure. In this case, the curls will become even more dry, dull and brittle.

It is believed that greasy hair is the most problematic. After all, the next day they already look greasy. Therefore, owners of this type of hair can wash their hair every day. However, trichologists recommend not to use shampoos for fatty strands, as they have a negative effect on the sebaceous glands. It is better to choose softer means. This applies not only shampoos, but masks and balms.

It is more difficult for those who are owners of a mixed type of hair. In this case, the strands very quickly grow fat, and the tips remain dry. To maintain such a head of hair in a neat form, you need to follow the rules.

  • In this case, we can say that washing the head is a necessary necessity. But it is better to use detergents on a soft basis.
  • Balm or hair conditioner should be soft. But you can not put it on the ends of the hair, it is better to rub into the roots.

How to use laundry soap with the use of hair

But more recently, some a hundred years ago it was not possible to choose a detergent suitable for the type of hair. Our great-grandmothers treated with soap. It is known to all today.

But how many people know that this soap has a number of advantages? This tool consists only of natural substances, hypoallergenic and anti-inflammatory. However, this does not mean that you need to switch to the washing of the strands with soap. And if you still decide to try this detergent, you need to know some nuances, so as not to harm the hair.

  1. For washing the head is better to use a soap solution.
  2. Do not use soap more than once a month.
  3. Rinse the head after applying the soap with infusions of herbs or water and vinegar. This will restore the hair structure.
  4. Do not use laundry soap to wash colored strands.

In conclusion, we can say that it is impossible to give a definite answer. Some dermatologists claim that even washing every day is bad. It adversely affects the skin.

Lyubov Zhiglova

Psychologist, online consultant. Specialist from the website

- January 13, 2017 at 5:53 pm

My 2-3 times a week, according to circumstances. Hair is dry, thin, but voluminous. Always my Monday morning, then I can on Wednesday and Friday (three times) or not mine on Wednesday, then on Thursday (it turns out twice).
In general, I heard that you need to wash your hair on "women's days": Wednesday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday - also possible. But practically many, like me, who are on the 5th day, start their work on Monday and wash their hair on this day too.

- January 13, 2017 at 5:56 pm

I wash two times: Wednesday and Saturday (before bed), I have naturally curls. Hair is thick, does not become greasy quickly. Often I put mousse on wet hair, on the next. day chic curls. Many do not believe that their own. I do any hairstyle: loose, pick up a little bit, tail. Miscellaneous) braids certainly never whip)

- January 13, 2017 at 5:58 pm

my every day, disgusting with dirty hair in a clean bed to go

- 13 January 2017, 6:06

what a deep topic

- January 13, 2017 at 6:09 pm

what a deep topic

well, maybe not so much intellectual as ala fell in love with a married chief and he turns out to have a wife and so forth. But if I am interested in this question - I ask

- January 13, 2017, 6:11

my every day, disgusting with dirty hair in a clean bed to go

Also mine every day for the same reason.

- 13 January 2017, 18:12

Every 4 hours is mine.

- January 13, 2017 at 6:15 pm

Every 4 hours is mine.

Is it a joke?

- January 13, 2017 at 6:15 pm

My as soon as I dry my hair after washing

- January 13, 2017, 18:19

Not at all mine. After this chemistry head itches.

- January 13, 2017 at 6:20 pm

I wash my head every other day after work. hair thick, curly and voluminous.

- January 13, 2017 at 6:25 pm

my - 3-4, like two times, can not even imagine

- January 13, 2017, 6:34 PM

my - 3-4, like two times, can not even imagine

It all depends on the type of hair.

- 13 January 2017, 18:35

my every day, disgusting with dirty hair in a clean bed to go

. What should be done with the hair so that they become soiled during the day?

- January 13, 2017 at 6:42 pm

I asked the girls exactly those who wash a couple of times a week. and not as who often washes. Let's go on topic. If anyone washes every day, that's your business. but do not write that 2-3 times a week it is dirty hair for others. Not everyone lives in big cities and not everyone drives in public transport. And correctly written that all the hair type is different

- January 13, 2017 at 6:42 pm

What should be done with the hair so that they become soiled during the day?

Everyone has their own concept of pollution, which is pure for you - for someone is dirty. who used to

- 13 January 2017, 6:45 pm

Girls let's on the topic. I asked exactly those who wash a couple of times a week. not who often washes. Correctly written that it all depends on the type of hair. Plus, we need to wean from washing frequently - I have weaned and am very happy about it.

Related topics

- 13 January 2017, 18:48

Three times a week: Tuesday, Friday, Sunday.
Waist hair, soft, thick.
I do not use dry shampoo.

- 13 January 2017, 18:48

Three times a week: Tuesday, Friday, Sunday.
Waist hair, soft, thick.
I do not use dry shampoo.

- January 13, 2017 at 6:53 pm

I wash once a week on Saturday evening. But I have very thick wires, so there are few hair follicles, little sebum is secreted.

- 13 January 2017, 18:58

Soaps for a very long time in the same way (Sunday, Wednesday), then changed the schedule 3 times a week, I want to look more often at work with clean hair laid! And at home you can walk with a tail!

- 13 January 2017, 19:04

Yeah - the topic does not happen deeper)))

- January 13, 2017, 7:07 PM

almost every day, the head is fat

- January 13, 2017, 19:19

Wednesday and Sunday. Hair is thick and the hair structure is hard hair

- January 13, 2017, 19:21

In Moscow, every other day. But in general, on the second day, the hair is sooo not fresh, especially after the subway, and if you wear a hat. If this is a sea-out-of-town production or any city with clean air two or three days I can not wash it.

- 13 January 2017, 19:23

Earlier in the day soap, now accustomed them, my every fourth or fifth day. The hairstyle is always great, as if you just washed your hair, no one ever sees whether your hair is dirty or not. I use perfume for hair too. But I have very docile hair, wavy and volume always is.

- 13 January 2017, 19:28

If it is importantquote = "Guest" message_id = "59019647" Earlier in the day after the soap, now I taught them, my every fourth or fifth day. The hairstyle is always great, as if you just washed your hair, no one ever sees whether your hair is dirty or not. I use perfume for hair too. But I have very docile hair, wavy and volume always is. /
If this is important, I live in the USA, not far from the coast, outside the city, I leave for the city every day, but it is not big either.

- 13 January 2017, 19:33

Girls let's on the topic. I asked exactly those who wash a couple of times a week. not who often washes. Correctly written that it all depends on the type of hair. Plus, we need to wean from washing frequently - I have weaned and am very happy about it.

I wash every 4-5 days, nothing tow does not hang.

- 13 January 2017, 19:41

My head 2 times a week, usually on Sunday and Wednesday I have normal skin, very thick and thick hair, long and wavy. Because of the density and length, I rarely dissolve my hair, weave beautiful braids) I don’t understand why I wash my hair with normal hair every day!

- 13 January 2017, 19:47

My every other day, the view is always fresh, it turns out, for example, on Mon in the morning I washed it, then on Wed in the morning, then Fri in the morning. You can wash less often, but the view will not be that.

- 13 January 2017, 19:58

My day in the morning before work. The first day I walk with loose, and the second day with a tail. Always neat look.

- January 13, 2017 at 8:41 pm

I asked the girls exactly those who wash a couple of times a week. and not as who often washes. Let's go on topic. If anyone washes every day, that's your business. but do not write that 2-3 times a week it is dirty hair for others. Not everyone lives in big cities and not everyone drives in public transport. And correctly written that all the hair type is different

I used to wash it like you did, sometimes I also used dry shampoo, I also take it to the tail after that. Now she began to wash every other day, after all, my hair is dirty. Especially if I leave the square, not the tail.

- January 13, 2017 at 8:50 pm

2 times per week. And the days are different. Saturday and Wednesday. Sunday and Wednesday or Thursday. Hair oily, curly. If they were dry, they would wash it once a week.

- January 13, 2017 at 8:58 pm

I go on Monday with a clean head, everything is still normal on Tuesday, but sometimes in the evening at work already dry shampoo is needed, on Wednesdays it is sometime my washing or it happens that there is enough dry shampoo. It turns out that this is also 2 then 3 times mine. I often make botox and my hair has become less greasy, it used to be stable after a day of soap.

- January 13, 2017 at 8:58 pm

My Wednesday morning and Sunday evening, my hair is thick, hard, square. After washing, rinse with the extract of burdock / nettle / birch buds, gently rubbing into the scalp. I live in the south, CMS. When I am on a business trip in Moscow, my hair every morning, otherwise I feel that my hair is dirty, unpleasant.

- 13 January 2017, 21:04

And what have the transport and place of residence? Sebum is produced regardless of these factors. The head should be washed every day, but every other day, exactly. If I had the money to wash and clean the cabin: I would go every day before work. From normal shampoo scalp nothing

- 13 January 2017, 21:11

quote = "Guest" message_id = "59020670" And what's the transport and place of residence? Sebum is produced regardless of these factors.
But for some reason it matters)) If there were no difference, then they wouldn’t talk about it, right?

- January 13, 2017 at 9:43 pm

Before soap also 2 times a week. The hair is medium length, not too thick. At some point I came to my senses and understood. that for a couple of days I just walked over it because of this, but with my full face it looks awful. Need volume. Besides, I noticed that the smell of hair is stale on the second day. Now my every day, and in a day only if I don’t have time, or you don’t have to go out of the house anywhere.

- January 13, 2017 at 10:50 pm

I would like to wash my hair 2 times a week, but because of the oily skin of my scalp every other day. I have a very large circle of familiar women, and everyone wash their heads, depending on its fat content. And who wants you to kick un, wash for a clean pillow!

- 13 January 2017, 23:22

36, I also thought nothing to do with it, lived in Moscow and washed my hair every other day (I had to do it every day, but it was very lazy) moved to live on the CMS - I can wash every 3 days and it only seems to me that I need to wash, Mom always says - you are taking you and it is not noticeable that they are dirty! And all because here I went out of the house, 10 minutes by car and I'm at work, no minibuses, metroes, crowds to you.

- January 14, 2017 at 3:32

My 2 times a week (I taught for a long time, used to wash it every day), my hair is straight and dense, below the shoulder blades. I wear and loose, and bunches, and braids. To dry shampoos a little cold, I do not know why. I do not use styling

- 14 January 2017, 04:29

I asked the girls exactly those who wash a couple of times a week. and not as who often washes. Let's go on topic. If anyone washes every day, that's your business. but do not write that 2-3 times a week it is dirty hair for others. Not everyone lives in big cities and not everyone drives in public transport. And correctly written that all the hair type is different

if you use dry shampoo, your hair is clearly contaminated more than 2 times a week, why write nonsense about a big city?

- January 14, 2017, 04:34

The author if you wash 2 times a week so that your hair is less greasy so this is a myth. I tried to wash less often for a year in the hope of reducing the fat content, but nothing was better just to walk with a dirty head, and my hair got terribly electrified from dry shampoos. It is necessary to wash as far as pollution is not inventing days of the week

- January 14, 2017 06:25

My daily in the morning, then styling and so on for about 15 years. I can’t walk with a dirty head without styling.

- January 14, 2017, 09:05

. What should be done with the hair so that they become soiled during the day?

There is such a type-for greasy hair. The skin also can be dry there or fat, combined. If, for example, in the evening, I washed my Bosko, then on the next evening my hair will be greasy at the roots. And now walk like chmmoo?

- January 14, 2017, 09:39

My head every 8 days. More often if, then my head itches, I have straight bangs and liquid hair over my shoulders. I only go with loose hair.

- January 14, 2017, 15:05

Girls let's on the topic. I asked exactly those who wash a couple of times a week. not who often washes. Correctly written that it all depends on the type of hair. Plus, we need to wean from washing frequently - I have weaned and am very happy about it.

Yes, and often wash your hands unlearn. And everything else, too - why? Wean gradually. Once a year you will wash - and well. But chemistry is less. And with the laundry too. Togo. tie it up

New on the forum

- January 14, 2017, 16:01

twice a week or even less. hair is dry. length is short. I do not use transport cascade.

- 14 January 2017, 16:52

But I’m lazy, I wash once a month, until the hairs in the koltun are clogged and they don’t begin to itch terribly, I think that I save very well and the natural protection remains

- 16 January 2017, 16:27

The author if you wash 2 times a week so that your hair is less greasy so this is a myth. I tried to wash less often for a year in the hope of reducing the fat content, but nothing was better just to walk with a dirty head, and my hair got terribly electrified from dry shampoos. It is necessary to wash as far as pollution is not inventing days of the week

And on me such method worked. Previously, it was washed every other day, and at the second hair looked awful, even at the end of the first one it was necessary to collect it in the tail. She began to wash less often, her hair became less fat. Now three days you can just hold out.

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